How to communicate with a girl you like if she has a boyfriend

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
How To Ask a Girl Out (If She Has a Boyfriend)
Video: How To Ask a Girl Out (If She Has a Boyfriend)


So you've met the perfect girl. She perceives you as you are. She always tells you funny stories and you feel like you would love to be with her. There is only one problem: this girl has a boyfriend. You want her to know what you like and that you want to be with her. But you do not want to offend the girl or drag her into an unpleasant situation. So how do you interact with a girl who has a boyfriend, and how do you try to win her over without pressure? We will talk about this in this article.


Method 1 of 3: Understanding the Situation

  1. 1 Talk to the girl about her boyfriend. If her boyfriend is one of your close friends, it's best to back off so as not to ruin the friendship. But if you don't know the girl's boyfriend personally and want to meet him in absentia, you can try to carefully find out the truth about their relationship and the degree of seriousness without undue curiosity. Here's how to say it:
    • "What did you do this weekend?"
    • "Have you been dating your boyfriend for a long time?"
    • “I had a girlfriend, but we broke up a few months ago. It was not easy, but now I am much better. "
  2. 2 Find out if the girl is happy in a real relationship. You cannot ask about it immediately after meeting, but everything will become clear during the conversation. If a girl complains about your boyfriend, this is a sure sign that things are not going well in the relationship. See if you can understand her feelings through direct comments, and see if she responds in a positive or negative manner. You should not impose on a girl if she is in a wonderful or long-term relationship. You just can't handle the emotional burden when she decides to break up with her boyfriend.
    • Say, “I think life is not boring with your boyfriend. How do you talk?"
    • “Have you been together for two years? Yes, this is quite a long time ... "
  3. 3 See if the girl is interested in your person. Before moving on to the next step, see if the girl is interested in you romantically. Try to find confirmation of this. Does the girl make an effort to find time to talk to you? Does she smile when you walk into the room? Is she looking for excuses to be around you? Is she flirting discreetly? If all of this is true, you have a chance that the girl likes you. Here are some ways to check if this is actually the case:
    • Talk about other girls in front of her. You shouldn't talk about it directly. See if she's jealous.
    • Give her some compliments. Are you receiving a compliment in return?
  4. 4 Don't get stuck in the friend zone. If you want to become a girl's boyfriend, you will not have a chance to become her best friend, that is, a person to whom she can turn to with any problems. Yes, for a start, you can talk to a girl about her boyfriend to find out what's really going on, but you don't want to become the person who shows up to the girl late at night with a bottle of wine to listen to all the information about the problems with her boyfriend. Your goal is to make sure that you are perceived as a romantic, simple and understandable person, and not as a new best friend.
    • You need to be able to be perceived as a boyfriend, but that doesn't mean you have to turn into a smarter and more attractive version of the girl's current boyfriend. A girl should see you as a new, funny and interesting person in her life, and not just another guy with whom you can go to the movies or hold hands.
    • If a girl starts complaining about her boyfriend to you, tell her: “Hey, leave this news for your best friend. I really don't want to listen to all this, okay? "
  5. 5 Decide which girls you shouldn't talk to at all. If you want to hang out with a girl you like who has a boyfriend in hopes of breaking up her relationship and starting a romantic conversation, make sure you are talking to a standing girl who is interested in you. She shouldn't flirt with you first and then go home to her boyfriend. Here are some girls to avoid:
    • The girl who lets herself be invited to dinner or a movie and then goes home to her boyfriend. You should not invite a girl to the places where her boyfriend takes her (if you have not already become her boyfriend). She can use you to buy free food and drinks.
    • A girl who flirts with you for a long time, but your relationship does not develop. Eternal flirting does not lead to anything good. Such a girl wants to get your attention and nothing else.
    • The girl who crazy boyfriend. You don't want to get into fights.
    • A girl looking for a male friend (see above to avoid the friend zone by all means).
    • The girl who uses you to make her boyfriend jealous. Stay away from her.

Method 2 of 3: Step Up

  1. 1 Treat the girl with respect. If you want to please her, you should show respect for everything, even the fact that she has a boyfriend. Don't joke about her boyfriend. Be gentle. Don't try to hug a girl or say derogatory things towards her boyfriend or someone else's relationship. If you want to please a girl, treat her like a sweetheart. You can compliment her, but don't pretend that you are comfortable with a girl who has a boyfriend. Give her the opportunity to express her feelings. You will understand if there is reciprocity between you.
    • Even if a girl makes fun of the idea that you can become her boyfriend, nothing will turn her away from you more than rude attempts to achieve reciprocity.
  2. 2 Leave the girl the opportunity to call. Wait until the girl is really interested in you and wants to spend more time with you. Think about the movie you want to watch and watch the girl's reaction. Tell her that you are throwing a party and see if she would like to be there. Give the girl the opportunity to make her own decisions. She should not feel moral pressure on herself. Be a little more persistent. You have many meetings and even more girls who dream of spending time with you. If the girl is interested, she will have to wait.
    • Give the girl the opportunity to realize your superiority. Show off your charm. You shouldn't beg a girl to meet her if you know she is busy.
  3. 3 Find a way to have fun together. Even if you don't study together, you can go to a party together or meet at a cafe after class. Don't forget to make time for your girlfriend. Flirting with SMS or messages on VKontakte will not help if you want to conquer a girl. If you think that meeting alone with a girl is too much, you can start with a company. Try to communicate with the girl in private whenever possible, so that she perceives you as a boyfriend and notices that there is chemistry between you.
  4. 4 Give her the opportunity to feel special. Demonstrate to her that you see unique traits in her, and not just try to be there because she is cool. Compliment her hair, personality traits, or her ability to perform well in school. Don't insist, touch the girl, or explicitly demonstrate your intentions. Show her that you really like her. If a girl gets the feeling that you think she is a wonderful person, she will begin to think that you are the right boyfriend for her.
    • Show your girlfriend that you value her opinion. Ask her for her opinion on a new pair of shoes, a chemistry teacher, or your favorite band. Show your girlfriend that you really value her opinion.
  5. 5 Demonstrate your interest in the girl. Do not throw a stream of emotions on her. Just show that you see more in her than a friend. Interest can be shown through compliments, offers of help, eye contact, and close distance between you while talking. Here's what to say:
    • “I think your new hairstyle brings out the color of your eyes. I liked your previous hairstyle, but you’re even better this way. ”
    • “You are the only girl I know who loves sports. It's interesting to talk to you on any topic. This is cool".
    • "I feel that you can talk about everything."
  6. 6 Show your girlfriend your benefits. You don't have to pretend to impress the girl and prove to her that you are worth doing business with. Stay humble and show her that you have potential; that you are smart, cool, talented and interesting. You are the kind of person who would be perfect for her as a guy. Showcase your best qualities without any pretense.
    • Tell your girlfriend about things that matter a lot to you. Make sure it opens up to you as well.
    • If you told your girlfriend something personal, add: “I haven't talked to anyone about this in a long time. It's so easy to talk to you, it's understandable why. "
  7. 7 Refresh shared memories. Remember what you talked about during the last meeting. Does a girl need a boyfriend who behaves exactly like her boyfriend? Yes, it's worth thinking about. Be spontaneous and fun. You don't need to call or text every five minutes just to keep in touch. Create a spontaneous and fun activity for two. Give the girl an original compliment or present a small funny gift. Ask her to dance with you on the street. Do what an ordinary, normal guy won't do. Make your girlfriend happy every time you are together.
    • Don't be afraid to talk to your girlfriend about spontaneous topics. The main thing is that it was fun and interesting for her. You don't have to know everything.
  8. 8 Be persistent (but not assertive). There is a subtle line between persistence and assertiveness. You want to prove to the girl that you like her, but you do not need to exert pressure or constantly pry your nose into other matters. Talk to your girlfriend at parties, breaks, but don't turn into a guy to flirt with and go home to your boyfriend. Be with the girl, show your interest, but remember to show that you won't wait for her phone call for ages.
  9. 9 Date a girl alone. Flirting for too long will make you the perfect flirting guy, and the girl will think that dating her boyfriend at the same time is okay. Yes, this is not good. The longer you pull the bagpipes, the more the girl will be convinced that you hit her, but do not want to go to the next level. When it's time to take the next step, respond to her feelings, even if it means kissing her and getting to know her boyfriend. Ideally, the girl will break up with her boyfriend and stay with you.
    • Seriously, the sooner a girl breaks up with her boyfriend, the better. If you flirt with her for a month, chances are she will never do it.

Method 3 of 3: How to behave after you become a couple

  1. 1 Do not hurry. So you conquered the girl, she dumped her loser boyfriend, and you finally got what you wanted. Does this mean that you need to buy wedding rings or book a tour to the Bahamas? Of course not. Even if a girl has gotten rid of a failed relationship, she is still hesitant, so give her time and leeway. If you ask her out on a date every other day, she will be frightened by this pressure of emotions and will withdraw. Give her a free hand and ask her out on a date once or twice a week, or as much as she wants.
    • People often don't realize that breaking up is always painful, even if you are the person who initiated the breakup. Most likely, you think that now the girl is completely free and happy, since she got rid of life's burden. But, in fact, she still lives with a pain in her heart. When we say goodbye to something dear, we inevitably experience grief. Even if the girl doesn’t show what she’s going through, be understanding.
    • Even if the girl does not initiate telephone communication or correspondence, make sure that her word also carries weight in your relationship. If you constantly initiate your meetings, the girl may think that she is not ready for a serious relationship and dating another guy.
  2. 2 Avoid talking about her ex. It doesn't matter if the girl has been dating a real villain for three months or was in a five-year relationship with a nice but boring guy, never think about him. Don't make jokes, call him a loser, remind your girl of his bad behavior, and so on.Even if your intentions were sincere and you just wanted the girl to come to terms with a failed relationship and breakup, she may take your words as an insult to her. The girl will be offended by you, because she may still have tender feelings towards her ex.
    • Give the girl time. If she was in a five-year relationship, she will not think about this period of her life for a long time. It will take about a year until she completely gets rid of the memories of her ex, as it used to be very painful for her to remember this. If you keep asking questions about her ex, she will think you are jealous and get nervous.
    • Yes, most likely, a relationship with an ex is a whole stage in a girl's life that you do not have access to. Nobody said that it was so easy to date a girl who had a boyfriend, and everything would go smoothly and without consequences. If you have the patience to ride out this painful period, you will know that your efforts are justified.
  3. 3 Don't be paranoid. Yes, you met a girl when she had a boyfriend, and this fact weighs on you. If she was able to cheat on her boyfriend with another boyfriend (even emotionally), what will prevent her from cheating on you with the person who comes after you? We hope that the girl ended her previous relationship because she felt bad and saw something special in you, and not because she was anxious in her soul. If she has a similar demeanor, you have reason to worry, but if not, your heart will tell you whether to get involved in this relationship.
    • Your main task is to focus on your new relationship, rather than worrying about her having an affair on the side. If you are constantly jealous and panic about the fact that you met during such a difficult period, your new hobby will never develop into true love.
    • If she's done with a serious enough relationship, the last thing she wants to do is feel trampled and think about meeting you every ten minutes.
  4. 4 Start from scratch. So now you are together and are officially dating. Undoubtedly, you met in a not entirely favorable environment, but this does not mean that you constantly need to remember about it. Focus on the future instead of constantly looking back. Work to build a solid foundation for your relationship. Avoid lying, betrayal, and uncertainty. Even if the beginning of the relationship was far from ideal, you can create a strong union. Undoubtedly, it will be more difficult for you than the two singles who met in a bar. If you want to keep the relationship going, focus on spending time together. Try to leave the pain in the past.
    • This does not mean at all that you have no right to talk about the time when you met another girl. This means focusing on past accomplishments rather than the excruciating experiences you experienced early in your relationship.
    • Pick a few new activities that you and your girlfriend have never done but would love to try. For example, you can make sushi or go on a long hike. Find hobbies that only become common and you can build a solid foundation for your love. Now sit down, relax and enjoy the moment!


  • Don't tell anyone that you like a girl. You can only tell this to your best friend you can trust.
  • Don't fool around with a girl. Behave with restraint and decorum. In this case, everything will go like clockwork.
  • Talk to her about topics that you are well versed in. When you talk to a girl and listen to her opinion, she will think, "Wow, he and I look good together." The girl will turn to you every time she has a topic that she does not want to discuss with her boyfriend.
  • If you get along with her friends, they will be able to say positive things about you and she will be interested in you.
  • Make sure the girl's boyfriend is not next to her when you try to win her heart.
  • Avoid her ex. Perhaps he will try to start a fight with you or begin to sort things out, deciding that you are the culprit in their breakup. Stay as far away from him as possible. If you come across, do not respond to provocations.
  • Don't try to talk to a girl if you know her boyfriend can make you fight.


  • If a girl treats you like her brother, this behavior can be a "death blow" for you, and, as a rule, her friend's place awaits you further. Time heals all wounds!
  • Remember that if a girl breaks off a relationship with a boyfriend to be close to you, what will stop her from breaking up with you when a new admirer appears next to you?
  • If your crush and her boyfriend are together, they will pretend you don't exist. Introducing herself as a friend of a girl when her boyfriend is around and spending time with them ... Looks weird. is not it?
  • Never say that you like a girl unless you are an expert in love affairs. Your friends can also tell her boyfriend about this, and this is not the best way out of the situation.
  • Don't give your girlfriend your number or email address if you're a timid person. The girl can bother you and break your heart. If this happens, you will have to talk about your feelings, and the girl will perceive your words as an unexpected problem.