How to survive a pedestrian in an accident

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
It’s Interesting To hit a pedestrian! A selection of accidents with pedestrians
Video: It’s Interesting To hit a pedestrian! A selection of accidents with pedestrians


1 Strive to protect your head. Bone fractures and bleeding can be very serious, but head injuries are truly life-threatening. Taking early action to prevent serious head injuries can help keep you alive.
  • Immediately cover your head with your hands so that your forehead is covered between your elbows and your palms are covering the back of your head.
  • Try to group your body so that the main blow does not land in the head area. Also, try to avoid getting your head caught in the car's wheels.
  • 2 Try to keep the main impact on the windshield of the car. All new cars (since 1970) use a safety windshield that does not shatter if damaged. In this regard, it can act as a "pillow", absorbing the energy of the impact on itself, while it breaks, and you are left without serious damage.
    • As you hit the glass, try to curl up into a ball by pinching your head between your elbows.
  • 3 Try to hit the hood in a collision. While flipping through a car can be very dangerous and cause many injuries, it is still better than running over you.
    • Jump a little when hitting a car.
    • If the car is moving at a low speed, you can try to fall on the hood and, flying over the roof, find yourself on the trunk. This is the best scenario you can expect. However, you should understand that in the case of large cars (minivan, SUV), it is much more difficult to count on such a result.
  • Part 2 of 2: Avoiding Accidents

    Follow these guidelines to reduce the likelihood of getting into an accident.

    1. 1 Use footpaths to get around. Sidewalks and pedestrian crossings are designed for the safe movement of pedestrians on the street, so use them for your movement.
      • In the event that you cannot use the sidewalk (for example, if it is absent or is being repaired), always move along the edge of the carriageway towards the moving traffic. That is, if you see that cars are parked on the right side of the road, you need to walk on the opposite (left) side.
    2. 2 Watch out for traffic. When crossing the street, even at the green light of the traffic light, first look to the left and then to the right.
      • Always be on the alert, because even if you are driving according to all traffic rules, this does not completely exclude the risk of being hit by a car. People who fall asleep or drivers with disabilities may not notice you on the sidewalk or when switching to permissive traffic lights. Pay attention to suspicious moving vehicles and if they are detected, immediately leave the roadway.
      • Be carefull. Your eyes and attention must constantly monitor your surroundings.If you are crossing a busy road, for your safety, you should turn your attention to the road and put off your phone call or listening to music.
    3. 3 Make yourself visible to drivers. Make sure that motorists can see you on the road ahead of time to avoid the possibility of an accident. Here is a list of instructions you can follow:
      • Wear brightly colored clothing. If you travel in the evening, wear reflective stripes (if not available, you can place them on your backpack yourself) or carry a flashlight with you.
      • Avoid your presence in the so-called "blind" zone. If you cannot see the reflection of the driver's face in his side or rear view mirror, you are in a blind spot. Be careful, as the driver may not even know that you are around.
      • Make eye-to-eye contact with the driver. If you are about to cross in front of a vehicle that is stopped or stopped, make eye-to-eye contact with the driver. This will mean that each of you saw each other.
    4. 4 Do not cross the road if in doubt. If you suspect that the driver did not notice you or you do not have time to complete the crossing of the carriageway in time, wait. The movement of cars is carried out cyclically, so it is better to wait a minute or two. By spending a couple of minutes waiting, you will warn yourself against a potentially risky transition.
      • Come up with an alternative route. If you are afraid to cross the road in one place, walk a couple of houses and cross the street at another crossing. It is better to spend a little more time than to put yourself in danger.


    • Take a break from listening to music on your iPod or MP3 player while crossing the road. Hearing someone's signal or shouting can save your life. All you need to do at this moment is to remain alert.
    • Always call the police, even if you are slightly injured. An accident report is a necessary document to confirm the occurrence of an insured event and receive compensation for medical care or other damage. You need to take photographs of your injuries, and if not only you but also your bike, skate, scooter and so on were injured in the accident, they also need to be photographed to be involved in the case. Any such proof of harm to you must be filed.
    • Look both ways before crossing the road.
    • Relax your legs.
    • Obey the rules of the road and use any precautions on the road: traffic islands on the dividing lane, traffic lights, signs and signals that warn you to stay on the sidewalk, and so on.
    • If you are knocked down, stay still so as not to injure your spine and ask passers-by to call an ambulance. Even if you do not feel pain, wait for medical attention.
    • Look around twice before crossing the road.
    • Be proactive. If you have repeatedly noticed that in certain places the pedestrian crossing does not meet safety requirements (markings are erased, signs are missing, and so on), report this to the police, road service or city council!


    • When discussing the circumstances of the accident with the police, there is no need to try to prove someone's fault or mistake. The cause and facts of an accident must be clarified during the investigation, therefore it is very important to remain calm and common sense. By any means, try to record the consequences of an accident, as this will be the basis for calculating the amount of compensation for harm caused to you, especially in court or an investigator.
    • Don't think that you can survive an accident as easily as it happens in a movie.Even though statistics show fewer pedestrian fatalities, you should still take every precaution when crossing a road. Although the design of the vehicle has changed in the direction of increasing safety for pedestrians, it still cannot eliminate the danger in a collision at high speed.
    • In most cases, it is completely impractical to cross the carriageway on a pedestrian crossing on a bicycle, scooter, skateboard, and so on. It is better to get off them and go along the passage holding or carrying them in your hands. It is very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to cross the walkway with a stroller, but if you do decide, think about how you will do it if a large crowd of people is going to meet you. It is likely that traffic will stop completely or you will have to make a small detour to avoid traffic jams.