How to pump up your arms

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 14 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Large, muscular arms are, for many, the first sign of strength and athleticism. As a nice addition to the look, large, strong arms make it possible to perform tasks such as moving heavy furniture and cars without even breaking a sweat. Read on if you are wondering what exercise and lifestyle enhances arm muscle building.


Method 1 of 3: Schedule Your Workouts

  1. 1 Exercise once or twice a week. Many people think that exercising every day will give the best results, but in fact, muscle grows during rest between workouts. Your muscles get stronger as they recover from strength training, providing increased results. If you do not give the muscles (including the muscles of the arms) the necessary rest, then you risk overtraining them and get a negative result.
  2. 2 The workout should be about 30 minutes long. Similar to a two-time workout, it makes no sense to train your arms for more than 30 minutes per workout. The muscles in your arms are easier to injure than other muscles in the body, and training for more than half an hour increases the risk of injury. Short but intense workouts will give the best results for your hands.
  3. 3 Train to the limit. Lift weights to the limit and train intensely. Bodybuilders call this "training to failure," that is, lift to the point where you can no longer lift once or continue to complete the exercise. As you strengthen your arms, you will notice that the old weights become lighter for you and will increase.
    • Find your maximum weight by experimenting with different weights until you find one with which you can perform no more than 10 or 12 reps with great effort and burning sensation, "to failure."If you can complete 10 or 12 reps without extreme effort or burning sensation, then this is not your maximum weight. If you can't do more than one or two reps, reduce the weight.
    • While building muscle is uncomfortable, you shouldn't be overweight, which could make you feel sick or faint. There is no shame in starting small. Start with weights that you can handle and you will soon have the strength you need to handle large weights.
  4. 4 Use the correct technique. By using the right technique, you will be able to get the most out of your weight training. In addition to working with the right weights, there are a few other tips to keep in mind:
    • Begin with the arms fully extended, not bent.
    • Perform controlled movements only, do not use momentum.
    • Make sure you can do at least five reps per exercise. For example, if you are doing an exercise that requires you to fully straighten your arms over your head, and you cannot fully straighten your arms at the elbows, then this weight is too much for you.
  5. 5 Work your entire body. It is better and more natural to do exercises that target different muscle groups than just the muscles of the arms. If you do not work on the legs and body, then large arms will look disharmonious with a non-muscular body.
    • On days when you are not training your arms, train other muscle groups: legs, back, abdomen. This way, you can strengthen the muscles in your body while your arms are resting.
    • Do complex arm pumping exercises that will work on other muscle groups as well. Pulls and push-ups, for example, additionally strengthen the abdominal muscles, in addition to the fact that they mainly stress the arms.

Method 2 of 3: Do Basic Muscle Building Exercises

  1. 1 Do dumbbell curls to build biceps and triceps. The biceps and triceps are the main muscle groups in the arms, so focus on those. In a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart, take dumbbells, place them on your sides, arms should be straightened, palms turned outward. Bend your arms and bring the dumbbells to chest level and return to the starting position.
    • Do 8 to 12 reps, 3-5 sets. Rest between sets should be about 45 seconds.
    • This exercise can also be done with a barbell or kettlebell.
  2. 2 Do pull-ups to build biceps. The grip of the horizontal bar should be shoulder-width apart, palms facing you. Pull up to your chin using only your arms. Come down slowly.
    • Do 8 to 12 reps, 3-5 sets.
    • You can make the exercise more difficult with a weighted belt.
  3. 3 Do dumbbell extensions to strengthen your triceps. In a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart, hold the dumbbells above your head on outstretched arms, palms turned towards you. Lower the dumbbells behind your head so that your elbows are directed towards the ceiling, then extend your arms over your head to the starting position.
    • Do 8 to 12 reps, 3-5 sets.
    • This exercise can also be done with one dumbbell with two hands.

Method 3 of 3: Change Your Lifestyle for Results

  1. 1 Don't eat too many calories. You might think that you need to consume more calories than usual to pump up your arms. Eating a lot of calories will not build muscle. Conversely, calories increase fat, which obscures the shape of the muscles. The key is to keep the diet low in body fat and keep the muscles visible.
    • The diet should be balanced with enough fruits and vegetables, unprocessed grains, healthy fats, and lean meats.
    • Avoid sugar and flour, fried foods, and other high-calorie foods that lead to fat build-up.
  2. 2 Get enough protein. Protein helps muscle growth, which is why it should be a staple of your diet during exercise. Adjust your diet accordingly.
    • Eat fish, chicken, lean beef, pork, and other protein-rich meats. Eggs are also a great source of protein.
    • Beans, nuts, spinach, and other vegetables are good sources of protein.
    • Consider supplementing with protein powders such as creatine, which is made up of amino acids, which can help you work harder, recover faster, and build muscle.
  3. 3 Pay attention to good rest. When building muscle, getting enough rest is just as important as exercising. Sleep at least 8 hours a day on workout days and do not strain your arm muscles on rest days.


  • Eat and sleep well.
  • Drinking fluids is also very important. Drink at least 3 liters of water a day.
  • Experience the difference between good pain and bad pain. If you feel pain while exercising but can continue doing it despite it, this is good pain. If it hurts so much that you cannot continue the exercise, stop, rest and try to understand what the problem is. Don't do the exercise through bad pain, it can lead to further injury.
  • Do more complex exercises.
  • Avoid using steroids, they are harmful to the body.
  • A tricky and almost effortless way to work your arm muscles is with a medicine ball. By simply juggling the medicine ball playfully while watching TV, you can train your hands for several minutes without fatigue (depending on the weight of the medicine ball). This is an “involuntary exercise” that you can do at home while watching TV.
  • Always follow the correct technique. Exercising with the wrong technique can lead to injury.
  • Always warm up / warm up. This will prepare the muscles for the next exercise.
  • Always stretch before and after a workout. If this is not done, then the risk of injury increases greatly.