How to relieve your condition with an impacted wisdom tooth

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 19 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Impacted Tooth Removal
Video: Impacted Tooth Removal


An impacted wisdom tooth is a tooth that cannot cut through the gums. Such a tooth can become stuck in the gum or jawbone. Often, an impacted wisdom tooth needs to be removed, especially when it is the source of related problems. If you start to experience severe pain due to an unerupted wisdom tooth or notice that it is not growing properly, be sure to see your dentist.


Part 1 of 2: Confirming the Diagnosis

  1. 1 Understand what an impacted wisdom tooth is. Often, such a tooth cannot erupt normally due to the fact that the teeth that have already erupted in the oral cavity are too closely spaced and the new tooth simply does not have enough space. The jaw itself may be too small to accommodate a wisdom tooth. It is the wisdom teeth that most often become impacted, which is usually revealed during the typical period of their eruption - at the age from 17 to 21 years.
  2. 2 Pay attention to the symptoms. An impacted tooth can have countless effects on your oral health and overall health. If you start to notice unusual symptoms, be sure to write them down with the date when they first appeared. Be sure to bring your symptom list with you to your dentist appointment. In particular, you should pay attention to:
    • recently appeared curvature of the teeth;
    • bad breath;
    • pain in the gums;
    • pain in the jaw that can extend all the way to the front teeth;
    • Reddened or swollen gums, especially around an unerupted wisdom tooth
    • an unpleasant taste in the mouth during a bite;
    • the appearance of a hole in the area where the wisdom tooth should be;
    • trouble opening your mouth (rare);
    • enlarged cervical lymph nodes (rare);
    • cysts in the mouth;
    • increased salivation.
  3. 3 Visit your dentist. If you come across several of the above symptoms at once, see your dentist. After familiarizing yourself with your symptoms, the doctor will examine the existing teeth in the mouth. The gums will then be examined for swelling. Next, you will have an X-ray taken to make sure that the impacted wisdom tooth is the cause of the problem. Based on the results of the examination, you will be assigned the most appropriate treatment.

Part 2 of 2: Relief of unpleasant symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth

  1. 1 Take a pain reliever. If a wisdom tooth is the source of pain, over-the-counter pain relievers can help relieve it. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or naproxen are good choices as they reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Talk to your dentist about which drug is best for you and the dosage you need.
  2. 2 Consider your diet carefully. Do not eat or drink food or drinks that are too hot or cold. They can lead to increased pain. Also refrain from foods that need to be chewed very thoroughly (such as corn chips and broccoli). Chewing can be very painful. In this case, additional tooth irritation and bleeding may occur.
  3. 3 Rinse your mouth with warm saline. You can relieve pain with salt mixed with warm water. Add half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm (not hot) water. Stir the solution. Put a quarter glass of the solution in your mouth and rinse your mouth gently. Then, just spit the solution into the sink.
  4. 4 Use an antibacterial mouthwash. Buy an antibacterial mouthwash from your pharmacy.Pour yourself about ⅛ cup of liquid or use the supplied measuring cap. Put the mouthwash in your mouth. Rinse your mouth with liquid for 30 seconds. Then spit into the sink.
  5. 5 Have a tooth extraction. If the dentist comes to the conclusion that the wisdom tooth will continue to create problems for you (lead to curvature of the teeth due to tightness, pain, and so on), cause inflammation of the gums, or has already begun to collapse by itself, then you had better agree to it removal. Dentists-surgeons often carry out such operations. In this case, the surgeon opens the gum and removes the problem tooth from it. Then the incision is sutured. After removing a wisdom tooth, some pain and swelling often occur. Ice compresses and pain relievers will help alleviate the condition.
    • Early extraction of a wisdom tooth is considered preferable. If you are under twenty years old, most likely, your wisdom tooth is not yet fully developed. For this reason, the operation will be easier and less painful.
    • Also, the dentist can give you an injection of an anti-inflammatory drug immediately after tooth extraction to relieve the resulting swelling.