How to charm a hopelessly romantic girl

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tips for Hopeless Romantics
Video: Tips for Hopeless Romantics


Sometimes you spot a girl dreaming by the window or reading romance books with eager interest. Do you have feelings for her? This guide will help you grab her attention and know for sure that she will not refuse you, and you will not disappoint her.


  1. 1 Girls of this type are usually shy, quiet and vulnerable. When you first approach such a girl in person, you need to make sure that you don't scare her off (which also means that you have to respect her privacy even more than usual). A great way to find an excuse to talk to a hopelessly romantic girl is to offer to help her if she is carrying something heavy, etc. Girls of this type love to be "saved". Help her with such little things as often as possible, until she feels calm in your presence, then you can talk to her whenever you want. Make sure you always look her in the eye and nowhere else.
  2. 2 After you build a good relationship, know - you have a chance. If she winds her hair around her finger, often looks at you, crosses her arms, then you should know that she is shy in your presence - this may mean that she likes you and she is embarrassed. Continue to speak to her politely and never say anything that might offend or frighten her.
  3. 3 Always keep an eye on her so that when she needs your help, you will be there. Although this is not carte blanche to pursue (this is not only an excuse to scare her, but in some countries it is considered illegal), you should be around when she needs help. If you see one person or an entire group scaring her for some reason, don't be afraid to step up and stand up for her. If she is in a dangerous situation, do not be afraid to block her with yourself. If she just fell and everyone is laughing at her, be sure to ask how she is feeling and help her up. All this will make you better in her eyes. She will definitely remember what you did (but if she is threatened and she sees that you are ignoring her, she will also remember that).
  4. 4 If she ever cries in your presence, calm her down. Nothing affects a romantic girl as comfortingly as a man hugging her and assuring her that everything will be fine. Make sure to hug her in a way that makes her feel safe and secure. If she continues to cry, gently rock her and stroke her hair.
  5. 5 Don't be afraid to be romantic. It is most important. The hopelessly romantic girl is heavily influenced by romance books, films, poetry, etc., and has high demands. Even if your friends or peers say something that might embarrass you, ignore them.
  6. 6 Give her one red rose for her birthday. Nothing is more romantic than this popular gift. Do not forget that sincere feelings should be attached to the gift, preferably dressed in words... If you cannot find a red rose and are not sure if she loves roses at all, then buy her a bouquet. There is no girl who does not like to receive flowers.
    • Note - This assumes that you know when her birthday is, so only do this when you have formed some semblance of friendship.
  7. 7 If you ask her out on a date, do it in person. Nothing turns a girl off as much as the fear of confessing to her face. She will decide that you cannot protect her or look after her if you lack courage. It's also a good idea to ask her out on a date in a romantic setting, which makes it harder for her to refuse. For example, ask her to meet at sunset in a beautiful and secluded place, or ask her when the two of you gaze at the stars. A midnight beach walk is ideal.
  8. 8 Develop your relationship slowly, even if you have to hold back. These girls can be very sensitive, so if you act too assertively, you can frighten her off. If she feels uncomfortable about something, don't do it again until you are sure she doesn't mind.
  9. 9 Never, under no circumstances do nothing to hurt her physically or mentally. If you did it by accident, be sure to apologize with a few words and give her her favorite flowers. However, if you do this on purpose, it will go away. You must protect her, not hurt her.
  10. 10 If she does something for you, remember that she is most likely putting her heart into it. Even if it's just homemade Valentine's Day chocolate or a poem she wrote for you. Even if you do not like the taste and the gift looks not very attractive. Remember that she tried her best to make it nice, so thank her sincerely so that she knows you appreciate her efforts.
  11. 11 Never force her to do something. If she's still not ready for something or doesn't want to go somewhere, don't be impatient and don't force her. It hurts her feelings, but most importantly, it hurts her. Wait until it's ready - it's worth it. This doesn't mean you can't try, but if she clearly doesn't like it, stop. What's more important - your happiness or 'her'?


  • Stay a gentleman, even when you are not with her - remember, she probably has friends who will report their opinion about you, and she will believe their judgments. Specifically, try not to swear. Hold the door open for others, offer help to those in need, etc. You can even use these excuses to help her, as if such help is a habit for you.
  • Personal hygiene is very important. Wash often, your skin must be clean and your hair soft. Hopelessly romantic girls love their heroes for their clean skin and soft hair.
  • Even if you don't cook well, the dinner you cook will show her how much you want to make her happy. And that's cute. If you don't know how to cook at all and have learned a recipe especially for her, do not forget to mention it so that she knows how much effort you put in. And still, don't be too arrogant and complacent.
  • Watch a romantic movie with her, admire the stars, share a blanket - this is incredible strongly attracts girls, as well as candles, hugs, roses and other "little things". To you not necessary spend a lot of money on them.
  • Body type does not matter, but you should definitely be in good health (too muscular a guy is not very good, as well as too thin).
  • You should not build something out of yourself or create a deceptive image - otherwise you will not be interested in her. However, you should look cute and not sexyso you can use your slightly tousled hair.
  • Necessarily a lot smile.
  • Don't use too much hairspray and gel on your hair, so the hair will be unpleasant to look at. She will conclude that in your soul you are exactly the same.


  • Being friendly with her but also flirting with another girl at the same time will confuse and upset her.She'll think you were just pretending to like her.
  • Some, but not all, hopelessly romantic girls are very sensitive and have low self-esteem - they think they are not beautiful enough, good enough, attractive enough, etc.
  • She can be very nervous at first, so when you are just talking to her, try not to touch her too often and not put her in a position that will make her nervous.
  • Treat these girls with caution because they can be easily scared.