How to learn to do palm jamming

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Traditional Climbing: 1. Hand Jamming | Climbing Tech Tips
Video: Traditional Climbing: 1. Hand Jamming | Climbing Tech Tips


Palm jamming is a guitar playing technique performed by touching the edge of the palm to the bridge to create a jamming effect. This technique is difficult to learn, but every self-respecting guitarist should master it. Mostly jamming is used for playing such genres: rock, country, punk rock.


  1. 1 If you are playing with your right hand, place your left palm near the bridge.
    • Notes: The closer you place your palm to the bridge while muting, the clearer the note will be. The further your palm is, the more the sound is muffled. As you have more experience, you can achieve any degree of muffling by varying the pressure and position of the palm.
  2. 2 Press lightly on the strings with your hand.
  3. 3 Play a note or chord, adjusting the amount of pressure you apply on the strings until the sound is muffled enough.
    • Move your hand not only up and down, but also right and left.
  4. 4 If you press too hard on the strings, the note will not sound, and if you press too lightly, there will be no muffling effect.
    • If there is no difference in tone between the notes, you are pushing the strings too hard.
    • If you press too lightly on the strings, you will hear an unpleasant sound.
    • Keep practicing and applying different pressure to the strings to get the desired result.
  5. 5 Do not apply constant pressure, it must be variable to create rhythm.


  • You need to apply different pressure for different notes.
  • The closer you place your hand to the bridge, the clearer the sound will be.
  • This technique is used to make the vocalist's voice better heard.