How to wean your child from video games

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
This Is Your Child’s Brain on Videogames | WSJ
Video: This Is Your Child’s Brain on Videogames | WSJ


Computer games take up a lot of time that children could use more productively. In addition, in this regard, the mobility and vigorous activity of children decreases, which leads to a deterioration in health. Take some time to wean your kids away from computer games, instilling in them a love of much more fun and interesting activities.


  1. 1 First you need to determine the time that you think the child can devote to computer games. Calculate how much time your child can play per day and per week. Some parents limit computer games to one hour a day, while others completely forbid their children to play during the week, but set aside hours on weekends. Many healthcare professionals recommend that children spend no more than 2 hours a day in front of a computer. Take this into account when deciding how much time your child can spend on computer games.
  2. 2 Estimate how much time your child spends on computer games per day and compare this with the time that you decided to allocate to him. This will help to develop an appropriate program for limiting the time for computer games. For example, if now a child plays for 4 hours a day, and you allocated him only 1 hour, at first it will be incredibly difficult for him to get rid of this habit.
  3. 3 Try to find alternative activities for your child that will help the child develop as a person and demonstrate their abilities. Most likely, he will support your idea if you invite him to participate in the choice of activities. Maybe he will find something for which he already has an interest and ability.
  4. 4 Give your child a 30-60 minute rest break after school. This will allow him to relax a little and release the energy that may have accumulated during the school day. It is better to spend this time for some exciting activity (but not for a computer game!)
  5. 5 Make sure your child has completed their homework and household chores before starting the computer. Only after everything is ready can the child be allowed to play.
  6. 6 Set up a gaming system in your living room so you can monitor your child as they play. This will make it easier for both you and your child. The child will get too much freedom if he plays in his room without adult supervision. This is especially true for young children, who will not be able to overcome the temptation to not follow the rules.
  7. 7 Try to find an activity that your child can do with you.
    • Try to pique his interest by asking him to help you prepare dinner.
    • Go for a walk or bike ride together.
    • Play a board game or cards together.
    • Try to assemble jigsaw puzzles or solve a crossword puzzle together.
  8. 8 Praise your child for participating in various outdoor games and activities with other children. The most common activities for children are recreation and sports, swimming, children's games. All this will help distract your child from the habit of playing computer games.
  9. 9 Check out the list of symptoms of gambling addiction in children. Some children are so addicted to computer games that they become really addicted to them. This can lead them to abandon real life, family and friends. It is important for parents to see and recognize the signs and symptoms of gambling addiction in time in order to seek help in time and save their child.
    • Make sure that in your absence the child does not play computer games secretly from you.
  10. 10 Watch your child as they play and engage in other activities. If it seems to you that the child is not at all interested in what he is doing, you can find some alternatives. It is important not to jump to conclusions. As a rule, children are very quickly distracted and quickly forget about what they were doing a few minutes ago.
    • The most common symptom of gambling addiction is a loss of interest in an occupation that used to be very addicting.
    • Assess your child's behavior and condition when they run out of play time. Try to understand if he is hostile, irritable, or moody.
  11. 11 If you notice any unpleasant symptoms of gambling addiction, contact your healthcare professional.
  12. 12 If the child refuses to stop playing at the appointed time, take appropriate action. For example, turn off your computer and move it temporarily out of the room.
    • Let your child know that he will lose his play time if he behaves inappropriately.
    • Do not put the computer back in the room until the specified time. If your child continues to ignore the play times you have set for them, set a play ban for a few days.
  13. 13 If a child complains that his achievements in the game will not be saved if he leaves right away, help him with this question. Many young children are unable to navigate the functions of the game, so they may need help. If the child has saved the game before leaving and does not feel that all previous efforts in the game were in vain, it will be easier for him to finish playing on time.


  • Do not prohibit computer games completely if the child leaves the game at the set time. There are pluses to play: some researchers believe they help children develop good hand-eye coordination. Gamers often play in teams and perform tasks together. Games also reduce stress, nightmares. But some researchers argue that playing computer games makes children sharper.
  • Understand that it takes your child some time to get used to the new play schedule. Children who are accustomed to playing all day long will not be able to immediately react normally to the fact that now they are limited in this. Stick to the rules and offer your support if your child complains about something.
  • Don't buy violent computer games like Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto for your kids.


  • Be fair to your child. Never answer his questions with the phrase "because I said so." It is necessary to give the child all the arguments, this is especially important for older children.
  • Don't punish your child for no reason. Because of this, children may withdraw into themselves and not understand why they are being punished.
  • Make sure your child is interested in the activities and games you offer as alternatives. Otherwise, your child will hate you for years to come.