How to stay high when you are short

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 17 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What it feels like to get high for the first time?
Video: What it feels like to get high for the first time?


Sometimes, being overly sentimental can be perceived by your friends as a lack of self-confidence. People can be very violent if they feel like you are falling short of their bar. All this pressure can lower your self-esteem and self-confidence. If you want to recreate that trust again, then this article is for you.


Part 1 of 3: Get rid of the negativity

  1. 1 Be the first to joke. If you are missing something, people start joking about it. They do this to make you feel bad.But if you start covering first, with a slight dose of self-irony, then those around you are unlikely to want to continue in the same spirit. They will like you more because it will show that you have a good sense of humor and that you are the same person as they are.
    • "Do you want to go to the store with me? I'm tired of having to rely on one creepy guy and ask him to get the shampoo off the top shelf for me."
    • "I may be lower than Klitschko, but more charming."
  2. 2 Don't worry too much if you are short. People will tease you that you are like a child, or that you are so small that you shouldn't worry about anything. Many people really do not want to look like a child, but at the same time, short people look younger, even when they are old, and this is amazing! You will look young and hot for years after others look old and fat.
  3. 3 Love your uniqueness. When people tease you by pointing out that they are of average height, think - would you like to be average? Not you! You are unique and you just cannot fit into this intermediate level. Boring!
  4. 4 Conquer more guys / girls. You may be teased about looking for a match in your size. But they forget that there are many other short or medium height people. Shorter / middle guys want to date shorter girls because they don't want the girl to be taller than them. And girls of average height will be comfortable with guys of the same height (this is really more convenient).
  5. 5 Be original in the company. There is another common joke that in sports you will graze in the back if you are short. But don't worry about it. Say that the reason you were not chosen to compete is because your presence gives the team a big advantage, as you are too surprising to be on a team where the balance of losers must be maintained.

Part 2 of 3: Use your height

  1. 1 Come up with a better phrase. You are not short. It's not right to think of yourself as a short man. Find another term or phrase to use when people call you little. Do it in a fun way and you will get more laughter in return, and others will like it even more. So now, when someone calls you small, you will be able to say: "No, I do not ... I ..."
    • "... a travel-sized size."
    • "... cool growth."
    • "... handy for playing with gravity."
    • "... the weather is better down here."
  2. 2 Get the best clothing. You may hear that companies don't make clothes for short girls, but don't think that this can be an obstacle for you. Short girls have much more options for several reasons. First, you can shop in the teen sections of the stores, where you can find very cute things, and most importantly, they are cheaper than in the women's sections. Secondly, small sizes are in little demand, so you have a better chance of finding things.
  3. 3 Don't worry too much about long shirts and pants. Yes, your pants (upon purchase) drag along the floor. It's not beautiful! But you have a choice that tall ones don't - you can grab those pants and grin. Learn to sew (with a typewriter or by hand) and you will have the right clothes in no time. Or the clothes can be taken to the atelier, where they will be corrected for you as you need them. You can also cut your own clothes, it is not as scary as it initially sounds.
  4. 4 Enjoy the space that you have. Everyone else has to bend to sit on crowded planes and trains. Meanwhile, this is the first class for you! Stretch your legs! Losers!
  5. 5 Give your innocent look to those who are worth it. So, you are more like a small child, even the elderly, and people of your age, will consider you an innocent angel.You can use this to your advantage and get out of all situations and problems that you may find yourself in.
  6. 6 Understand that being tall does not mean being beautiful at all. There are many short and beautiful people in the world. Plus, if you're small, you might be classified as cute, or even sweet. So don't feel worse than others just because you are short. If you are a man, remember that they are not only judged by height. Skills, success, fitness and brains will make you attractive to women.
  7. 7 Play sports games where you look good. Football, rugby, cycling, gymnastics, figure skating - there are many sports where small stature is an advantage. Use this to your advantage and it will increase your self-confidence, so you will be the person that any team wants to see in their ranks.

Part 3 of 3: Be Confident

  1. 1 Love other short ones. A lot of cool people are small. Tom Cruise is only 1.67 cm tall, Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) is 1.62 cm. There are also a lot of girls below 1.55: the same Madonna or Kylie Minogue.
  2. 2 Find something good in your body. Find in your appearance what you like about yourself. You may be able to figure it out and see yourself in the best possible light. In fact, you have to remember that if people are looking for someone to have a lasting relationship, growth is the least important after personality and business ethics. Gain confidence in other things that people find attractive so you don't have to worry about growing.
  3. 3 Be proud of something other than your body. You have to develop your confidence in other things because this is a healthy outlook on life. Learn good manners, travel, or just participate in a bunch of things happening around you, or do something more than volunteering. This will give you the opportunity to be proud of yourself and build trust.
  4. 4 You must have a dress to look taller. You can make a short body look great. Just wear clothes your size and try to look proportional. Girls can wear heels if they want, and guys can get extra inches with platform shoes. Work with what you have and most people won't even notice that you are small.
    • You should also remember that you can get taller, but tall people cannot get lower in any way! You are in a better position.
  5. 5 Stop hating yourself. You are stunning! People will perceive you the way you want it, so if you build great out of yourself, then people will think the same about you. Tell yourself every day how amazing you are, take care of yourself because you deserve it. Stop your internal dialogue about what kind of loser you are, or rather, make a list of the things for which you love yourself.
    • If you don't have a lot of things that you like about yourself, then work on it. You are more than your height. If growth was that important, then no one would want to be with Tom Cruise. Find reasons to be proud of yourself, because you have to be good for yourself! You are just incredible!
  6. 6 Understand that tall people are also problematic. A tall person has a list of problems and things that embarrass them. This is a great example of being careful about what you want, so be happy as you are.
  7. 7 Realize that you can grow. If you are young, or even if not, and you are 18-19 years old, you should know that you can still grow up. Many people grow the last centimeters much later than other people of their age. If you see that your parents are of medium and taller height, then you may well catch up with them.


  • If you are a child / teenager and continue to grow, make sure you have a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Who knows!
  • Thin heels can discreetly increase your height by a few centimeters.
  • Remember, an unusual size is much better than a regular one. Better enjoy it!
  • This is a good way to start a conversation / topic. You will always have something to talk about / joke about.