How to freshen yesterday's pizza in the microwave

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Pizza Reheat Microwave Tip. How to Get Crispy Crust on Leftover Pizza in 30 Secs by Chawla’s Kitchen
Video: Pizza Reheat Microwave Tip. How to Get Crispy Crust on Leftover Pizza in 30 Secs by Chawla’s Kitchen


While yesterday's pizza is fine for food, it doesn't seem to be able to restore its crispness. Many people assume that yesterday's pizza remains tough and unappetizing after being heated in the microwave or oven. However, it is worth showing a little resourcefulness, and the preheated pizza will be in no way inferior to the freshly cooked one!


Method 1 of 3: Preheat pizza in the microwave

  1. 1 Find a microwave-safe plate. Choose a ceramic or glass dish. Make sure the plate is free of metal ornaments along the rim. Do not place metal in the microwave as it may catch fire.
    • If you don't have a suitable dish, use a paper plate. It should not be covered with plastic.
    • Never use plastic containers. When heated in a microwave oven, these containers can release hazardous chemicals that can enter food.
  2. 2 Place the pizza on a plate. Line a plate with a paper towel to absorb excess moisture. If the pizza is dry, you can skip this step. Then divide the pizza into slices so that 2 or 3 slices of pizza are heated in the microwave at the same time. Place the slices on a plate so that they do not touch each other - this will heat the pizza more evenly.
    • If you have more than 2-3 slices of pizza, reheat them several times. Don't put more than 3 pieces in the microwave, or they won't heat up well and you'll have to eat cold, gummy pizza!
    • If you like a really crispy pizza, place parchment paper instead of a paper towel on your plate.
  3. 3 Place a cup of water in the microwave. Choose a ceramic cup with a handle. Do not use other types of cups: the glass cup may crack, and the plastic cup releases harmful chemicals when heated. Fill the cup about ⅔ with fresh tap water. The water will soften the pizza and refresh the filling.
    • Make sure the ceramic cup fits in the microwave along with the plate. If they cannot be placed side by side, place the plate on top of the cup.
    • It is better to use a cup with a handle so that it will be easier for you to get the hot cup out of the microwave after the pizza is warmed up. If you do not have a ceramic mug with a handle on hand, wait for the cup to cool completely before removing it from the microwave.
  4. 4 Preheat the pizza. Reheat pizza slices at 1 minute intervals at half power until just right. Reheat the pizza gradually so that all ingredients have time to warm up to the same temperature. Typically, the filling heats up faster, and if you are in a hurry it will be much hotter than the dough while the middle of the pizza stays cold.
    • Check if the pizza has warmed up enough - to do this, bring your finger to it, but do not touch the pizza so as not to burn yourself.
    • If you are in a rush, reheat the pizza in 30-second intervals at full power. However, in this case, the dough may become stiffer.

Method 2 of 3: Preheat the pizza in the oven

  1. 1 Preheat oven to 180 ° C. Some ovens are equipped with a timer that indicates that the required temperature has been reached. If your oven does not have this option, you can use a regular timer. Set it for 7-10 minutes to allow the oven to warm up properly.
    • Observe safety precautions when handling the oven. Never open the oven while someone is standing in front of it and do not keep flammable materials near the oven.
  2. 2 Place the pizza in the oven. For a crispy crust, place the pizza on a foil-lined baking sheet. If you want the crunchy dough to be soft, place the pizza directly on the oven rack. Note, however, that the cheese may melt and drip to the bottom of the oven. While it won't damage the oven, the pizza will lose one of its main ingredients!
    • Be sure to use heat-resistant potholders or a heavy-duty towel when placing anything in the preheated oven, or you may burn yourself.
  3. 3 Remove the pizza from the oven. The pizza will warm up in 3-6 minutes. When the pizza is the way you want it, remove it from the oven. If you've used a foil-lined baking sheet, simply grab it with oven mitts or a heavy-duty towel and pull it out of the oven. If you put the pizza directly on the wire rack, you need to be more careful. In this case, bring a serving dish to the wire shelf so that they are on the same level. Use tongs to slide the pizza off the wire rack and onto the platter. Be careful not to burn yourself.
    • Do not try to lift the pizza with your tongs, as this can slip off the cheese and the rest of the filling. Carefully slide the pizza onto a plate and wait for it to cool.
    • Wait about a minute for the pizza to cool slightly before eating to avoid scalding yourself.

Method 3 of 3: Additional Ways

  1. 1 Bring the pizza to the pan. If you are very fond of crispness, consider reheating your pizza in a skillet. Place a cast iron skillet over medium heat and wait for it to heat up. Using tongs, place one or two microwaved pizza slices into the skillet. After about 30-60 seconds, lift the edge of the pizza with tongs and check the bottom surface. Reheat the pizza until the crust you want is formed on it.
    • Do not put too many slices in the pan, otherwise the crust will not be uniform.
    • For a crispier crust, melt half a tablespoon (about 15 grams) of butter in a skillet before adding the pizza. As a result, the bottom surface of the pizza will be covered with an appetizing golden brown crust.
  2. 2 Heat the pizza in the waffle iron. If you decide to use a waffle iron, you can do without preheating in the microwave or oven. First, redistribute the toppings on the pizza. Collect all the toppings in the upper left corner of the pizza slice near the outer edge of the slice. Then fold the slice. Fold the bottom edge over to the top left corner and squeeze the slice so that the filling is in the middle. Then place the pizza in a preheated waffle iron and cook for about 5 minutes. Check periodically if the pizza is ready.
    • If the pizza is finely chopped or you have a large enough waffle iron, you don't need to fold the slices in half or redistribute the filling. Simply put two slices of pizza together with the filling in the middle and place them in the waffle iron.
  3. 3 Add additional ingredients to the pizza. Fresh ingredients like basil leaves and grated mozzarella are perfect for any pizza. Also consider adding traditional pizza ingredients such as olives, anchovies, and bell peppers. Finally, don't be afraid to experiment. Try adding boiled chicken or taco meats to the filling.
    • If you don't want to add new ingredients, use a sauce such as salad dressing or blue cheese sauce.


  • Store pizza properly. Line the bottom of the plate with paper towels, place the pizza on top of them, and cover with plastic wrap. Try to keep the air out of the film - this way the pizza will be as fresh!
  • Remove any remaining melted cheese and sauce from the microwave as soon as you take out the preheated pizza. When everything cools down, it will be much more difficult to do this!


  • Be careful when using kitchen equipment.