How to stay slim

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 5 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Many people strive to have a beautiful and slim figure. In this article, you will find valuable guidance on how to stay slim at the lowest cost.


  1. 1 Moderation. Keep track of your portions and avoid overeating. If you are unable to go on a diet due to health problems or lack willpower, not do it! Eat, however, reasonably of course.
  2. 2 Equilibrium. Try to keep your diet varied enough. Your body needs to get enough protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber, carbohydrates, fats, etc. everyday.
  3. 3 Diversity. A varied diet will not only benefit your body, but it will also help you keep away from unhealthy foods.
  4. 4 Avoid snacking. It's not good to eat unhealthy snacks in between meals. However, you can snack on healthy foods. Thanks to this, you can speed up the metabolic process. This will affect the body's ability to burn calories at a faster rate.
  5. 5 Exercises. Nutritionists and other professionals recommend exercising in addition to your diet or any other weight loss plan. In addition, all diets, without exception, prescribe exercise as a mandatory requirement. Exercise is also a prerequisite if you want to lose weight. You can choose physical activity to your liking, for example simple walking may not be a bad option. Doctors recommend 30-60 minutes (depending on intensity) of aerobic exercise, at least five days a week, if your goal is to lose weight.
  6. 6 Concentrate. Do your best to keep your mind off food. Wherever you are spending your time, stay away from unhealthy foods. Forbid yourself from eating junk food.
  7. 7 Don't overeat. If you follow this rule, you can be in good shape. Try to always be in great shape.
  8. 8 Avoid going to restaurants. Stop going to places that might undermine your diet. These places include fast food restaurants. Cafes that do not offer healthy meals on their menu should be avoided.
  9. 9 Eat whole grains (whole wheat bread instead of white), as well as vegetables that are less heat-treated when cooked. The more food is processed, the higher its glycemic index, and the likelihood that your body will convert it to fat increases significantly.
  10. 10 Eat a healthy breakfast. Eat eggs for breakfast. This is one of the best ways to lose weight, as a high protein content has a beneficial effect on the feeling of fullness. Research shows that a large breakfast and a small lunch and dinner are the healthiest combination of meals. After your body has been starving throughout the night, it needs energy and will burn, not store, what it has received.
  11. 11 Try to limit your intake of red meat (beef and pork). Eat these types of meat no more than once or twice a week. Instead, eat chicken, turkey, or fish (not fried!). Protein is practically not converted to fat. When including meat in your diet, take 1/4 of your plate to it. Thanks to this, you will be able to consume the right amount of protein.


  • It is necessary to balance the processes of consuming and burning calories.
  • If you find it difficult to follow your daily diet, or find it difficult to determine how much you eat, you can create a schedule. Try to keep up with this schedule.
  • If you want to stay slim, try to eat smaller meals, but at least three times a day. And don't forget about exercise!
  • Try to make your breakfast healthy. Breakfast is the key to losing weight. You can lose weight faster if you eat breakfast.
  • Avoid skipping meals such as breakfast because doing so will actually put you on weight.
  • Try not to eat when your metabolism is slowing down. For example, don't eat late at night before bed. Otherwise, you will see extra inches at your waist.
  • Add enzyme supplements to your diet as they are a catalyst that speeds up the burning of calories.
  • If you find it difficult to follow a healthy diet, try to avoid places where you are tempted to eat unhealthy foods. For example, avoid going to movie theaters, parties, restaurants, and similar places. Or try not to eat there.
  • Weight and health are closely related, but fat and health are more closely related. Body weight depends on gender and height. It is best to consult with your doctor and / or dietitian to find your ideal body mass ratio.


  • Do not overdo it. Eat regularly and avoid starvation. Don't torture your body. Fasting is not such a harmless process.
  • If you eat too little, you are depriving your body of the nutrition it needs.
  • Try to follow the diet you choose wisely. Treat yourself to wholesome and healthy desserts.

What do you need

  • Meal Schedule, Dietetics Guide, and / or Nutrition Books
  • Personal diet
  • Exercise plan
  • A person or group of people who can help you on your weight loss journey.

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