How to find a job without experience

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get a Job With No Experience
Video: How to Get a Job With No Experience


Recent graduates often find it difficult to find work, as many positions, even at the lowest level, require a couple of years of experience. Often people do not realize that they almost always already have the necessary experience and skills that can be acquired in part-time positions, internships or volunteering.If you do not have the necessary experience, but want to find a job, you should use the available professional and personal experience wisely, demonstrate your skills and achievements, and learn to look for a job.

= Steps

Method 1 of 3: Gain Work Experience

  1. 1 Volunteer in your desired industry. If you are unable to find a job in your desired industry due to a lack of work experience, then become a volunteer. This will help you gain real experience and important skills.
    • For example, if you want to become a social worker, start by volunteering at a homeless shelter or helping those in need.
  2. 2 Take an internship. An unpaid and even paid internship is a great way to gain a rewarding experience if you're a beginner. Look for internship options on classified sites and company pages.
    • Some companies hire interns for the summer to perform general office duties - filing documents, entering data and answering phone calls. Gain experience in the office and make useful contacts.
  3. 3 Improve your qualifications. If you want to write books, edit films or do interior design, then create samples that can be shown to potential clients and employers. For example, if you want to become a writer, then create a blog. It will show that you have experience creating text content on a regular basis.
    • You can also offer your free services to a well-known blog or website in exchange for recommendations.
    • Create and expand your personal portfolio.
  4. 4 Find a part-time job. If you are having trouble finding work in your desired industry, then find a part-time job. Employers often attach importance to any experience you have, even if it’s your first part-time job. It shows that you have strong communication, customer service, and problem solving skills.
    • For example, take a part-time job at a retail store, fast food outlet, salesperson, or bartender for an invaluable experience.
    • This is a good way to get referrals that many employers value.

Method 2 of 3: Demonstrate Your Skills and Achievements

  1. 1 List all of your skills. Employers place so much emphasis on work experience because they want to make sure the job seeker can handle the task at hand. As a result, a clear inventory of all applicable skills is essential. Consider these skills:
    • Computers: It is important to be able to work with Windows and Mac operating systems, type more than 60 words per minute, understand PowerPoint and other programs in the Microsoft Office suite, do web programming, blogging, work with content management systems, databases, graphic design and much more other.
    • Communication: The ability to speak to an audience, write, teach, and listen for teamwork.
    • Problem solving and information retrieval: Students and bloggers have sophisticated information retrieval skills that can be a godsend for a company. Workers with organizational skills are also capable of problem solving effectively.
    • Leadership and Leadership: If you have led work, charity, or community projects, you have experience in developing leadership skills.
  2. 2 Reinforce skills with experience. Of course, it is very important to be aware and understand all the skills that you have acquired so far, but it is even more important to back them up with professional and volunteer experience. Show the potential employer that you have already put the available skills into practice.
    • It's one thing to say, "I have great writing skills," and quite another to say, "I have 2,500 subscribers on a blog that is dedicated to creative writing."
  3. 3 Show how your skills are applicable in the industry. You probably have a lot of skills from extracurricular activities, although the connection between such activities and your dream job is not always obvious.For example, you are fond of football. It doesn't guarantee you will be successful in IT, but if you've coached a soccer team or created your own league, then you can boast of real leadership skills.
  4. 4 List your awards. Awards and recognition allow you to lend weight to some common affirmation in your resume. For example, you can indicate that you are a diligent worker. A good proof of your words will be the award to the employee of the month at the previous part-time job. Be sure to include all your accomplishments on your resume, be it an award for the best employee of the month, a leading sales assistant, or a commendation from a faculty dean. Your awards and credentials should be included on your resume to show your exceptional dedication and work ethic.
    • Also include any accomplishments you have made while volunteering.

Method 3 of 3: Learn to look for a job the right way

  1. 1 Make up effective summary. When looking for a job, you will need a resume with clearly defined skills that may be applicable in a specific industry. So, in the work experience section, you can consider various skills. For example, list communication skills and provide examples of conditions and situations in which you have acquired such abilities through part-time work, internship and volunteer work.
    • Always change your resume and motivation letter to suit your specific job title. Show the potential employer that you have carefully researched the vacancy.
    • If you are not strong in wording or are not sure how your resume should look, you can always ask a friend for help! You can also find samples on the Internet and compose your resume according to the template.
  2. 2 Make useful contacts. Use social media like LinkedIn to connect and meet a variety of people in a specific area. Also visit local events and job fairs. Acquaintances can give you hints about a job, help you acquire important skills, and answer your questions about the specifics of working in the industry.
  3. 3 Browse jobs online. Use services like, or to find job offers. You can search for work in a specific position and across the entire industry (for example, education or advertising).
    • Please indicate between 0 and 2 years of work experience to exclude jobs with higher requirements.
  4. 4 Leave applications. Many services allow you to send an application to the employer directly on the site. Submit as many applications as possible, even if you do not meet all the requirements for these vacancies. For example, your ad lists your preferred work experience of two to three years. The company will probably consider applicants with less experience.
  5. 5 Prepare for interviews. If you want to successfully pass an interview, then it is important to study the information about the company well. Show yourself a competent person, not only in matters of this field of activity, but also in matters of the goals and objectives of the company. Practice answering questions with a friend or relative. Thanks to this, you will learn to confidently formulate your thoughts out loud and understand exactly how to answer possible questions.
    • This kind of preparation will make you look confident and relaxed.
    • Show that you are confident in your skills but are eager to learn. Employers love job seekers who are dedicated to success.


  • Submit multiple applications, even if you don't meet all the requirements. Your knowledge, education, and specific skills can make you an ideal candidate.