How to stop worrying about being back to school on Monday

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 14 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Advice for Back to School Anxiety
Video: 5 Advice for Back to School Anxiety


Having to go to school again every week can be stressful, especially if you don't get along well with classmates or have a test scheduled for Monday. Our article will help you relax and not shake Sunday night. You need to be well prepared to be confident in your success, and you need to change your mindset to see the coming week in a positive light.


Part 1 of 2: Always Be Prepared to Reduce Anxiety

  1. 1 Prepare well in advance and thoroughly. Much of the stress of school comes from your willingness to show up for class on time and take whatever you need to. You have an entire Sunday evening to pack up and not worry about anything. These steps will help you relax and get a good night's sleep before Monday.
    • Check the contents of your backpack and make sure to complete all your homework.
    • Prepare a nutritious meal that you can quickly pick up from the refrigerator in the morning.
    • Set an alarm and check the battery charge. This will make sure you are not late.
    • Choose your clothes for tomorrow so you don't make a decision in the morning.
  2. 2 Speak out. If you have the opportunity to talk to friends on the phone or at home with family, then tell them about your experience. Even if you don't have specific reasons for worrying, you can always vent your anxiety through conversation. Share your feelings with a trusted person and feel relieved at the very thought that you are surrounded by people who love you and are ready to listen.
  3. 3 Learn to relax. This seems like a simple task, but in the real world we do not often manage to relax in conventional ways - in front of the TV or at the computer. Try relaxation techniques that will be your lifesaver before any busy Monday. Techniques such as deep breathing, tai chi, and yoga can help you relax your body and mind.
    • For example, deep breathing relaxes important nerves in the brain that can send messages to the entire body to calm down and relax.
  4. 4 Take a bath. A relaxing bath is a great way to calm down and ease the nervous anticipation of tomorrow. Bath salts and essential oils (lavender, chamomile or jasmine scent) will enhance the soothing effect. Let go of your worries about school and enjoy the healing warmth.
    • If you don't get out of your mind, then in the bathtub you can remind yourself why school is not such a bad place.
  5. 5 A healthy night's sleep. Insufficient, as well as too long sleep, will result in weakness and irritation the next day. Try to get regular 8-9 hours of sleep each night, leaving an extra hour before bed to relieve anxiety. If you find it difficult to fall asleep, then do not give up and do not sit at the computer.You need time to fall asleep, and try to breathe deeply and regularly.
  6. 6 Nutritious breakfast. A good breakfast will improve your alertness, alertness, and alertness. Regardless of your worries, a full breakfast (fruits, proteins, dairy, and whole grains) will give you the strength to cope with any difficulties in school. It will start your metabolism and help you choose the right next meals. A nutritious breakfast can also boost your self-confidence.
  7. 7 Maintain and check your to-do list. Do not come to school unprepared and do not be surprised at what they ask you. If you always come up with homework unfinished, then school will always be a terrible place. Keep a list of things to do the next day. This way you can rest easy on Sunday evening, as you won't worry about accidentally forgetting to do something.
    • Buy a planner or calendar. So you can immediately mark important dates - days of tests, exams, as well as deadlines for various assignments.
    • Among other things, a to-do list will help you know how much time you can devote to non-school activities. It will be easier for you to decide what time to do your homework and when to do other things. If next week there are many different jobs to be submitted, then all other tasks will have to be postponed for now.
  8. 8 Preparation for exams. If you are anxiously waiting for Monday because of an upcoming test or exam, then learn to contain your anxiety. The following tips will help you feel confident as you review the material you have covered.
    • Ask the teacher in advance what tasks will be on the test, so that she does not catch you by surprise. In such situations, the brain blocks everything that we have memorized.
    • Remember that the work can be done in any order, depending on what information is remembered first. Don't force yourself to do everything in order.
    • Finish your preparations on Saturday and skim through the entire material for 10 minutes on Sunday or Monday morning. You do not need to cram information in order to move away from the material a little. Surprisingly, it helps you better prepare for your exams.
  9. 9 Talk to teachers. If you are afraid to go to school because your lessons are difficult for you or you are behind on a topic, talk to the teachers. It is better to ask for help as early as possible, since in the lesson everyone moves only forward through the program. This will make it easier for you to catch up. Everyone has problems on different subjects, so feel free to ask for help.
    • Make it easy for the teacher and listen carefully during lessons. It is not always easy, but attentiveness and timely completion of assignments will make the study fun and exciting.
  10. 10 Notice the symptoms of deep anxiety. Sometimes anxiety is not easy to control, which may mean that you need outside help. If you have any of the following symptoms, talk to your parents and consider factors such as a new school or new school year. These changes are often associated with heightened feelings of anxiety and the following symptoms:
    • Refusal to leave home
    • Physical symptoms - headache, abdominal pain, nausea, or diarrhea
    • Outbursts of anger and irritation
    • Anxiety at the thought that you will be far from your parents

Part 2 of 2: Change Your Attitude to Build Your Confidence

  1. 1 Make peace with the school. Even if it is difficult, you have to admit - the school is not going anywhere at the moment. The downside is that you have to graduate from school, and this condition can look like a terrible punishment. But there is also a plus - after a while you will graduate from school and then you will be able to understand that as a result it brought a lot of benefits.
    • If you think this is a terrible place and you don't want to go to school, then remind yourself that there are pleasant times in school.
    • For example, think of the following: “It's not that bad, because I’ll see all my friends at school!”
    • You can take school as a challenge. Your worries do not arise from scratch, because studying at school is indeed a difficult task. Admit this fact to gather all your will into a fist and go back to school.
  2. 2 List the positive qualities. You should write down all of your positive traits to build your confidence and make sure you are able to succeed. Write down all of your qualities and traits that you like - it could be your eyes or your sense of humor. Also complete the list with your school successes. It is possible that you are well versed in biology or write dictations without mistakes. Then list all your accomplishments and talents, good deeds, and compliments that are important to you.
    • Always carry this list with you. If you start to worry for no apparent reason, just re-read the list and remember that you have all the ingredients for success.
  3. 3 Prepare to meet with your classmates. Surely there are people at school with whom you like to communicate, as well as those whom you dislike. If you feel uncomfortable around schoolmates, then consider a strategy of behavior. For example, if you are a shy and quiet person, then prepare to be silent and around people who tire you. If you are an outgoing person, then stick close to your friends and block out those you cannot stand.
    • It is important not to push yourself to the boiling point when, out of frustration or anger, you are about to enter into a verbal fight or fight.
    • Being nice and polite is a great strategy. A good and relaxing day at school is more important, even if a certain person does not deserve to be polite.
    • If a student or group of students forces you to fear for your own safety or your reputation, then you may become a victim of bullying. In such a situation, it is necessary to contact a teacher, psychologist or director.
  4. 4 Create morning notes for yourself. Just a few words of encouragement will be great support for you. Write yourself a funny note in the morning that will make you smile and remind you not to worry. It is important that the note carries a positive charge and does not contain messages. do not worry.
    • It is best to keep the note very personal. Write a funny joke that only you can understand, or remember a recent funny episode.
    • Write new notes regularly.
  5. 5 Sign up for interesting extracurricular activities. Pleasant cares can turn the school into a more interesting and fun place. If you enjoy drawing or singing, and you do it outside of school, then sign up for a class or club to tie together school and a pleasant time. Don't worry about tests, abstracts and essays. Focus on your drama class or art class.
  6. 6 Set goals for yourself at school. Think about the future and set goals for yourself at school. It may seem like life after school doesn’t exist, but knowing which university you want to go to will make it easier for you to stay motivated in class. This approach will fill your Sundays with a sense of purpose and perhaps even a pleasant anticipation. Remember that goals must be reasonable and achievable. It is important to aim high, but not overestimate your capabilities.
    • For example, if you have good grades in algebra, then challenge yourself to get an A in a quarter.
    • Use intermediate goals to periodically reward your accomplishments. After each successfully completed task or test, you can reward yourself for taking a step towards your main goal.

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