How to find incentives to do better at school

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 6 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to find the person who can help you get ahead at work | Carla Harris
Video: How to find the person who can help you get ahead at work | Carla Harris


College admissions and the job market are getting tougher. And while the old adage, "A C grade student, too," is true, grades won't hurt your chances of going to college or getting a job. Remember that good grades are the result of hard work rather than intelligence, so finding incentives is the first (and most important) step to academic success!


  1. 1 Do your job. If you are a student, then your job is to be a student. In general, the students who achieve success most often are those who take the difficult aspects of this fact on the positive side.
  2. 2 Schedule your time correctly. If studying is your job, then your job may not have the right time, especially if you are in college. Distribute all the projects you have and set deadlines for a specific segment of each project. Also give yourself plenty of time to review your graduation project. When planning, be honest about the time each individual course requires.
  3. 3 Figure out how to get what you want. Whether you are in school or college, as you grow up, figure out how to get what you want. But don't stop there. Find someone who has already achieved the success that you only dream of (even if it is an executive director), and take him about fifteen minutes to find out how this person was able to achieve his goal. Prepare the questions that you will ask, write down what he did and how he succeeded. Then send a thank you note to that person. This technique will be more productive than trying to get good grades just because you have to. Talking to someone who has achieved your goals will help you see what you need to get what you want.
  4. 4 Keep track of your marks. If you are in high school, ask your teacher about your grades after class or after all classes.If you are in college, take a look at your program and find out what grades you need for good results, that is, find out how much each test affects your final grade. If your grade includes class attendance, check with your teacher or assistant for the basic requirements and do more. If after reading the program you have any questions, write to your teacher by e-mail.
  5. 5 Find out who is giving the grades. This is easier at school. In a college, one course can be taught by one professor and several assistants. The professor gives lectures, and the assistants conduct seminars and evaluate some independent work and tests. Professors sometimes do not communicate closely with assistants and give them the opportunity to determine how to give marks. Make sure you understand all the points and complete all tasks.
  6. 6 Show up in class. Sometimes at school, the internal affairs bodies are interested in students who are often absent from class. At the university, no one cares about this. Most students get poor grades because they do not regularly attend classes. Remember, this is your job. Also, don't get in the habit of relying on a friend to tell you what you missed. Someday you will find yourself in classes where you will not know anyone and you will graduate from an educational institution without having received proper knowledge of the discipline.
  7. 7 Meet your teacher. If you are in a stake or at a college seminar with dozens of other students, then be polite and polite. If you are in a lecture hall with more than a hundred students, act like you are attending a performance. Come to the professor's office when he has a consultation, and talk about the theses of the lecture that interest you, if even these theses interest you the least. The same goes for classes taught by teaching assistants, which are usually few and far between. Communication with teachers is a form of cooperation.
  8. 8 Respect where you are. Go to class like it's your job. Do not browse social networks, correspond with her and do not talk. At school, teachers are more likely to reprimand or punish you. At the university, you may be asked to leave the classroom or refuse classes. You will receive the same degree of respect that you show yourself.
  9. 9 Take part in the activity. Again, it all depends on the size of your class. In large lectures, questions are not encouraged; they are left to assistants in discussion sessions. If your activity is a seminar with a couple of dozen students, then your participation is necessary. If you do not remain silent in class, then your professor or teaching assistant will remember you and, even if you ask a question that seems "silly", it will show that you are genuinely interested in the material.
  10. 10 Be honest. The teachers have already listened to every excuse for why the assignment was delayed, why the student is late, or why some other disaster prevented your answer. If you missed your assignment deadline, get together and admit the mistake, ask how you can fix it.
  11. 11 Ask for help. Part of your job as a student is to study. Much of the learning process involves guidance from people who know more about the subject than you. When you ask for help, you are asking a person who has dedicated his life to studying this problem.
  12. 12 Don't beg. Ask for grades in a professional manner. If you are not satisfied with your rating, please ask in private at a meeting to be held well in advance. Ask what you can do to avoid this mistake next time, or ask if you can redo the assignment. Many professors give the opportunity to take an additional assignment if the student modestly asks about it (and not on the last day).
  13. 13 Force yourself to be accountable. Join a group or a club that requires a certain GPA.Sports often have minimum GPAs, as do fraternities, sororities, and many internships. Join a club or join a group that requires a certain GPA. For sports, a sufficient GPA is always required, as in fraternities, nursing, as in many institutions for postgraduate practice.


  • Don't be afraid to ask for help. This is not a sign of your weakness. By asking for help, you are showing that you want self-development.
  • If you are working while studying, then you should pay more attention to these points, since you have two jobs. Don't forget this fact.
  • Focus on wellness. Make sure you eat healthy foods and get enough sleep. In higher education, this will not always be easy. It will be easier if you take proper care of your health. Your head will work better if you get enough nutrients and sleep.
  • Don't forget about the fun, too. Research shows that the brain works better if you don't overload it. Even if you watch short videos of thirty seconds on the Internet, do not forget to do so. Just don't waste the whole day on it.
  • Study in a group. The best way to learn something is to try and teach it to someone else. Group classes also allow students to support each other during stressful times.


  • Don't forget about your mental health. Many people do not realize that they have anxiety or depression before they go to college. If you find out you have a problem, get help.
  • Diploma dishonesty will haunt you for the rest of your life. People who grew up with computers are starting to graduate, and most colleges offer workshops on how to detect online plagiarism.