How to set up a cold water aquarium

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Prepare A Coldwater Fish Tank
Video: How To Prepare A Coldwater Fish Tank


Do you want to keep goldfish and other wonderful cold water fish? This article will show you how to set up your aquarium perfectly.


  1. 1 Choose what kind of fish you want to have, and study the information about them. A suitable fish for beginners is the common goldfish. Find answers to questions such as: How big does a goldfish grow? How long does she live? What does she need? What does she eat? Can I provide goldfish with everything they need? Can I create a happy, healthy home for my fish for their entire life? Do they need a companion in the aquarium? Can they be kept with other types of fish?
  2. 2 Order everything you need for your fish at a pet store that offers a wide range of fish products.
  3. 3 Decide where you want to place the aquarium. Make sure it is away from heat sources, as this can heat up the water and make the aquarium too hot.Also keep the aquarium away from sunlight, as this causes algae to grow, which makes the water in the aquarium green. If your chosen aquarium is large, you may need a pedestal to set it up or something else that can support that weight.
  4. 4 Rinse the aquarium with clean water.
  5. 5 Install the filter and air pump. Install the filter according to the instructions and connect the air nozzles to the air pump. Air diffusers are important because goldfish and other cold-water fish need to be kept in well-oxygenated water.
  6. 6 Add gravel. Fine gravel is most suitable for goldfish because its rounded edges will not damage the fish's mouth. Before adding gravel, fill the tank with tap water to the depth of the gravel layer and then add the substrate.
  7. 7 Add jewelry, stones, or equipment. You can buy it all from pet stores. Plants can be placed in the aquarium as they will increase the oxygen content of the water. Driftwood is great for aquariums, creates a natural habitat for fish and looks great. You can buy or find rocks to add to your tank, but they may need to be cleaned frequently.
  8. 8 Fill the tank with water to the top and add a tap water cleaner to make it safe for the fish.
  9. 9 Run water through the system for at least one week before purchasing fish.


  • Explore as much information as possible. This will help you learn more about fish and your hobby.
  • If you have a filter, clean it once a month according to the instructions.
  • Never keep ornamental goldfish with common or comets, because ornamental goldfish are much more agile and will eat all the food, which will leave common fish starving.
  • Feed the fish according to the instructions, be careful not to forget to feed them!
  • Change 1/4 of your tank water once a week to clean, treated tap water. You can treat your tap water by adding a fish water purifier purchased from a pet store or by standing it overnight.


  • Ordinary goldfish cannot be kept together with decorative ones.
  • Be careful with electricity. Water and electricity are incompatible.
  • Do not keep male Siamese cockerels with other fish, especially other males.

What do you need

  • Air pump
  • Bucket
  • Aquarium for 20-40 liters
  • Aquarium with lid and lighting
  • 2.5-5 kg ​​of gravel
  • Filter
  • Heater for water with a power of 5-10 W
  • Fishnet for aquarium
  • Thermometer
  • Feed
  • Dechlorinator for water
  • Ammonia remover
  • Biological starter filter
  • Plants and decor