How to play dodgeball great

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 12 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
IDA Dodgeball 101 - How To Play Dodgeball Rules
Video: IDA Dodgeball 101 - How To Play Dodgeball Rules


In our article, you will find tips to help you improve your skills in the game.


Part 1 of 3: Knowing the Rules

  1. 1 Check out the intricacies of the rules. It is easy to understand the general meaning of the game, but there are different rules, and you must know which one you are guided by.

Part 2 of 3: Smart Tactics

  1. 1 Never do not stand still. If you are standing and not moving, constantly balance on the balls of your feet and be ready to dodge if need be.
  2. 2 Practice catching very fast balls. Also learn to catch balls that are thrown at your feet. These are the most common throws.
  3. 3 Try to throw the ball low so that your opponent has less chance of catching the ball.
  4. 4 If you are going to throw the ball at an intermediate level, do it with all your strength so that it is more difficult for the player to catch and hold it.
  5. 5 Simulate a foot throw. When the player jumps up, he will linger a little bit in the air, and in this position he will not be able to maneuver much.
  6. 6 If your opponent is throwing the ball at his feet, dodge him. If he throws the ball mid-level or in the face, try to catch him.
  7. 7 If you have a ball in your hands, use it to hit other balls that are thrown at you (sometimes this technique is prohibited). Try to hit it up (not back to the thrower) so that your team members can catch it when the ball hits it up and falls down. So you will take away another ball from your opponents and increase their number for your team.

Part 3 of 3: Other Useful Tricks

  1. 1 Practice jumping and splitting in the air to dodge balls thrown low (if you are short), as well as bend down and stand up sharply so that you do not get hit by a ball thrown high (if you are tall). It will be helpful if you can quickly take the support while lying down and stand up just as quickly.
  2. 2 If you have a large physique, stand in the back. Let the smaller players dodge the ball and give you more time to react without getting hit. You will be better able to maneuver.
  3. 3 Keep a close eye on nearby rivals, but do not get in their field of vision. When they throw the ball at a player on your team, shoot in turn when they don't notice where you are.
  4. 4 If you know that someone wants to knock you out, try to knock that player out yourself.
  5. 5 After you've made a few foot throws, stop! The opponent will expect such a throw and try to catch the ball. Try aiming for the chest or simulating a throw.


  • If you have a player on your team who knocks better than you, give him the ball! In bouncers, teamwork is the key to winning.
  • If you want to catch the ball, don't stand too far behind, otherwise your opponent will think you are weak. But do not go too far ahead, otherwise you will be the main target. Try to be in the middle where everyone else is trying to catch the ball.
  • Be confident in yourself! Each has its own advantage in the game. If you are short, you can dodge balls. If you have a large physique, then you are strong and can quickly throw the ball. Determine where your advantage is and use it.
  • Always tie the laces on your shoes in two knots.
  • You don't have to catch the ball being thrown at you. If you think you can't catch him, don't try and dodge him better.
  • When throwing the ball, follow it with a punch or kick. This will make it spin more, and this is very annoying for the opponents!
  • Do not get hit by the ball, which the opponent will first throw up, and then beat it off with a hand or foot. This is an old but very effective trick, so watch out!
  • Kick the ball: It's much easier and you don't need to have strong hands to throw.
  • Refresh the grip of your shoes. To do this, clean it regularly between games. High grip will give you more mobility.
  • If you want to quickly knock out an opponent and you have two balls, toss one in the air to distract him and knock out the player with the second ball.
  • If your opponent has thrown several balls in your direction, put them in one line and throw them as quickly as possible.
  • If your teammate and your opponent both have the ball, but you don't, try to get the opponent's attention so that he throws the ball at you. This will open him up to attack, and your teammate will be able to give him a legitimate return shot to the head.
  • In order to stun an opponent, shout while throwing the ball. So opponents may think that you are playing with great enthusiasm.
  • In bouncers, it is allowed to use small team members as human shields.
  • Do a 10-minute warm-up or exercise before playing.
  • Do not throw the first ball into the air and the second at an opponent who is trying to catch it. This strategy will only work if your throw is perfect. Otherwise, you may not even blink an eye as the enemy catches the first ball.


  • You can get various injuries while playing, for example, breaking your nose, twisting ankles, breaking arms or legs, injuring your kneecaps, stomach, you can get a cramp, you can experience aggression. If you are hit by a heavily thrown ball, scarring, redness or bruising may appear at the impact site.
  • If you are not used to exercising regularly, you may be under stress.
  • If the ball hits your head, duck down. Bend your knees and bring your legs to your chest as you bend down.

What do you need

  • 4-15 balls
  • 9 team members
  • 10 opposing team members
  • Playground
  • Referee