How to organize a flash mob

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Organize A Flashmob
Video: How To Organize A Flashmob


A flash mob is a massive action organized by a group of people on a large scale in order to attract public attention and surprise everyone for a short period of time with the help of a spontaneous performance. Flash mob shows include dancing, singing and even trying to break a record. While it can be challenging to do this on a large scale in front of a large crowd, if you can successfully conduct a flash mob, both the speakers and the audience will enjoy it.


  1. 1 Understand the purpose of the flash mob. Flash mob is usually performed through performance and revolves around entertainment, causing a funny (harmless) confusion or satirical feeling, making the audience instantly understand and react to it. It is spontaneity, which attracts spectators to watch the performance who expect nothing more than enjoyment. Flash mob not:
    • A flash mob is not usually used as a tool for advertising a product or service (apart from several attempts to do it), for political purposes or a PR move. The reason is that it does not contain an element of entertainment or satire without certain conditions for the audience. These types of events are organized with specific goals - the expectation that observers will then buy a product, vote for someone, or support a particular idea.
    • Flash mob not is a pretext for cruelty or damage to property. By participating in this, you become part of the riot crowd, and not a participant in a flash mob.Never think about turning a flash mob into a violent or dangerous event. (In some places, self-government bodies began to call outbursts of crime "flash mobs", but criminal behavior has nothing to do with flash mobs acting as a manifestation of art).
  2. 2 Decide what you will do during the flash mob. The success of a flash mob depends on the originality, liveliness and attractiveness of the event. Avoid organizing a flash mob based on an event that has already taken place somewhere. Always revise any flash mob performances that inspire you to have your own signature of originality and local significance. In all cases, the performance should be worked out in advance and rehearsed or well explained in one way or another (for example, using instructions on the Internet) so that everyone knows their role and how they interact with other speakers. Most of the typical flash mob views involve actions such as:
    • Stage Dance: An example would be a large group dancing in a park to support a lover proposing to his girlfriend.
    • Sing opera, yodling or pop songs. Any style is fine for singing, but make sure it is fun. For example, you might suddenly start singing about the delights of fruits and vegetables while in the supermarket.
    • Follow a specific scenario: for example, many people walk with invisible dogs on leashes.
    • Pantomime: For example, you can pretend that you are trying and find a hole in the wall that is not there.
    • Using an Existing Joyful Event to Spread Love: An example is when a wedding, graduation, or anniversary celebration is held outdoors, in a mall, or other public place to share their joy!
    • World Record: Try to beat the Guinness World Record by standing in the shape of the largest X at the same time.
    • Flash mob freeze: All participants become living statues and freeze.
  3. 3 Check out previous YouTube flash mobs. It has a huge collection to browse - it will be a great source of inspiration for you. There you will also get ideas for how to manage people in your group and make them perform in sync. As with any performance, coherence and skill are integral to a successful flash mob.
  4. 4 Organize your flash mob. You will need volunteers willing to participate in the flash mob, and for this you can effectively use online resources. Use social media, emails, SMS and websites to find people for your flash mob. You can also draw on resources from the class you are in, the theater or dance group you belong to, or other groups of people with whom you spend time. Ask your friends or family if they would like to be involved as well.
    • Use Facebook, Twitter and websites to bring people together. People will search for flash mob by typing the words “flash mob” or “flash mob”, so be sure to include them in any posts you create to find people.
    • Use the internet space to organize a flash mob on As you'd expect, this site is as chaotic as the flash mob itself ideally, so you'll have to look for a needle in a haystack.
    • Improv Everywhere was founded in New York, and although not all of their street performances are flash mobs, they are, and you can also take part in them if you are in New York. Check out her website for more information.
    • There are many local flash mob sites; just use a search engine to find them using your location name and the term "flash mob".
  5. 5 Provide your group with clear instructions. Successful running of your flash mob will require that the participants know exactly what to do. It is best to do the rehearsal in advance, but if this is not possible, then at least provide the participants with very clear instructions (online or by email, etc.) on what to wear, when and where to be, what to do (to For example: Prepare to freeze, walk, dance, open your mouth like a fish, etc., at 55th Street and 3 Alley at 7am), and how long the show will last. If some participants have to act together, it is best if they rehearse this beforehand for synchronization and accuracy.
    • If the instructions are simple, like everyone is standing in the same place, reading a newspaper with holes cut for their eyes, then perhaps the simplicity of the operation means you don't have to rehearse. However, it is best if all participants try to meet somewhere before the event to quickly discuss the details of what to expect from the event and participants and what to do after it. It would also be helpful to explain what to do if people get irritated or the police try to disperse the group.
    • If the instructions are complex, especially where you need to direct and stage scenes, then you should think about organizing a smaller group of people whom you can definitely get to go to rehearsals and keep the event secret, instead of a larger group, with which it will be more difficult to coordinate work. It is possible to organize a group of about 50 people quite successfully, but large numbers can complicate things.
    • It will be easier for you to organize a dance group that you are already a member of. For example, if you bring together a group of Zumba dancers from your local gym to perform together on the street, this will be a great opportunity for the participants to show what they have learned so far.
  6. 6 Prepare the required props and costumes. It is best to ask participants to bring their own props or arrange costumes themselves (such as evening gowns, swimwear, wigs, etc.), but sometimes you have to provide things for everyone (for example, dog leashes with collars for walking with an invisible dog).
    • If people find it difficult to find or make props or costumes, consider an idea with a workshop where everyone can make the things they want. However, you should aim for simple clothing and items or things that people already have in their wardrobe or home.
  7. 7 Check the local restrictions. Conduct a thorough research of the area where you are going to conduct a flash mob. The area may be subject to security boundaries, legal or physical restrictions. To avoid problems with the law, it is important not to create hazardous barriers, violate safety practices, or portray people in a light that could interfere with their normal business tasks that are not intended to be widely publicized. While there is a clear balance between getting people to watch and distracting people from their normal activities, it is important to make sure that your flash mob does not lead to accidents or delinquencies. For example, if your flash mob can block emergency exits, then you should think again about where to host the event.
    • As noted above, tell the participants what to do if the police or other authorities require your group to leave. The best option would be to submit to them quietly and peacefully. If anything, a well-organized and legitimate flash mob will end before these people even show up.
  8. 8 Organize high-quality filming of the event. It is definitely worth having a recording of the entire event for you to post on YouTube. Who knows? It may even become popular! At the very least, it will serve as an inspiration for organizing other flash mobs in the future.
  9. 9 Relax. Rest assured that the flash mob will go according to plan! As the organizer, it is your responsibility to ensure that the flash mob proceeds as planned and does not create problems for the public during the event.
  10. 10 Finish by pretending nothing happened. Immediately after the end of the flash mob, do not let the participants sit and talk or start conversations with the crowd. They should mingle with the crowd and leave before sunset as if nothing had happened.

Method 1 of 1: Dance Flash Mob

This is probably the most common type of flash mob, which is usually carried out on a large scale.

  1. 1 Choose a song. Do you want her to be at a faster pace or more relaxed? Do you want something famous or music that will be in a certain style, like opera?
  2. 2 Find someone who can stage the dance. If you can do it yourself, great. If not, find someone who knows how to help turn a dance group into something big.
  3. 3 Choose a place for your dance. A park in a big city is a great place, especially during lunch or after work when everyone is heading home.
  4. 4 Gather a group of dancers. Any number of people can participate in flash mob dancing, but try to recruit at least 50-75 people. It may seem like it will be difficult to organize, but the more people you have, the more impressive the flashmob dance will make.
  5. 5 Teach people to dance in small groups of 4-30. Then you don't have to gather too many people in one room or place at the same time, and they can entertain the crowd from different angles. This will be convenient for those who cannot see the entire scene in full.
  6. 6 Choose the leader of the flash mob. He will be the best dancer in the group, the one who sets the pace and who the other dancers look up to. The leader can start the number with a single dance, then in the next movement the next group will join him - from 9 to 15 dancers. The group will then double with 16-30 dancers. The subtlety of a good flash mob is that gradually all participating dancers are connected to the number. Have the rest of the song flow in on the last verse of the song so that the whole group is involved at the end.
  7. 7 Pretend nothing happened. Once the song is over, the dancers should scatter in the crowd and act as if nothing had happened.


  • Try to surprise it. Unfortunately, the way you attract attendees will alert people to the upcoming event, but you can ask attendees not to spread the news and hope that the average observer who happens to be nearby when you conduct a flash mob will not even suspect about this. event! Familiarize yourself with certain laws when considering a flash mob.
  • Flash mobs do not have to be specified for dances, performances and other techniques. Don't expect everyone (except the leader) to do it perfectly - the point is that a large group of people do it at the same time.
  • It is not necessary for all people to do the same thing. Two or three people can do one thing, while the rest will be busy with something else!
  • If your song is about relationships, involve the boys so that the audience understands what the song is about and make sure that you have the same number of dance partners in the group.
  • If you want to complicate the flash mob, try holding it on a city street when there is no traffic. However, be careful - no one should get hurt or obstruct traffic.


  • Some people do not have a sense of humor and the experience of watching a flash mob can offend or upset them. This is most likely to happen if you interfere with a retail outlet or invade another place where they trade, as entrepreneurs will see this as a potential threat to sales, customer perceptions and normal business hours. As discussed above, you will have to work hard ahead of time to make sure that you are not out of order and that you are definitely not doing anything illegal, dangerous, compromising or causing material damage to anyone. Choose your event venue wisely.
  • You can be stopped by representatives of the law. Be prepared for this and do not be scandalous and cocky. Follow the directions and leave if asked.
  • Check local laws for large gatherings in specific locations. This may be illegal. Trace the difference between public and non-public areas, and whether there is a possibility that people could sue for trespassing on their property. If you leave a mark on the Internet, there will certainly be someone who will file a complaint, so make sure you legally insure yourself.

What do you need

  • A large number of volunteers willing
  • Rehearsal area (optional)
  • Notable online sites are Twitter, Facebook, Google + and other websites.
  • Props (optional)
  • Music and music player