How to find your soul mate

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Plato - How To Find Your Soulmate (Platonic Idealism)
Video: Plato - How To Find Your Soulmate (Platonic Idealism)


The term "soul mate" usually refers to a person with whom you get along well. So, in some systems of spiritual views, it is considered that people who knew each other in a past life become soul mates. Of course, it is not possible to really prove the existence of kindred souls, but everyone wants to find a person who would really understand you. Even if you set yourself such a goal, this task is not easy and you will not be able to speed up the process. That said, recognizing your soul mate is just as important as finding a similar person.


Part 1 of 3: How to Find a Potential Soul Mate

  1. 1 Focus on yourself first. As a rule, if a person knows his own worth and is confident in himself, then he is capable of more productive relationships with other people. Develop your body and spirit, and lead a healthy lifestyle before trying to find someone with whom you can share your accomplishments.
    • Body care will make you feel like an individual. Monitor your appearance to become more physically attractive to other people.
    • Change your expectations of other people, because this is also part of working on yourself. Before any attempt to meet a person, make sure that your expectations are realistic. Excessive exactingness will not lead to anything good.
  2. 2 Lead an active social life. Don't expect to find a soul mate if you stay away from people. Of course, it is not recommended to go out and get acquainted solely for the sake of finding a partner for life, but the chances of meeting your soul mate will increase significantly if you do not sit at home and communicate with people. Spend time with friends and try to find yourself in unusual situations. The more often you step out of your comfort zone, the more opportunities will open up for you.
    • First impressions are important, but not decisive. If a person did not make the best first impression on you, then this does not mean that you will not be able to get along in the event of a closer acquaintance.
  3. 3 Pay attention to common interests and values. Interests say a lot about a person. People spend their time and accumulate life experiences around their interests and draw inspiration from values. A soul mate may have values ​​that match yours. You can find out about a person's values ​​and hobbies in everyday conversations. If you are looking for someone with the same hobbies as yours, then the process of finding a soul mate is likely to accelerate.
    • If you want to improve your chances, then start visiting places that match your interests. For example, if you like music, try to attend concerts as often as possible. This way you will meet a lot of interesting people, since the very presence of two people in the same place means that they have at least one common interest.
    • Don't be afraid to meet people if they have completely opposite interests. You can still develop a deep understanding and community of views.
    • In some couples, partners are of different religions. Nevertheless, with opposite views on the structure of the universe and the meaning of life, it will be more difficult for you to feel complete closeness with a person.
  4. 4 Try to think with an open mind. Romantics believe that a soul mate is easy to recognize at first sight, but in reality everything is not so simple. To assess your compatibility, you need to talk openly with a person at least once. You may have met soul mates before, but you have not had the opportunity to unleash the potential of such a relationship. Try to think openly when meeting people. You never know where and when you will meet your soul mate.
    • If you find it difficult to open up to a person, chances are good that you are not soul mates. And vice versa, when a person resists open communication.
  5. 5 Be realistic. No one will match you perfectly in all aspects of life. Also, when looking for a soul mate, perfectionism should be avoided. All human relationships are imperfect in nature. If you have managed to find a person who awakens in you the desire to live, then this is already enough. Any minor flaws should be taken as an integral part of the whole. Serious flaws should alert you. When there is significant disagreement, it is best to think twice before getting close to the person.
    • Significant disagreements will prevent you from feeling the satisfaction of being around the person. On the other hand, it is possible that the little things will be annoying, but they are usually insignificant in comparison with the positive qualities of a person.

Part 2 of 3: How to Recognize Your Soul Mate

  1. 1 Be sincere. True soul mates will only find each other if both people are completely open and sincere. To do this, you need to accept yourself and always remain yourself in order to build such a connection with a person. If you hide part of your personality, then you will never fully know how compatible you really are.
    • This attitude should be two-way. The person should be completely open with you.
  2. 2 Strive to communicate openly. One of the main benefits of having a soul mate is the ability to communicate without fear of judgment and the need to keep track of your words during the conversation. Even in ordinary healthy relationships, people often have secrets from each other. If in this way you seek to spare a person's feelings, then with a soul mate there is simply no such need.
  3. 3 Notice the feeling of security. If you have truly found your soul mate, you will feel completely safe with this person. We rarely feel completely comfortable and at ease in the presence of other people. Given the unfamiliarity of the sensations, they will be a sure sign that you have met a soul mate.
  4. 4 Develop a sense of mutual trust. As with any relationship, trust is one of the most important aspects for soul mates. Even in the presence of complete mutual understanding with a person, one case of deceived trust can destroy everything. If you really think that you have met the same "soul mate", then try your best to remain a sincere and loyal companion.
    • Even with complete mutual understanding, trusting relationships take a long time to develop, especially with painful past experiences. For a trusting relationship with a person after a bad experience, you need to make a conscious decision to take risks and become vulnerable in the eyes of your partner. This is a tricky step for most people, but if you've met a soul mate, then this close bond will be of obvious benefit to you.

Part 3 of 3: How to Analyze Your Feelings

  1. 1 Decide what you mean by soul mates. In trying to find a soul mate, it is important to accept the fact that everyone can have their own definition of the concept. Some people see a soul mate as a real spiritual connection with another person, while most people use this term to describe the person with whom they get along best. In the case of this kind of thinking, it is also important to understand that there are more than one soulmate in the world. You can live a completely happy life with a loved one, or you can alternately meet with people who will give you the same happiness.
    • Think about this before starting your search. In a relationship, you shouldn't try to find the perfect match. Everyone knows that nothing is perfect.
  2. 2 Assess your past relationship. If you want to get to know your soul mate when you meet, it is helpful to be guided by your past experiences. If you have met other people, it will be easier for you to recognize your personality and the people you usually attract. So, you may have flaws that prevent you from fully committing yourself to another person. If you want to clarify, then think about these questions:
    • "Where and how did you meet people who aroused romantic feelings in me?"
    • “What good was my past relationship? What's wrong? "
    • "What actions of mine could theoretically negatively affect the relationship?"
    • "How did my past partners meet my own criteria?"
    • "What was the reason for the breakup?"
  3. 3 Consider astrological aspects. People who believe in soul kinship and destiny tend to believe that the signs of the zodiac are behind this. Such pseudoscience should be taken with a grain of salt, but sometimes it is interesting to know your zodiacal compatibility with a particular person.
    • The zodiac sign is determined by the day and month of your birth.
  4. 4 Consider the likelihood of past lives and memories. If you are interested in a spiritual approach to soul mates, consider the concept of past lives. It is possible that true soul mates have already met in other reincarnation cycles. This can manifest itself as a déjà vu sensation.


  • If you want to find your soul mate, then it's best to focus on yourself. It will be difficult to find someone who fully embraces your personality if you do not fully show your personality!


  • Finding your soul mate shouldn't become an obsession. If a person is overly keen on such a goal, then he risks missing out on other important aspects of life.
  • There are no single or "real" soul mates. This concept describes a person with whom you have a good understanding. In fact, the world is full of people who can give you such emotions.