How not to become a third person

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Kickstart your game with First and Third Person Controllers! (FREE Unity Starter Assets)
Video: Kickstart your game with First and Third Person Controllers! (FREE Unity Starter Assets)


Your boyfriend or girlfriend has fallen in love and you are happy for him / her. However, you also want to spend time with your boyfriend / girlfriend, but you don't want to get in the way of their relationship. How not to become a third person?


  1. 1 Give your friend some space. It can be frustrating, but after assessing the situation, you will understand that now the friend needs time for himself and the new partner. Especially at first. But don't worry, that doesn't mean you've lost your friend forever.
    • Stop constant correspondence and calls. Now your friend will not be able to answer you constantly, as he needs to devote time to another person. Do not be offended - this is natural.
    • Transfer the initiative to a friend. Of course, you can invite a friend somewhere yourself, but in most cases, let him invite you.
    • Remember: your friend still needs you. If you are invited to join a walk or a trip to the cinema, and you feel that it will be right, do not refuse. A relationship is an oncoming street, a friend needs your feedback.
  2. 2 Develop and find a new hobby. No need to spend the weekend alone in front of the TV, look for new ways and acquaintances. Make new friends, find hobbies or new hobbies. Yes, you will miss your friend, so look for ways to distract yourself and keep yourself busy.
    • Use this opportunity to start a new hobby or self-help. Join a bowling alley or start your own book club.
    • Do something that you've never done with a friend. Your friend is afraid of heights and have you always wanted to climb a mountain? Are you a vegetarian and always wanted to visit a new restaurant? You have a chance to learn something new.
    • Turn old acquaintances into new friends. Have you always talked with a girl / boy from a language course, but never walked together? Or did you accidentally run into a former classmate who moved to your area? Open up to new acquaintances and let new people into your life.
    • Time alone with yourself is priceless. If you are trying to distract yourself, but you still have a lot of free time, devote it to yourself. Read a book that has been constantly postponed, get a manicure / pedicure, watch new TV programs. Don't be sad or lonely. Consider this time as an opportunity to grow as a person and develop your interests.
  3. 3 Take some time alone with a friend. It is very important to see each other tete-a-tete, without the presence of the second half. You can relax, be yourself, strengthen friendships, etc.
    • Take time to do things you love with your friend that they don't share. For example, watching black and white films. This is a great way to be with a friend and not invite your soul mate.
    • Schedule weekly appointments.It doesn't hurt to start a new tradition, especially now that your friend spends all his free time with you. This could be weekly dinners, pub drinks, sports activities. If your friend is busy all week, call at least on Sunday and discuss the accumulated news.
  4. 4 Don't overcomplicate. You may feel uncomfortable feeling like a third person, but the more you think about it, the worse. If you feel uncomfortable around a new couple, it's better to date your friend separately.
    • When you are all walking together, you don’t have to keep repeating. That you feel like a third person. It will be embarrassing for everyone.
    • It's okay to make harmless jokes about your loneliness. But complaining that you'll never meet love like theirs can make a couple feel guilty and discourage them from seeing you. If you only feel sorry for yourself and enjoy the time spent together, they will not want to meet with you anymore.
    • However, remember that there is a newly minted couple next to you. If they go too far, busy with each other, make it clear.
  5. 5 If you feel comfortable in their company, spend time together. Choose an occupation that everyone finds interesting.
    • Avoid everything romantic and sweet, from a walk in the rose garden to a candlelit dinner at a new French restaurant. If your friend insists that everything will be okay, explain your point of view.
    • It is best to choose crowded places and activities in groups. Sign up for a competition at a local pub, or head to the beach to play volleyball. It will be fun and everyone will contribute to the common cause.
    • Only walk together if your friend really wants to see you. If you catch reluctant notes in his voice and understand that they just don't want to offend you, refuse to meet. If you are invited to go with you only out of pity, no one will get pleasure from such a pastime.
  6. 6 Use the emergence of a new person as an advantage. After all, it is also an opportunity to improve your personal life! Perhaps your friend's new partner has free girlfriends or friends who will be happy to meet you and spend time with you.
    • If you are looking for a girl, a friend of your friend might try to find the right date for you.
    • If you are looking for a sweetheart, you can ask your friend's boyfriend for advice. Find out what guys like and how to attract them.
    • You can also go on a double date. If you've been wanting to invite someone for a long time, use a couple as bait. Tell them that they have reserved a table for four or that they have extra concert tickets.
  7. 7 Consider this a friendship test. Remember, your best friend will always be your best friend. He (a) will always be by your side. And no relationship can spoil it.
    • Be patient - but not forever. At first, it's okay to completely immerse yourself in a new love object, but if even then your friend continues to ignore you, it may not be a friend at all.
    • If a friend constantly disappears when he has a new hobby, this can serve as a signal that you should delete such a person from your life.


  • Develop conditioned cues to keep the couple from overstepping.
  • Don't fancy. Perhaps you are not the third odd person at all. If you are constantly called with you, then people like your company.


  • Relationships can change a person. If you don't like the way your boyfriend / girlfriend behaves around a new partner, you should talk about it. If the couple caresses each other all the time and does not pay attention to you, you better leave.