How to teach a dog to give a paw

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 27 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Teach the Give Paw Trick | Dog Training
Video: How to Teach the Give Paw Trick | Dog Training


This simple trick will interest you and your dog, and impress your family and friends!


  1. 1 When the dog is sitting in front of you, put your palm forward with the treat sandwiched between your thumb and palm.
  2. 2 Offer your hand to the dog. At first she will sniff at her and nuzzle at her, but then she will begin to scratch with her paw.
  3. 3 When the paw is in the palm of your hand, give the dog a treat with the other hand than the hand that the dog was touching. When learning, using a clicker can help.
  4. 4 Repeat the procedure until the dog begins to automatically paw when you extend your hand.
  5. 5 When the learning outcomes are consistently successful, start offering the palm without the treat. Always reward your dog with a treat from the other hand. It can be helpful if your palm smells like a treat.
    • The dog should start giving a paw without a treat in the palm of his hand. If this does not happen, work on the treat a little longer so that the dog understands the meaning of what is happening better.
  6. 6 When the dog is consistently giving a paw without a treat in the palm, try extending the palm fully open (with the thumb relaxed and extended to the side). Again, remember to treat your dog later. If your dog won't give a paw, try moving your thumb to the side gradually.
  7. 7 Enter the verbal command "give your paw" (or something similar). Say "give your paw", pause, and then offer your hand to the dog. Reward your dog after following the command.
    • The behavior can then be honed at your discretion. Some dogs can give a paw on command, but at the same time they poke their muzzle into the palm of your hand. Ignore this behavior while the dog is just learning to paw, then start rewarding it only when it stops poking into the palm. Eventually, the dog will understand that there is nothing tasty in the palm, and will stop behaving like that.
  8. 8 Gradually reduce the frequency of using treats. For example, start giving them only once. Then every three times. Do not cut the treats too abruptly, as the dog may become frustrated and stop following the command altogether.
  9. 9 The dog may become insolent and start pawing at you in an attempt to be encouraged.Encourage her only for giving a paw when you ask for it, and never give a treat if the dog is willing to do so.
  10. 10 Another way to learn to give a paw is to give a command, to grip and shake the paw on your own.


  • If you sit your dog down before training, it will be more attentive to you and the likelihood that it will simply leave will decrease.
  • If your dog still has itchy teeth, it's a good idea to wait until it has outgrown this period, otherwise it may bite and chew on your palm when you touch its paw.
  • The dog may be interested in your hand to see if there is a treat in it.
  • Be sure to give the treat with the other hand, not the one you shake the paw with.
  • This trick can also be taught to cats using the same method.


  • Never hit the dog or shout at it for not understanding ... Be gentle and patient, with time she will understand everything!