How to wait until sex

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
When to Have Sex with Him (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)
Video: When to Have Sex with Him (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)


It can be difficult to wait for sex sometimes, however, in order for your partner to feel comfortable around you, you must do it. Here are a few steps to try.


  1. 1 Do not hurry. Take a deep breath and understand that you don't have to pressure your partner and that there are many pleasant things to do until the moment comes.
    • Be patient and tolerant.
  2. 2 Talk about it. It will be easier when you know what each of you is waiting for. So talk about it carefully, trying to find out what your partner is thinking, so you won't feel as if you are waiting for something that may not come.
    • Try to take your partner's opinion and accept it. It is worth it if you really care about your partner.
  3. 3 Find what you love to do together and do it instead of sex. If you find out what you can do together, do it. Whether it's watching a lot of movies, or walking down the street or having dinner, you should spend some time doing it. This way, you start sharing with each other, which is very important for a couple before sex.
    • Remember that making a bond is a big step before sex.
  4. 4 Take some time to talk about each other. Talking is very important to a relationship, and you will feel like there is more to you than a simple physical attraction.
    • Always ask about your partner's life, goals, likes and dislikes. This way he / she will feel that you really care.
    • Share as much as you can to create a strong bond.
  5. 5 Try something exciting. Do something your partner finds unexpected, such as planning a great day, doing things that you both love and have never done before.
    • You can skydive, organize a hike, or something similar.
    • Or you can plan an enjoyable evening if you like. Something exciting and fun.
    • Try to be creative so you can spend more time together.
  6. 6 Find out what your partner loves to do the most and do it together. It will be great if you devote some time to an activity that your partner loves, even if you don’t enjoy doing it. This will show your significant other that you are making an effort to develop your relationship.
    • You can ask about things he / she would like to do or share with you and do so.
  7. 7 Be empathetic and polite. Never push your partner. He / she will let you know when he / she is ready, and it will be great, because you will know that it happened, not because you pressed.
  8. 8 Tell your partner what you like. If you want to go to a beautiful place or do something exciting, do it with your couple so he / she gets to know you a little better and has more to do together.
  9. 9 Remember to take time for yourself. Just because you are working on your relationship and want to take it to the next level properly does not mean that you should always be together. Doing so can get boring, so be careful.
    • It is very important that you make time for yourself. So go out with your friends, have some fun, and let your partner do the same for a healthy relationship.