How to identify your personality

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
9 Simple Questions That Reveal Your True Personality
Video: 9 Simple Questions That Reveal Your True Personality


Not everyone knows how to identify their identity, but such information allows you to better understand yourself and those around you. Define your personality so that you have an idea of ​​the positive qualities that make you a good person, as well as analyze the traits that need to be changed. Each person has a combination of positive and negative qualities, so understanding your own personality will help you understand what aspects you should be proud of and where you can become better.Try to describe yourself and look at the most famous personality classification systems to find the answer to this burning question.


Method 1 of 4: Self-determination in a descriptive way

  1. 1 List your personality traits. Personality traits are traits that usually don't change much over time. The characteristics of a person's personality can be both positive and negative. Personality is the sum of all the qualities and characteristics that make you a unique person. A list of these qualities will help you define your personality.
    • For example, a person can be empathetic, caring, stubborn, determined, ambitious, hardworking, and reliable.
    • Use words that describe your way of thinking, acting, and feeling in general.
    • Let's say you can write: calm, midnight, sociable, organized and helpful. Study other people's personality lists online to see how they describe themselves. Choose the qualities that suit you, and add your own refinements.
    • Use words that family and friends often describe you. For example, if they constantly say that you are awesome, put that on the list. You can even ask loved ones to help you with the list.
  2. 2 Consider your attitude and actions. Some researchers suggest that personality determines the attitude towards the situation and outlook on life. Others believe that personality traits influence behavior. Analyze your attitudes and actions to determine your personality.
    • Assess your attitude towards change. Describe an important change in your life. For example, you can write about the excitement and worries during the move.
    • Think about how you respond to challenges and obstacles. Think about how often you take risks and how you react to failure. Write down the personality traits that come to mind.
    • For example, consider your reaction to being rude. You can write "I will calmly tell the person to stop and try to understand the reason for this behavior."
    • Consider your hobbies and interests. Are these individual or group lessons?
    • For example, gardening, reading and painting are private lessons. Collective activities include team sports and participation in clubs or organizations.
  3. 3 Pick three characteristics that describe you. Identify three words from the list that describe you as succinctly as possible. They will help you define your personality. Browse your list and look for synonyms or words that include other characteristics.
    • For example, the word “ambitious” can combine determination, determination, and hard work.
    • An energetic, cheerful, independent, brave and courageous person can be described as an “adventurer”.
    • Choose three (but not more than five) characteristics that most succinctly describe your personality.
    • For example, you may be outgoing, active, and friendly.

Method 2 of 4: The Big Five

  1. 1 Describe your personality using the Big Five method. This popular and comprehensively researched method classifies individuals in the context of a combination of five individual traits or dispositions: conscientiousness, benevolence, neuroticism, openness to knowledge, and extraversion. This system will help you define your personality using terms that are widely understood and understood by many people.
    • Each trait should be rated “high” or “low” based on how characteristic it is for you.
    • Compare your list of qualities, attitudes, and behaviors with the Big Five types to determine your personality.
  2. 2 Determine how conscientious you are. If you are goal-focused, organized, attentive to detail, consider the impact of your actions on other people, and are reliable, then you can be called a conscientious person. Such people are less impulsive and more circumspect in their actions and plans.On the other hand, if you act impulsively and spontaneously, your score for this trait will be low.
    • For example, if a conscientious person is invited on a spontaneous trip, then he will always assess the costs and expediency of such a trip.
    • The less conscious person will simply go on a journey with no ulterior motives.
  3. 3 Rate your friendliness. You can call yourself a benevolent person if you are nice to others, willing to help, and trust you. Such people usually reconcile others and do not create problems. People who are less friendly or unfriendly are skeptical or suspicious of others, and are more concerned with personal interests and can often get into conflicts.
    • A benevolent person may say about himself: "I will try to defuse the situation and find a compromise."
    • Unfriendly people are characterized by such thoughts: “Surely he has ulterior motives. I will do what is best for me ”.
  4. 4 Examine neurotic signs. Honestly assess how emotional and vulnerable you are, prone to mood swings, unpredictable, impulsive. If you cry a lot, apologize too often for your words or actions, or have a hard time tolerating friendly physical contact, you can be called a neurotic person. Less neurotic people are calmer, less excitable, and more emotionally stable.
    • For example, if ordinary daily events like traffic jams or being late for the bus can seriously ruin your mood, then you have neurotic features.
    • If you are not worried about such trifles and troubles, rate this aspect with a low score.
  5. 5 Consider your openness to new experiences. Open-minded people easily perceive changes and new experiences, constantly learn. They are flexible and curious, they perceive life as an opportunity to explore new things. More closed people are conservative, they prefer routine and tradition to new sensations.
    • Open-minded people may say, "This is an opportunity to experience new sensations that will turn out to be an unforgettable adventure with amazing people."
    • If you value safety and plan every step, then you are a more private person.
  6. 6 Rate your extraversion. Extroverts are sociable, like to spend time with people, and often do business in the company. If you are a calmer person who appreciates loneliness and is less active, then you can be called an introvert.
    • For example, an extrovert might think, “This is going to be fun. Surely there will be a lot of new people there, ”- if his friends invite him to the party. An introvert will prefer to stay at home to read or do handicrafts.
    • It should be understood that shyness is not synonymous with introversion. A person can get along quite well with others, but love loneliness, feel a thirst for communication, but have difficulty trying to find common topics for conversation. The main indicator is your desire to be in the company.

Method 3 of 4: Personality Types A and B

  1. 1 General information about behavior patterns A and B. People are often classified as Type A and Type B, especially in the business world. This personality classification system also links our behavior patterns to disease propensity and success. Find out which of the two models is more typical for you to determine your personality type.
    • Take a test online. You can also look at your testimonial from your place of work or feedback from colleagues and your boss.
    • Compare the list of your qualities with the characteristics of behavior patterns A and B. Most people have traits that can be attributed to different categories, but usually one of the behaviors predominates.
  2. 2 Type A behavior. Individuals with Type A behaviors are usually successful, hardworking, and highly value their time. If you have these qualities, and you are also a purposeful person who loves rivalry, then you can be attributed to type A.
    • Type A individuals are often more unfriendly, tense, anxious, and impatient than Type B individuals.
    • For example, if you are very stressed and upset when circumstances force you to be even one minute late, then you can be classified as type A.
    • You are also Type A if you would always prefer to finish your report rather than spend an evening with friends.
    • Try to find the following words on your list of qualities: hardworking, enthusiastic, active, focused, or impatient.
  3. 3 Type B behavior. Type B personalities tend to be more relaxed, creative, and friendly. They are more likely to be late, but less worried.
    • Try to find the following words on your list of qualities: relaxed, good-natured, peaceful, not the most reliable, with a good imagination.
    • Assess how prone you are to procrastination in completing tasks.
    • For example, what do you prefer: play football or finish your abstract for tomorrow?

Method 4 of 4: Other Methods for Identifying Your Identity

  1. 1 Myers-Briggs typology. This personality typology is based on research by psychologist Carl Jung. It has become widespread in the world. The Myers-Briggs typology classifies personality types into four dimensions. Each dimension has two opposite poles. The combination of such poles makes it possible to classify a person as one of 16 possible personality types.
    • The four dimensions are introversion / extraversion (I / E), sensation / intuition (S / N), thinking / feeling (T / F), and judgment / perception (J / P).
    • Compare the list of your qualities with individual preferences that correspond to the poles of the dimensions of the Myers-Briggs typology.
    • For example, are you an introvert (I) or an extrovert (E)? Are your qualities more related to thoughts or feelings?
    • For example, your personality type might be ISFP (introversion, sensation, feeling, perception) according to the qualities on your list.
  2. 2 Enneagram of personality. Such a personality type classification system classifies people into one of nine types. Most often, one most pronounced type is suitable for a person, although some characteristics may overlap.
    • Review your list of qualities to try and classify them as one of nine types of such a concept.
    • Personality Types: Perfectionist, Helper, Achiever, Individualist, Observer, Loyalist, Enthusiast, Leader, and Peacemaker.
    • For example, a peacemaker is characterized by such qualities as mediation, problem solving, tact.
    • Additional information can be found on the dedicated website.
  3. 3 Classification of Keirsey temperaments. This system allows you to attribute your personality to one of four types of temperament: guardian, artisan, idealist or rationalist. As with the Myers-Briggs typology and the Big Five, this classification has been extensively researched.
    • Use your list of qualities to identify yourself with one of the four temperaments.
    • So, if your list of qualities includes such traits as a rich imagination, peacefulness and optimism, most likely your type is an idealist.
    • Often, the results of the Myers-Briggs typology and the Keirsey classification can be combined to determine the personality type.
    • You can also take a special test


  • Regardless of your personality type, learn to value yourself and your uniqueness.
  • Do not give up opportunities because of the inconsistency with the characteristics of a particular personality type.