How to relieve nasal congestion in toddlers

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Treat Runny Nose, Nasal Congestion & Cough In Toddlers & Older Children
Video: How To Treat Runny Nose, Nasal Congestion & Cough In Toddlers & Older Children


Colds, flu, or allergies can cause nasal congestion in toddlers. In a healthy child, mucus moisturizes and clears the nasal membranes, but when the child becomes ill or is exposed to irritants, mucus production increases to fight infection or in response to an irritant, leading to nasal congestion. Most children are unable to blow their nose until the age of 4, so relieving nasal congestion in toddlers requires special steps to help them clear their nasal passages.


  1. 1 Remove irritants from your baby's environment. Common irritants include cigarette smoke, pollen, and pet hair.
    • Ask everyone in the home with your baby to quit smoking or to refrain from smoking indoors and around the outside of the home.
    • Change the filter in the air conditioner and oven hood frequently. Most air filter manufacturers recommend changing the filter every 30-60 days, but you can change the filter more often if you have pets or family members with allergies. To determine if a filter needs to be replaced, just see if it is dirty - hair or animal dander can quickly clog the air filter.
    • Check your local weather forecast for daily pollen availability before planning an outdoor activity if your toddler is allergic to it. Try to plan outdoor activities on days when outdoor air is low in pollen.
  2. 2 Make sure your baby is always hydrated. Adequate fluid intake thinns nasal mucus and makes it easier to swallow, reducing its buildup.
    • Offer your baby water, milk, juice, and broth throughout the day.
  3. 3 Use a nasal aspirator to remove excess mucus from your baby's sinuses. Since most toddlers are unable to blow their noses out, they need extra help to clear their blocked noses. The nasal aspirator uses suction to draw mucus out of the nostrils. The nasal aspirator has a convex and long narrow section that needs to be inserted into the nostrils.
    • Place the baby on your lap. You should be able to reach your baby's nostrils easily and hold the baby in place as needed.
    • Select the nasal aspirator and click on the convex part.
    • Insert the tip into 1 nostril, squeezing the convex part.
    • Gradually release the pressure on the bulge, allowing it to suck in excess mucus.
    • Remove the nasal aspirator from the baby's nostrils and squeeze the bulging part onto a cosmetic tissue to remove mucus from it.
    • Repeat with the other nostril.
  4. 4 Inject the saline solution into your baby's nose. Although most cold and cough medicines are not approved for young children, saline solution is safe for babies and toddlers and can help clear up a stuffy nose.
    • Place the baby in such a position so that his head is lower than the legs, and you can easily reach his head.
    • Take a saline solution and lightly squeeze 1 drop into each nostril.
    • Wait 1-2 minutes for the solution to flow through the sinuses. Your toddler may sneeze or cough up mucus, so stock up on cosmetic wipes.
    • Soak up the contents of the nostrils with a nasal aspirator unless the child sneezes or coughed up mucus.
  5. 5 Use steam to help relieve nasal congestion. Warm steam can break through the congestion, easing nasal discharge.
    • Turn on the shower in the bathroom. Use hot water to generate steam.
    • Place your baby in the tub with you.
    • Close the bathroom door to keep the steam in the room.
    • Stay in the bath for 10-20 minutes.
  6. 6 Raise your baby's head while sleeping. Raising your head above the rest of your body will make it easier for your baby to breathe while he sleeps with a stuffy nose.
    • Lift the baby mattress by placing a main crown or towel under the head.
  7. 7 Place a cool vaporizer or ultrasonic humidifier in your baby's room at night. This device humidifies the air, making it easier for the child to breathe with a stuffy nose and sleep more calmly.
    • Place your baby in the crib.
    • Place a cool vaporizer or humidifier on the floor or on a stable surface.
    • Turn on the evaporator or humidifier.


  • Apply a small amount of Vaporub ointment to your baby's feet before bed and wear woolen socks to help him fall asleep, even if he has a clogged nose / runny nose.
  • Spread Vaseline on the outside of your nostrils to reduce cracks, dry skin, and irritation from a stuffy nose.
  • If you want to use your homemade saline solution, you can add it with a pipette.


  • Wash part with a cool vaporizer or ultrasonic humidifier, otherwise fungi and bacteria will accumulate in the machine. Wash it daily with hot water and diluted disinfectant solution for cleaning every 3 days of use. Rinse thoroughly with water after cleaning with disinfectant solution.
  • Do not use the same bottle of saline solution on multiple children. If the tip of the bottle touches the baby's nostrils, you can transfer germs from one baby to another through the bottle.

What do you need

  • Air filters
  • Liquid, incl. water, milk, juice and broths
  • Nasal aspirator
  • Cosmetic wipes
  • Brine
  • Basic crown or towel
  • Cool evaporator or ultrasonic humidifier