How to find peace of mind

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 22 February 2021
Update Date: 19 September 2024
How to Find Peace of Mind
Video: How to Find Peace of Mind


Does life sometimes seem too complicated? Do you feel overwhelmed with chores and problems? This happens to all of us. Fortunately, there are ways to get rid of negative influences and find peace of mind. Not sure where to start? Don't worry, there are several steps you can take right now to bring more harmony to your life! This article will show you how to find the comfort you deserve through small behavioral adjustments or major lifestyle changes.


Part 1 of 2: Develop Peace of Mind

  1. 1 Breathe. Mindful breathing is a simple exercise, but one of the most powerful ways to find peace of mind. Emotions and breathing are closely related. Learning to slow down your breathing and breathe evenly deeply can help calm your emotions. Studies have shown that breathing practices reduce the level of cortisol (called the stress hormone) in the body. They also activate the parasympathetic nervous system, the part of the autonomic nervous system responsible for relaxation. Here's what you can do:
    • sit in a comfortable place for you;
    • place one palm on your stomach and the other on your chest;
    • take a deep breath with your stomach so that it expands, but the chest remains motionless;
    • hold your breath for a couple of seconds, and then exhale;
    • repeat in the same sequence until you get into an even rhythm. Try to do this practice for 10 minutes every day.
  2. 2 Go in for sports. Regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your body and mind. For good results, do 30-60 minutes of aerobic exercise (walking, running, cycling, swimming, etc.) 3-5 times a week. Here are some of the benefits of exercising:
    • they lift the mood by filling the brain with endorphins and serotonin (hormones of happiness);
    • they increase energy levels and reduce fatigue;
    • they improve the quality of sleep and even help fight chronic insomnia;
    • they reduce the risk of developing various diseases (for example, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes).
  3. 3 Get enough sunlight. Sunlight produces vitamin D in the body, which also increases serotonin levels. Artificial lighting will not give the same effect, so try to spend time outdoors whenever possible. Here are some outdoor activities:
    • engage in a dispute;
    • to swim;
    • To set a picnic.
  4. 4 Follow the "state of the flow". One of the best ways to find peace of mind and happiness is to enter a state of flow. The state of flow is called complete immersion in activities without interruption for unnecessary reflections. Typically, we enter a state of flux when doing things we love or tackling a challenge that suits our ability.
    • Do what you enjoy doing. It can be anything from playing darts on the weekend to a coveted job as an accountant.
  5. 5 Be generous. Generosity really makes us happier and strengthens our peace of mind. Charity work can lower the levels of cortisol (stress hormone) in the body. It can also increase life expectancy and even promote mental health. More generous people are less likely to get depressed. How you show generosity is entirely up to you, but here are some tips:
    • Volunteer at a homeless cafeteria or other community outreach organization.
    • donate money or things to charity in your chosen area;
    • Offer to help friends and family with finances, renovations, or babysitting.
  6. 6 Cultivate gratitude. Being grateful for what you have in life is a great way to find peace of mind. Gratitude reduces stress and also increases optimism and satisfaction in life. You don't have to have much to be grateful - there is always something to be thankful for. Here are the steps you can take:
    • Keep a gratitude journal. People who keep a gratitude journal are more satisfied with life in general. Write down what you are grateful for each day.
    • Look for the positive side of difficulties. For example, a noisy neighbor can build patience and the ability to cope with irritation.
  7. 7 Join the community. As a rule, people tend to be in company, not alone. In addition, communication with others gives an endless stream of happiness and tranquility. As a rule, many sources of "quick" happiness or peace of mind lose their effectiveness as we begin to pay more and more attention to them, but communication with loved ones is an exception.
    • For example, if you are a follower of a particular religion, find a good church, temple, mosque or synagogue to visit.
    • You can also join an amateur sports team or book club.
  8. 8 Express yourself. Creativity can be a powerful source of happiness and peace of mind. Various ways to express yourself creatively will help you feel more fulfilling in life. Here are some options:
    • Draw, paint, or color pictures. You don't have to be a master at this - you can get spiritual cleansing and use your imagination anyway.
    • Dance. Sign up for a dance class or just get into the habit of dancing to the music at home.
    • Play a musical instrument. Playing guitar, piano, or other instrument is a great way to express yourself through music.

Part 2 of 2: Work on problem areas

  1. 1 Identify your problem areas. If something is holding you back from achieving your peace of mind, find out what exactly is the reason. So you can develop a strategy to overcome obstacles and achieve harmony in your soul. Try to make a list of the things that don't suit you in life. Writing can help you brainstorm more effectively.
  2. 2 Make peace with your past. Are you still haunted by any event from the past? Perhaps you made a mistake that ruined your career, or didn't tell your loved one that you love him? Try to come to terms with your past to drive out the ghosts that do not leave you alone. Sometimes unresolved events from the past make it difficult to find peace in the present.
    • Forgive yourself if necessary. You probably did not have the same knowledge at that time as you do now.
    • Let go of your anger. Write in your personal journal about your inner rage. There is no need to hold back or choose words, because no one will see these thoughts. It is very important not to harbor evil emotions and not allow negativity to poison the body.
    • Accept what happened. Replaying the events in your head over and over will only stretch the cycle of pain. Accept the situation and start moving on to kick-start the healing process and focus on the future.
  3. 3 Work on your relationship. If you have strained relationships with your parents or loved ones, re-establish those bonds so that you can fully accept yourself and your life. Sometimes the best way to find peace of mind is to deal with current issues that make life difficult. Close relationships are one of the most important sources of happiness and peace of mind, so it's worth building them up.
    • If you think your marriage or romantic relationship is falling apart, see a family counselor.
    • If you hurt someone, ask for forgiveness.Be sure to take responsibility for your actions.
    • Write the person a letter expressing your desire to reconnect.
    • Social isolation is a huge source of life dissatisfaction. Strive to maintain the social connections you need to find true peace of mind. Community involvement is a great way to connect with others. You can volunteer, take educational courses, join a book club, or sign up for group training.
  4. 4 Forgive other people. It's easy to give in to temptation and harbor resentment, but forgiving people who hurt us is really important for mental health and strengthening relationships. If you want to find peace of mind, let go of the bitterness you have for people from the past. You don't have to reconnect with them if you don't want to. Forgiveness is something that happens within you, not between you and the other person.
    • As you forgive, you allow yourself to be healed because you let go of your resentments and negative judgments. Holding on to grudges can negatively affect you. This will bring anger and bitterness into every new situation, interfere with enjoying the present, cut off ties with other people, create a feeling that life has no meaning, and also cause depression or anxiety.
    • Here's a good exercise: Write down who you are angry with and why. Then you can say to each of these people, "I forgive you." Lack of forgiveness can hurt you more than other people, so do it for yourself.
  5. 5 Don't be materialistic. Buying things is not the best way to find peace of mind. You may feel a rush of happiness the first time you get a new item, but the effects will go away faster than other sources of happiness (like a strong relationship). Materialism heightens competitiveness, and people with a lot of expensive items tend to have higher rates of depression and marital dissatisfaction. If you want to find peace of mind, do not fall into this trap and do not buy things just to cheer yourself up.
  6. 6 Make changes where necessary. You may have to make significant changes in your life in order to find harmony in your soul. For example, living in a bad neighborhood can negatively affect morale and even cause depression. If you are stressed by life circumstances, such as your current job or place of residence, we recommend that you take steps to change your environment. It may seem like a disliked job or an unsafe area is a bearable problem, but it can have a huge impact on mental health and make it difficult to find peace of mind. Here are some tips to help you make lasting change:
    • Make plans to stick with. When planning something, make sure you really want it. For example, if you are looking to move to a new location, make sure you are comfortable with the local culture, cuisine, political beliefs, and more.
    • Start with small, smart steps. Don't plan on moving to the other end of the country this coming weekend. If you really want to relocate, start small: explore housing options, local infrastructure, and more.
    • Involve other people in your life. Don't do it all alone. Get help from friends and family. If you want to move, ask them what they think about this and if they can help you pack your things.
  7. 7 Deal with toxic people. Toxic relationships can be a powerful obstacle to peace of mind. Toxic people suck out emotions and never give anything in return. They take advantage of partners and others. You may feel like the relationship revolves around the toxic person. You may also feel uncomfortable around him.Here are some tips for dealing with this toxic relationship:
    • Don't deny it. It's easy to make excuses for someone we enjoy being around, but ask yourself how you feel after spending time with them. Do you really want to spend time with him or do you feel obligated to do so? Do you expect something from him that you will never get?
    • Determine what you get from this relationship. Even in toxic relationships there is some attraction, otherwise you would not be in them. You may be comfortable with this person, even though they are hurting you. He may be buying you things to compensate for his negative behavior.
    • Find alternative sources. You will most likely be able to find other ways to satisfy your wants and needs. Don't stay in friendships or romantic relationships that are toxic. You can find the same benefits elsewhere and not torture yourself. Try to meet new people.


  • Whenever you feel overwhelmed, connect with your loved ones and share what you are going through.
  • Don't be afraid to talk about how you feel inside.
  • Be grateful for what you have in life.
  • Take care of others and help them to the best of your ability.
  • Embrace change instead of being afraid of it.
  • Recognize that no one is living a perfect life.