How to win in everything

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 10 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Win in Anything--Grant Cardone
Video: How to Win in Anything--Grant Cardone


Do you want to learn how to defeat any opponent that comes your way? Win anytime, anywhere? Become a real winner who fulfills all important goals? It should be understood that the winners are distinguished by a special mindset and lifestyle. Even if you can't literally win at everything right now, commitment and hard work will help you become a winner in the long run.


Method 1 of 2: Winning Games

  1. 1 Use technique and strategy to stay calm under pressure. Even in games of speed and reaction, such as rapid chess or sports competitions, the winner is usually the player who does not lose his head in the heat of the struggle. Learn to watch your breath as you play and take your time to make better decisions. It is much easier for a relaxed and calm person to evaluate options and make the best choice.
  2. 2 Analyze your opponent's needs and weaknesses. Don't think like "What is my opponent thinking?" Divide the question into smaller, more effective pieces. First, what does your opponent need to win? Second, what would I be worried about if I were my opponent? What are his weaknesses? The answers to these two questions will almost always give you the right strategy for the game:
    • Imagine you are playing tennis with an opponent who has great serve but is weak at the net. He will try to hit hard to keep you away from the net, while you will have to turn everything upside down and force your opponent to move closer to the net in order to defeat him with short and cut punches.
    • In board, card and strategy games, before each move, think about what your opponent needs to do to win. How to prevent him from doing this?
  3. 3 Learn the best strategy games. If you are a chess player, there are hundreds of books with detailed descriptions of moves, analysis of opponents, and successful global strategies. If you play cards, game theorists and mathematicians have developed powerful ways to win any game out there. Detailed calculations are often available online for free. Don't try to learn everything empirically. Explore past player success stories and apply the knowledge to your advantage.
    • In addition to understanding your own strategy, news and tips will help you recognize your opponent's train of thought and strategy during the game so that you can find opposition in a timely manner.
    • It is important even for athletes to keep abreast of various innovations.Take Olympic triple jump champion Christian Taylor as an example. After studying the research and scientific background, he broke the conventional approach and began to use short, fast jumps instead of long, slow movements. After that, he won an Olympic gold medal in 2016.
  4. 4 Pay attention to patterns. They can relate to the game itself or the actions of your opponent. People find it difficult to act unpredictably and often they use repetitive methods over and over again, especially if they bring results. Learn to notice general trends and patterns of the game in order to win.
    • If opponents consistently carry out successful attacks on the left flank, then there is no need to stick to the chosen strategy. Find a way to close the gap on the left side of the field.
    • In the game Rock, Scissors, Paper, most men throw the rock first, women throw paper. Try to always start with paper and you will surely win or earn a draw. Further, during the game, pay attention to similar patterns in the actions of your opponent in order to predict his actions.
  5. 5 Be unpredictable. If you analyze the patterns in the actions of the enemy, he probably does the same. Whenever possible, try to add an element of randomness to the order of your actions and change the sequence of moves to catch your opponent by surprise and gain an advantage. Voluntary action is not permissible in every game, but changing tactics helps to confuse the opponent and get ahead.
    • For example, in football, it is important to shoot at goal from different distances, and not just at close range. Make your opponent run and defend both inside and on the outskirts of the penalty area.
    • Observe the natural world to learn unpredictability. For example, take a tennis pitch. Instead of serving one way or cycling, look at your watch. Does the second hand show from 0 to 30? Serve to the right. For a value between 31 and 60, move to the left.
  6. 6 Learn the rules inside and out. You cannot win if you constantly play dirty or break the rules. In addition, such knowledge will help you spot cheating on the part of the opponent and accurately navigate the available strategies. Study the rules inside and out before playing or competing for an instant edge.
  7. 7 Practice small skills separately to increase your overall level. For example, consider a game of poker. You can train through multiple games, but great players know that to be successful you need to focus on each aspect individually. They think about when to wait, when to show their cards or bluff, and how to calculate the odds on the move. Master individual skills to increase your chances of overall victory.
    • For many games like chess, you can find "practice problems" on the Internet. These are game scenarios in which you need to quickly find a solution.
    • In sports, training is essential. It is not enough just mindlessly repeating all the movements over and over again. Think about how to put specific skills into practice and achieve success in the game.
    • For complex tasks like video games, you need to compete with the computer or with yourself to acquire the necessary skills.
  8. 8 Communicate regularly and effectively with your teammates. Well-established team communication ensures the most effective interaction. It is necessary to constantly discuss every move of the opponent, communicate your position, the need for help or support, the chances of success for a specific strategy. Do not assume that you can do better alone and do not remain silent in the hope of acting "undercover." The best teams always communicate.
    • Communicate any useful ideas or observations to your partners.
    • Discuss actions during the game: "I am the first on the ball", "Back me up", "Opponent is behind you."
  9. 9 Use mind games. Many have seen a photo from the Tour de France in which the leader of the peloton, Lance Armstrong, gazes at an approaching opponent after climbing an incredibly high mountainous section. Despite being tired, Armstrong's face quickly changes and looks at the exhausted opponent with a satisfied smile. The cyclist is demoralized by the mere thought that Lance is not tired at all, thanks to which Armstrong wins an easy victory. This trick can be used in any game to gain a psychological advantage. Try to appear calm and collected as opposed to the agony of your opponent.
    • Your face must remain impenetrable in any game. Show only those emotions that will help you defeat your opponent.
    • If for any reason you decide to bluff, then don't admit it even if you succeed. That is why you should never reveal your plans in card games unless you are cornered. The opponent must remain in the dark.

Method 2 of 2: Winning in Life

  1. 1 Determine what it means to win in life. What kind of life do you consider successful? What will you be doing in 3-4 years? If you find it difficult to answer these questions, start small. Do you live in the city or in the countryside? Do you want to work from home or save the world through charity? Perhaps you want to find time for something you love. No matter how you imagine success, you need to see the finish line in order to competently plan your path to the goal.
    • A worthy goal is not easy to achieve. Don't let difficulties and remoteness in time discourage you from moving towards your goal.
  2. 2 Do your preparatory work. Winners know that long and hard work comes before success. “Proper preparation helps you avoid bad results,” so take the time to analyze and answer the following questions:
    • "What is most likely to go wrong?"
    • "How to prevent problems or complications in advance?"
    • "What tools and materials are needed for success?"
    • "What are the current actions that will help me ensure my future success?"
  3. 3 Always keep learning and improving, especially in the things that are fun. Winners do not "know everything in the world" at all. Quite the opposite: the winners recognize that knowledge is a power that is never enough. Read magazine articles on topics of interest to you every day, acquire new skills, attend lectures and master classes. Even when focusing on one area of ​​activity, inspiration can come from everywhere. In any business, impartiality will be your best weapon.
    • Become a sponge and absorb all available information.
    • Set ambitious goals for yourself to learn and improve. A difficult or longer journey almost always brings additional experience and knowledge.
  4. 4 Move towards your goal step by step every day and do not try to run a long distance in a short period of time. The same principle applies as in exam preparation: a little every day or cramming on the last night. Both methods can be effective, but facts learned in a hurry are quickly forgotten. You will be more successful as you work on a task every day, pick up speed, and acquire actionable psychological skills that will improve your future performance.
    • At the same time, you should also not strongly scold yourself for one missed day, because this is not the end of the world. The point is to constantly and regularly move towards the goal. Get back to work the next day.
  5. 5 Pause and review your goals regularly to make the necessary adjustments. If you want to be a winner, then you don't have to choose a course and blindly follow the route. Constantly assess your surroundings and change direction if a better option appears. Each situation is different, but a productive analysis is easy - just take 5-10 minutes and calmly ponder these questions:
    • "What is the current problem?"
    • "How effective was my last decision?"
    • "What has changed since planning?"
    • "What is the best result that is real at the moment?"
  6. 6 Study the habits of the best minds in the industry. For example, if you want to succeed in finance, then pay attention to Warren Buffett, Elon Musk and other titans of the wealthy world. If you want to become a musician, then find out how your idols have rehearsed and developed in order to apply the appropriate aspects in their lives. Don't try to imitate the life of a winner, but look at the root of the habits that lead to success:
    • Undoubtedly, constant practice is the hallmark of all winners. The best of the best spent thousands of hours perfecting their skills before they achieved success, whether it was the Beatles with hours of concerts in Germany or Bill Gates, who locked himself in a room and worked hard on the first computers.
    • A good workout is worth a lot of effort. It is known that Lance Armstrong brought the bike to the Alps in winter to prepare for climbing the mountains, which were to be conquered in the Tour de France summer race.
  7. 7 View failures as challenges, not obstacles. For winners, failures are never the end of the road; they are perceived as a barrier to be overcome. Not a single successful person in the world has been spared by failure, but the path to the stars is always thorny. Begin to see failure as a challenge to make you better and stronger so that you can be on the winning path in everything.
    • Difficulties force us to learn and adapt as we go. Flexibility and open-mindedness will help you cope with any difficulties that come your way.
  8. 8 Prioritize wisely. For example, everyone has a friend who wants to write a great book, but he "never has time." The problem is not that he cannot find the time. He just doesn't is giving time for yourself. You are the only one who sets your own schedule, so make it a habit to prioritize the aspects that are most important to you in order to make sure to bring them to life. Nobody else will do this except you.
    • Set aside the same amount of time each day to achieve your projects and goals. It will become much easier to stick to your schedule over time.
    • Victory always requires sacrifice. For the sake of working on the work of a lifetime, you have to sacrifice less significant hobbies and hobbies.
  9. 9 Winner's mindset. A person must be psychologically and mentally prepared for success. You should believe in yourself and maintain a positive attitude. If you believe in the possibility of becoming a winner, then your success will surpass that of most people. Conversely, if you think of yourself as a failure with no chance of success, you will lose the motivation you need to win.
    • Remind yourself that you not only desire but deserve to win. Ambition and hope will provide the right motivation even in difficult times.


  • Keep faith in yourself, as this is the most important component of success.
  • Always do your best and then victories will not keep you waiting.
  • You cannot fail if you do your best and spare no effort. This is the path of the winners.
  • In case of defeat, behave with dignity.
  • Strive to accept constructive criticism and learn from your mistakes.

If you meet a villain, then bypass him and do not let him influence your affairs. But if you run into rascals all day long, then it is very likely that you yourself are a rascal. Do not be afraid to make a mistake, because admitting your own wrong, you get the opportunity to change.

  • Keep faith in yourself even if no one believes in your success. You will be surprised at what a person can achieve who does not lose faith in himself.


  • Never spare your opponents.
  • Never cheat, even if you can get away with it. Victory by deception is not a victory.