How to hire employees

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 6 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Hire Employees for a Small Business | Tips to Make Hiring Easier
Video: How to Hire Employees for a Small Business | Tips to Make Hiring Easier


Has a new vacancy appeared in your company? Finding the perfect person for the job is very important, as successful employees are the foundation of a profitable business and a strong company. The best ways to recruit employees include posting ads on websites and forums, or finding employees through professional connections, referrals, and more creative approaches.If you want to know how to find fantastic employees for your company, read Step 1.


Method 1 of 2: Active Recruiting

  1. 1 Hire an employee from your company. One of the best ways to find the right person for a new position is to consider the loyal employees who are already around you. Who has already taken the time it takes to learn company policies and earn people's trust? You will save a lot of time if you do not want to risk hiring an outside company to close this position. Think carefully about which of the people you work with is suitable for the position, and encourage them to take it.
    • Create, with the help of other department leaders or administrators, a list of the most important qualities you need when recruiting successful staff. Discuss factors such as attention to detail, experience, educational level, and adaptability. Your fellow managers can contribute by communicating the qualities that will make the employee the most successful and by recommending someone in the company who might be suitable for the position.
  2. 2 Encourage staff referrals. Telling people in your company that you are looking for a new employee is a great way to attract new candidates. You will receive referrals from people who know the company internally and externally and can recommend people who might be suitable for the job. Employees won't put their reputation on the line by recommending unqualified candidates, so you can be sure to get an overseer if you choose this hiring method.
    • Employees in positions related to the vacancy may have connections with good candidates in the industry and may reach out to friends or colleagues who may be eligible for this new job.
    • Send your employees a letter that includes a job description and ask them to pass it on to qualified professionals they know.
    • Offering employee referral rewards can encourage people to get serious about finding your ideal candidate.
  3. 3 Use your business contacts. Sometimes it is better to fill new vacancies with someone outside the company, as they can work with a completely fresh perspective. You can still use your contacts to find candidates for the position, rather than asking for resumes from complete strangers. Connect with people you have worked with for many years who know you and understand what you are looking for in an employee. Ask them if they have any suggestions as to who would be a good candidate for the position.
    • You can reach out to colleagues and business contacts for recommendations or positive and negative reviews when you are hiring employees.
    • Industry peers can also advise you on a site or trade show where you can find good employees.
  4. 4 Make your company and job position as attractive as possible. Finding great employees is one thing, but you will have to attract the best and brightest by offering them a lot in return. Here's how you can try to whet their interest:
    • Reproduce your company's culture. Tell them about a typical day at your company and give them details of your company's “personality”. Talk about how you enjoy working in it.
    • Offer competitive salaries and benefits. While this isn't always enough for hiring an employee, it certainly doesn't hurt to mention it.
    • Make the vacant position sound prestigious and interesting. These two factors are great incentives for bright potential candidates. Job satisfaction comes from a sense of respect and the ability to learn new things and succeed even with various obstacles.
    • Offer what other companies don't offer.For example, flexible scheduling is a highly regarded benefit that many companies do not offer. Giving people the opportunity to work from home and being able to take time off when they need it can set your company apart from the rest.
  5. 5 Create a talent pool. Interview periodically and keep track of candidates who meet your requirements for a successful employee, even if you don't have a place for him right now. This will give you a pool of good candidates to consider when you have an open position.
    • Expand your pool by asking candidates themselves for referrals. When you go through a candidate's list of recommendations, ask them about the biographies of these people. You may be able to hire a former manager of that candidate.
  6. 6 Use social networking sites. Recruit successful employees using online recruiting social networking sites such as LinkedIn or industry specific sites that have profiles of people in that area. Many job seekers use these sites to find jobs that match their skills.
    • Even if the person you are interested in already has a job, there is nothing wrong with making an appointment and getting to know that person. You can discuss the vacancy and see if they are interested. If they are not interested, they could suggest someone else who would be a good candidate for this position.

Method 2 of 2: Passive Recruiting

  1. 1 Write a compelling description of your company. Highly qualified employees want to work for an exciting and exciting company. The best candidates will pass by boring or poorly written job descriptions. Your job description should grab the attention of potential employees by providing a striking description of your company's mission and the important role of the person you're looking for for the job.
    • Write how your company differs from competitors, and how it is better than them.
    • Write about the main goal of your company. Make it sound important, no matter if you want to keep an endangered animal species or make the best toothpaste on the market.
  2. 2 Pass on the identity of the company. Potential employees will want to feel like working for your company. State the true "personality" of your company in order to attract candidates who are well suited. The language and content of your description should give readers an idea of ​​what you want to convey.
    • If your company is prestigious and formal, use serious, thoroughly correct language.
    • If your company is playful and innovative, feel free to use slang or jokes to let people know that being a person is part of the job.
  3. 3 Identify the vacancy you are offering. Start by listing the title and key requirements that will hopefully weed out people below the required qualifications and keep you from being overwhelmed by their résumés. Include details of what this job entails, including general and specific responsibilities.
    • Make the job vacancy sound great, but be honest about the less glamorous aspects of the job. For example, if you are hiring an office manager, you may want candidates to be willing to keep the office high, as well as to be able to order supplies and keep the office clean. People who are not interested in the less attractive part of the office manager job will not apply for this position.
    • Don't overdo it by creating a list of 5 or more specific data in bio, industry, and education requirements. If you make your position too specific, you can weed out good candidates who can quickly figure out how to get the job done, even if they don't have the experience you're looking for. A person's work ethic and attitude can be just as important to their success as other skills or qualifications.
  4. 4 Provide instructions for your resume. Ask for a resume and cover letter, as well as any other materials you might want, such as a written sample. Also include your contact information and instructions on how to submit the materials. You might want to specify how you want the documents to be formatted, or you might prefer that they be sent by email, fax, attachment, etc.
    • How a candidate presents his or her resume can tell a lot about him / her. If someone has trouble sticking to basic instructions, then you cannot hire them.
  5. 5 Open a vacancy on job and employment sites. The good thing about posting your job in public places is that you can be confident in getting a ton of resumes. The downside is that you get a ton of resumes. Either way, you will have loads of resumes to look through, so post your job wisely. Place ads on targeted job sites that are likely to attract qualified people, rather than post job information in random places that will be viewed by unqualified people.
    • Post your vacancy on your company's website, on the page labeled "Career" or "Job". This will attract those who are actually taking the time to review your company, rather than accidentally stumbling upon it in a public forum.
    • Post your vacancy on professional forums and related job sites. For example, if you work in the film industry, post your job on industry sites that will be viewed by people who already know the job.
    • Post your job on general job sites if you want to find many applicants. If you are hoping to get as many resumes as possible, post your vacancy on the major job search sites. Remember, you will most likely receive multiple spam responses.
  6. 6 Try to advertise. Large companies may advertise in trade magazines or websites to attract candidates in a bold, eye-catching manner. In fact, billboard advertising for jobs is becoming trendy among the most competitive companies.
  7. 7 Select the best candidates and begin the interview process. When the number of resumes gets very high, it's time to hire the best person for the job. Look for candidates' resumes that demonstrate the experience, skills, and personality you are looking for, and select a reasonable number of people to interview. After the interview, you will be able to make a well-informed decision about who is suitable for the position.
    • If you find that your ad is not attracting the right people to work, go back and correct it.
    • Be patient and go through as many resumes as you can and do enough interviews to find someone who will do their job really well. It's easy to get overwhelmed when hiring, but in the end, your work will pay off.