How to grow loose dreadlocks or twist and pinch

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Best way to maintain your dreadlocks with pinch rolling
Video: Best way to maintain your dreadlocks with pinch rolling


Anyone can grow dreadlocks without using wax or gel. Hair texture doesn't matter. All they need is clean, grown hair and patience. Loose dreadlocks are lightweight and will last you a lifetime. If you want yours to last you years or the rest of your life, then read on How to grow your own.


  1. 1 The first step to growing your own free-form / unkempt dreadlocks is to stop brushing your hair, shaping your hair or combing it with your fingers. When you do this, knots form over time, this is how dreadlocks grow. When you stop brushing your hair, your hair starts to separate into strands on its own. It only takes a couple of weeks.
  2. 2 Clean hair turns into dreadlocks faster. Wash your hair 2-3 times a week for the first few months. After one year, you only need to wash them once a week. Use a dread shampoo or soap. Regular shampoos will thin or condense hair, causing knots to detangle
  3. 3 The strands should vary in size. If they are larger than one inch (2.5 cm), it is best to divide them into 2 or 3 pieces. Anything larger than one inch (2.5 cm) is called congos / thick dreadlocks. The area where the hair meets the scalp will be the thickness of your mature dreadlocks, and this is where you compare the size.
  4. 4 Separate any strands that are trying to connect to each other. To do this, hold both strands and slowly pull them apart from each other towards the scalp. Leave a small tape on the right side of the scalp to protect the scalp from the sun.
  5. 5 Your hair will shrink as the dreadlocks mature, getting thicker where the section meets the scalp. The longer the hair, the more shrinkage. Don't worry, after 3 years you will have your own length again.
  6. 6 Freeform dreadlocks can take one to two years to mature, depending on the length of hair you start with. Longer hair takes time to mature. Why is this happening? In order for dreadlocks to freeze, they must contract and contract, and during contracting and contracting, they form loops and zigzags. This process takes patience for many days, but the end result will be the healthiest dreadlocks you could possibly have that will last you a lifetime.
  7. 7 Do you want to make dreadlocks using the twist and pin method? This is explained below. This is the second best way to use free-form dreadlocks that do little or no damage to your hair when done correctly.
  8. 8 First, let your hair part naturally for a few weeks, let your hair tell you where it wants to be and what it wants to weave with. During this time, you calmly keep your hair clean, wash it 2-3 times a week with regular shampoo. Now go back and read step # 3 ... then go to step # 9.
  9. 9 The next step takes time, and your hands may even get sore, so if you have a friend to help you, it's for the best. If you don't have a buddy, grab a large mirror, sit on the floor in front of the TV, and do as many sections as you can before your hands get tired. If necessary, you can do them over a few days, take your time if you do them on your own.
  10. 10 Start twisting and securing one strand at a time. You can use a hair clip or something to keep other strands out of the way while you work. Start at the top of your head, so when you've finished a strand, secure it, set it aside and start the next one.
  11. 11 Take a strand and divide into small strands, this is the part that you will twist. You should roll your dreadlocks close to the head area, about an inch from it (2.5 cm).So grab a few strands of hair and twist them, do it again with a few more strands of hair, twist, do it over and over.
  12. 12 Now, after you have done 3 or 4 twists, divide them in half and twist them, move from one side to the other side. Don't always aim to split them exactly in half, grab random strands every time you twist.
  13. 13Repeat step 11
  14. 14Repeat step 12
  15. 15 Repeat steps 11 and 12 along the entire length of the section you made. When working with this strand, you do not have to make it look like a braid, so you will do this: twist, twist, twist, twist, twist, twist, twist, twist, etc. Do 3-4 twists for each twist. Don't make them tight and don't make them straight to the scalp
  16. 16 When you've finished the entire length of your strand, you can temporarily secure it with a black elastic band. Never use an elastic band, as it pulls hair out and thus dissolves in your hair, leaving behind sticky mucus.
  17. 17 Black elastic bands should only be on the lower ends of the strand of this braid, never fasten the hair near the roots, as this can weaken your hair in these places, breaking it off as the dreadlocks grow and get heavier. If you want to preserve them for many years or a lifetime, I emphasize again, do not cling to the rubber bands at the roots.
  18. 18 Repeat the process all over your head, then pat yourself on the back and have your partner massage your shoulders. You deserve it, especially if your hair is long.
  19. 19 From here begins maturation of the dreadlocks, which are in the stage of contraction and twisting, again to become thicker, in the place where the strand meets the scalp. To achieve this, remove the rubber bands, otherwise the hair will not be able to move. Don't leave them for more than a week, you can take them off right away, which is better, or even take them off before the first wash
  20. 20 Wash your hair after 2 or 3 days and do it every 2 or 3 days using a dreadlock shampoo. Knowing your water type is important because many shampoos and soaps for dreadlocks do not work well in hard water and will slowly drain down your dreadlocks. If you have mild water, you can use just about any dread shampoo or soap you can find on the market.
  21. 21 The twist and fasten method is just the beginning. Some hairs will gradually weaken and some may even fall out. It has to happen. They must loosen in order to twist into loops and knots. Do not rewind the ones that fell out, this will only slow down your path. Let them do what they want to do at this point.
  22. 22 You will need to separate the strands that intertwine with each other, otherwise you will have Congo-style dreadlocks. Read step # 4. The area where your hair is twisted the most is where you sleep. It forms what are called litters, so make sure you separate them. If there is a need to do this daily, then do it daily. Most areas will only need to be divided once a week, for some only once every two weeks.
  23. 23 This method will take 1-2 years to mature, it depends on the length of the hair. It seems like a long time, but it will give you healthy dreadlocks that will last you a lifetime or many years.
  24. 24 Do not be discouraged if you get curls after about 3 months, this is what happens with this type of dreadlocks, it will go away in 3 weeks. Shrinking as they mature, they will take on many crazy shapes and look messy at times. Embrace their savagery, it's just part of the process. On the worst days, tie them up with an elastic band when you go out in public. Not looking in the mirror during messy days helps if you need to look into it, don't focus on your hair, just don't look at it.
  25. 25 Freehand dreadlocks and dreadlocks made by the twist and fasten method will teach you a lot while they are in their maturation stage. Your soul will change, you will learn all about patience, and you will become less conceited. It will really turn you into a better person.


  • Don't wear tight hats while your dreadlocks are ripe. They must move freely. If you are wearing a hat, make sure they are comfortable and loose. Woolen, hemp or cotton fabrics are the best. Hats made from yarn will leave little balls in your dreadlocks.
  • Make sure your dreadlocks are dry before going to bed otherwise mold may develop, so don't wear hats over wet dreadlocks.
  • Don't worry about loose hair at the roots. They can be up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) loose at the beginning and about one inch (2.5 cm) loose at the end of ripening. They should be so that the dreadlocks move freely and do not stress the scalp. They want to dance in the wind, swim in the water and the free space at the roots will allow them to do so.
  • Don't overwind, let your dreadlocks do what they want.
  • Blow-drying can damage dreadlocks. It's always best to let them air dry, so it's best to sit in the sun. If you must use a hair dryer, only use it cool and move it constantly.
  • You can use the beads right now if you want, especially on the ends. At first, your hair will be fine at the ends, stiff for putting on beads. Here's an easy way: take a piece of dental floss, fold it in half and pass it through the bead, loop it, loop the end of the dreadlock through the loop, and thread it through the bead. Hurray, now you have this on your dreadlocks.
  • Do not wear the rubber bands at the roots, only at the bottom, and remove them as soon as possible.
  • Never use crochet hooks on your dreadlocks to "tidy them up", this will only weaken the dreadlocks due to hair breakage that the crochet hook does. Your dreadlocks will not have strength if they are not full strands in length, they can eventually break. If you leave your dreadlocks alone, they will become neat and tidy on their own ... be patient ...
  • Never ever use wax or gel in your dreadlocks, they never ripen with this bullshit in them, they need to move in order to ripen. Wax retains water and causes mold and odors.
  • Your dreadlocks will take 1 to 2 years to mature, depending on the length of your original hair, so if you feel they set in 3 months, if they are tough and tight, then it is probably your shampoo residue. To remove buildup, use a Anti-Residue Removal Shampoo that can dry out your scalp, so just try to wash your dreadlocks with it, not your scalp. This can only be done 3 or 4 times a year, so just get the smallest bottle you can find. They are sold at most pharmacies. Rinse your hair well. When you think you've washed everything, fill up the tub and let your dreadlocks float for a while so that the leftovers are well washed.
  • Leave your hair / dreadlocks as free as possible while they are in the maturing stage. If you must knit them, don't do it tightly. Be creative, you can use colorful shoe laces to keep your dreadlocks in place. You can use one of the black string pendant necklaces at the end, just wrap around your hair, pull the pendant all the way through, and tighten, but not too tight. Again, the black lace texture will keep the dreadlocks in place so you don't have to pull them too tight.
  • Dreadlocks love fiber, they literally absorb fiber, especially fiber from towels. Pamper yourself and get one good quality just for your dreadlocks, let it match the color of your dreadlocks, so if any fiber comes off, it will not be noticeable.Another good thing for drying is purchasing microfiber towels like Shamwows, they absorb water well. Directly after washing with a microfiber towel, pat all excess water off. After that, place a towel over your shoulders to keep moisture out of your clothing. Using a towel, just dry it, do not wrap it around your head.
  • Would you like a recipe to speed up the maturation of your dreadlocks? Buy sea salt from grocery, health food, or bulk food stores (you can use sea salt from aquarium fish stores if you'd like). Mix 3 1/2 tablespoons of sea salt with 5 cups (1.18 L) of water. Mix everything well. You can use this one in one of two ways. Either spray the solution on your dreadlocks (try not to get on the scalp), or pour the entire contents over them (try not to get on the scalp, if possible). Rinse after two hours, let the hair dry. You can rinse them with water just like that or make sea salt when you shampoo. * Table salt or iodized salt is not the same as sea salt * If you are making a spray, spray it outside as it will leave small white spots on walls or furniture, etc.
  • Divide all the individual sections that are trying to merge. It is best to do this when the hair is wet, as it is then stronger and easier to stretch without causing damage.
  • You can also wrap the dreadlocks / strands. If you wrap them tightly or use hemp fibers to wrap them completely, the curls won't be able to twist together. You can use over a hundred colors of embroidery thread, and you can use hemp thread as well, do not cross the dreadlocks. Take a long thread and fold it in half. Tie it loosely next to the root region. Now wrap each strand in the opposite direction in an X-shaped pattern from top to bottom. If the strand is to the side, it will look exactly this way. This gives the strands freedom of movement.
  • Wash every 2-3 days with shampoo or dreadlock soap and one brand of shampoo once a week for a year.
  • Would you like to get a recipe for washing dreadlocks ?. This recipe is suitable for dreadlocks in the early stages, as it is a non-touching method. You can even use it on mature dreadlocks: Mix 1/2 cup (0.24 L) of baking soda (PS) with 5 cups (1.18 L) of water ... mix well and pour this over damp hair. Leave it on for 10-20 minutes to exfoliate the scalp ... do not touch ... do not rub ... now rinse well. If you have a very oily scalp, you can skip this next step: you need to balance your hair with the PH level after using baking soda, the oily scalp will do it on its own. Now mix 1 to 2 lids of apple cider vinegar with 5 cups (1.18 L) of water. Pour this over your head and rinse for one minute. If you leave it on for a little longer, you can oversaturate your dreadlocks. It is a wonderful natural conditioner that will keep your dreadlocks soft. If you don't use it after washing with baking soda, your hair will start to dry out and after a couple of months your dreadlocks will no longer be soft. You can even use a vinegar rinse after using your dreadlock shampoo.
  • Hair can be started to be tied when it has grown to a length of 5 or 6 inches (12.5-15 cm). If your hair is shorter, you can safely separate it, just be patient with knots. At your local pharmacy in the vitamin department, you can buy growth enhancers. It costs about $ 10 (about 350 rubles) and is called biotin. After about 3 months, you will notice that your hair is growing faster. Buy 6,000 mcg and take one tablet a day, if you haven't found the dosage you need, just fold the tablets.For example: if you can only find a dosage of 1000mcg, take 6 tablets a day. If you cannot find them, ask your pharmacist to order them for you.


  • Wax causes mildew, odors, stains on pillowcases and clothes, can catch fire and is difficult to extinguish, traps water inside your dreadlocks, makes it impossible to clean them properly as dreadlocks are completely covered with wax.
  • The hooks used to weave dreadlocks only cause weakness and future loss of your dreadlocks. Do not lose patience, let your dreadlocks mature, they will thicken on their own.