How to resist the pressure of sex

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Deal with the Pressure to Have Sex
Video: How to Deal with the Pressure to Have Sex


Attention:this article is intended for persons over 18 years of age. So, has someone special appeared in your life? You're lucky! Sometimes this special person may want you to do something WAY too special with them. This is what you need to do so that the situation does not go further than YOU yourself want it to.


  1. 1 Make sure you really like this person and is worth your time! Make sure that a spark of passion flares up in your heart as well.
  2. 2 Directly tell the person what your views are and how far you are willing to go with him / her. Remember that sex should always be consensual, and if you say no from the beginning, the person should respect that. Hopefully, when you tell him right away about the “rules of the game,” he won't try to force you to leave your comfort zone.
  3. 3 In reality, however, if you start fondling each other with the words "Look, I don't want to have sex with you," it is likely that the person will try to move on. Especially if it's a guy. So get ready to defend your position. Do not give in, simply because the person begins to beg you or to look in a special way. DO NOT FOLLOW BELIEF. If a person starts to bother you, stop (whatever you do) and firmly tell him / her that if he / she cannot respect your decision (and your body), then you are not interested in communicating with him / her and will look for someone. someone who will respect you. Be strong.
  4. 4 Stay on your decision as long as you need it or you want it. If, over time, you want to have sex with this person, great! But don't just do it because he / she wants it. YOU should really want it too. Never have sex unless YOU want it, are not ready or excited about the prospect. Disagree. Wait until the desire is mutual and until you yourself want it very much. And then everything will go just fine!
  5. 5 If you find that you never want to have sex with this person, that's okay too. Perhaps you are simply not ready to reveal your sexuality, or maybe this is simply not your person. We've all experienced this; it's a terrible, awkward and awkward moment, but that's life. In this case, you might want to end the relationship.And if you are young or generally have low levels of sexual desire, enjoy a sex-free relationship. This is a normal and healthy relationship, as long as everything suits both of you. If your partner is not happy with this situation, then it's time to end this relationship and look for a more suitable match for yourself.
  6. 6 Remember: above all, you must love and respect yourself. You must make this decision entirely on your own, no matter what your partner says. Take care of yourself and give yourself the credit. Don't feel guilty about not wanting to have sex! There is nothing wrong with that. Tell yourself, "I am a lovely boy / girl and I am worth the wait." This is true!


  • If you don't want to have sex at all, that's okay too! Even if you're fully clothed and don't let him / her do anything other than kissing, you can still have fun. Once again: flirt, but be firm. If flirting isn't up to you, just stay firm. It is most important.
  • If you want to wait for the wedding, tell your partner that. Thus, he will not put pressure on you. If the person loves you, they will wait.
  • Know your boundaries and make sure the person respects you. If he starts doing something disrespectful, tell him about it. If he continues to pressurize, leave. Get your feet - he's not worth it.
  • Giving up sex doesn't have to be stressful - in fact, it can be a lot of fun. Make a game out of this! If he / she really wants you, and you do not want to give up, then you can drive that person crazy. Be firm in your decision, but keep flirting and keeping him / her interested. Then, if you decide to have sex with that person, it will be INCREDIBLY exciting for them. Therefore, enjoy! The main prize is in your hands. Go ahead, tease this person, be a seducer / seducer. Let the tension grow. Let his / her imagination drive him / her crazy.
  • You need a person with whom you will feel wonderful, who will help you see the wonderful person in yourself, which you are. If you are with someone who makes you feel ugly / inferior, forget that person. No one is worth your sorrow. Be intolerant of disrespect. Dot.
  • If you want to give this person a taste of sexuality, but don't want to give up completely for now, create tension by showing them naked, allowing them to be touched the way YOU WANT it. Give him a little pleasure without giving everything at once. He will languish in anticipation of the time when you are ready.


  • Don't blame yourself for not wanting sex! This does not make you a prude. Listen to your body and to yourself. Trust yourself, you are smarter than you think. Good luck!
  • If you don't want to, just don't have sex. That's the whole story. The person who presses on you is not worth your time - clearly and clearly. You can always find someone better.
  • DON'T GET INTO SITUATIONS THAT YOU CANNOT CONTROL! Find out what kind of person it is before being alone with him. Don't let yourself be a victim. Take care of your safety and respect yourself.