How to influence other people

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 18 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
2 Powerful Ways to Influence Others
Video: 2 Powerful Ways to Influence Others


With the goal of achieving influence on other people, you will need to exceed the standards of all expectations and reach the pinnacle of perfection, as well as have absolute confidence in yourself and in what you intend to achieve. Serve as a source of words, wisdom, and prosperity in what other people just want to get their hands on. Understand the importance of social influence for yourself first, and then educate other people about what they can accomplish in this life.


Method 1 of 3: Impacting Employees

  1. 1 Build confidence. You can influence other people, thereby collecting the fruits of your authority in the form of respect from your colleagues. Confident people are far more likely to become leaders than their less confident brethren. Courageous stance and appropriate tone of voice, combined with optimism, indicate the presence of self-control and power, which are two traits that people yearn to get hold of.
    • One way to sound more confident is to avoid words like "maybe" and "try." For example, instead of saying, "We will try to solve this problem," say, "We will solve this problem, and this is how ..." so they are more likely to follow you.
    • Franklin Roosevelt had a very strong influence on the American people with his confident statements such as: "The American people will gain a crushing victory" in his 1941 speech on the attack on Pearl Harbor: "No matter how long it takes to recover from this treacherous attack, the American the people with their pious intent will win a crushing victory over the enemy. "
  2. 2 Gain knowledge and research. Decide on what you really want to achieve and study everything you can for your goal. You should know almost everything by which you want to influence other people. Also, be prepared to answer any questions from your potential followers. After all, knowledge is power! Appropriate research will give you an absolute understanding of your case, which will help you gain impressive freedom and dexterity in the area you need.
    • After all, nature itself indicates to us obedience to those who know more. We want their advice, common sense and wisdom.
  3. 3 Study the person you want to influence. As Dale Carnegie once remarked in How to Win Friends and Influence People: "... talk to the person about their concerns and they will listen to you for hours." People will instantly begin to sympathize with you if you show an interest in them. Find out what the person likes and dislikes, what hobbies and activities he has, what is his favorite sports team, etc. Learn more about the person and get his sympathy, which will soon grow into trust in you and your opinion.
  4. 4 Be honest while maintaining your nature and absoluteness. Spreading outright lies will only get you in trouble if you get caught. Being untrustworthy can persuade people to no longer trust you, which will negate your ability to influence people.

Method 2 of 3: Influencing Your Opponents

  1. 1 Study your opponent's point of view. Understand their point of view and fully understand the root causes of their opinion. It is very important to know the answers to all questions, both from your side and from them. If you know their various answers, then you can substantiate why your opinion is better. Agree that their statements can make sense too, and also have an understanding of why they have a particular opinion.
    • Use positive arguments from their side to improve your position by comparing and comparing facts, and finally tell why your side offers the most appropriate solution for a particular situation.
    • Provide compelling examples and present your intention as the best.
    • Don't underestimate your opponent's opinion. Treat him like an equal, and just tell him with calm persuasion that with your help you can both be successful.
  2. 2 Show your dedication in action. Your opponent will try to question your sincerity by asking why. Your opponents will also find the most negative in your proposal, but you can beat their tricks by showing dedication to your knowledge.
  3. 3 Demonstrate that you are an expert and that you are absolutely sure of it. As we saw earlier, people listen to those with knowledge and experience. If you show your professionalism about the object in question, your opponents will also want to get the same education and perception as yours.
    • They may think of themselves as experts, too, but if they see how committed you are to your point of view, they will begin to question their point of view. If they think that you sincerely believe that you are right, they will also begin to believe it.

Method 3 of 3: Achieving Trade Power

  1. 1 Master the unshakable power of persuasion. Persuasion usually consists of tempting offers made in a very attractive manner. Think about who you want to influence and why. Think about how you want to influence them and articulate your thoughts in sentences that capture their attention and hearts.
    • Play on words is a very powerful communicative weapon that can be incredibly productive when trying to win over a customer while selling certain services and goods. For example, say: "With us, you are not wasting money to create a logo, you are investing in a completely new marketing solution."
    • Don't confuse persuasion with manipulation. You still want to maintain their trust, and this can be achieved by paying more attention to important facts and aspects.
  2. 2 Benefit from the wave of conformity and social spillover influences. The majority of the population tends to agree with the majority opinion. People think that by following the majority they will be welcomed and invited into a strong group of influential people, so they will work diligently to adjust their opinion to certain social standards in order to achieve membership in the majority party. Use this trump card to your advantage in the process of selling services or products in your region, which also has a certain established and fundamentally established public opinion.
    • You are also part of the universe.
    • Give examples that show the reasons your product will be popular (using specific facts, of course). "Most residents of Kolotushki village buy Zenit products because their batteries are charged to half in just 20 minutes, saving you both time and money!"
  3. 3 Believe that your product is truly the best. If you managed to convince yourself of this, then you can easily convince other people!


  • Make more friends than enemies. And even if you have enemies, then loyalty to them should be equal to loyalty to your friends.
  • If you are trying to influence the enemy, then stay true to your words.
  • Never betray those who were faithful to you on your "rainy" day, which can significantly undermine your reputation.


  • Don't use your influence to hurt people, separate friends, or end a partner's relationship.
  • Once you become aware of the evil you have done, you run the risk of becoming an object of public hostility.
  • People can lose faith and respect for you if you lie or harm them.