How to find a hypnotherapist

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to find a hypnotist or find a hypnotherapist
Video: How to find a hypnotist or find a hypnotherapist


In addition to the steps for choosing a reputable hypnotherapist in this article, it's good to know what guarantees this professional has to offer you. Hypnotherapy can be expensive if you make little positive progress. If you can, try to find a hypnotherapist who will only take payment on successful treatment.


  1. 1 Determine why you want to see a hypnotherapist. Do you want to lose weight, change habits, such as smoking cravings, heal trauma from past events, such as childhood abuse, etc.? If possible, talk to a friend who can help you clarify this.
  2. 2 Browse local newspapers and magazines and look for ads from hypnotherapists and hypnosis clinics. You can also pay attention to those you see on TV or hear on the radio. If they are successful enough to advertise or appear in the media, then there is a reason. When you see that other people have achieved success with hypnosis with this specialist, you too can expect good results.
  3. 3 If you can't find advertisements for local hypnotherapists or hypnosis clinics, ask people you know (including professionals) about who they can recommend to you. Look at the Yellow Pages. Search the Internet, enter “local hypnotherapist” and the name of the city where you live in the search bar. You will receive names and phone numbers.
  4. 4 Call and schedule an appointment. Typically, the first meeting will be just an initial consultation or examination. A reliable and professional hypnotherapist has a dedicated professional room, taking into account the experience in hypnosis and the positive results of previous clients.
  5. 5 Get tested, then listen carefully. The hypnotherapist will need to assess your situation and determine if hypnotherapy will help you. Pay attention to whether the doctor has experience helping people with problems like you. It will also give you an idea of ​​what kind of work will be done with you. You can ask the doctor what kind of training he received and whether he belongs to any professional organization. On your first visit, make sure you get all your questions answered and that you have a clear understanding of how many sessions you will need to achieve your goal and how much it will cost you.
  6. 6 Trust your intuition. If you feel anxious or confident that everything will go well, do what feels right for you. Make sure you know the doctor's approach and that it is right for you. Ask about rates or prices, and how many visits it usually takes to deal with your problem.


  • Remember that it is up to the hypnotherapist to determine during the examination whether the clinic can accept you as its patient.
  • There are many types of hypnotherapy. Find a hypnotherapist who has experience with most of these so that he can use the method that works best for you.
  • You do not need to test your hypnotherapist if you have been given a good recommendation for him. However, as a consumer of mental health services, you can always leave and find another hypnotherapist if you are not comfortable with the one you have already chosen.
  • If you have insurance that covers mental health, you can call your insurance company and ask them about the licensed professionals they work with.

    • Such insurance usually does not cover hypnotherapists.
    • This will provide you with a selection of qualified professionals who are regulated by law.
    • If you have already been charged a mental health deductible (which may be paid separately from the physical ailment deductible), you only need to pay an additional fee, which is usually $ 20-30, but may be higher depending on the season.
  • Look for testimonials from customers, real people in your area. This will be the best proof for you that the hypnotherapist can help you achieve excellent results. (However, licensed psychologists are prohibited by their code of honor from using feedback solicited from clients.)


  • Beware of those hypnotherapists who do not have official certifications to prove their experience in hypnosis. In America, the following organizations issue such certificates: American Council of Hypnotists, National Guild of Hypnotists, International Federation of Hypnosis, or American Alliance of Hypnotists.
  • Beware of programs that are not covered by at least a one-year money-back guarantee for unsatisfactory results.
  • Many hypnotists not only need a lot of experience and an extensive educational base to help you professionally, but they can also apply the so-called "Cult of Personality" to gain your trust. Such individuals make that voice and make it appear that they are all-knowing gurus who can help you achieve any goal, no matter how unrealistic or unnatural the goal is. Medical professionals are divided into narrow-profile specialists, this also applies to psychological health specialists. The question is, how can one person know EVERY hypnosis practice? While certified hypnotherapists receive intensive training in HOW TO USE it for a variety of situations, conventional hypnotists use “personality cult” selling tactics and hope you don’t realize how unrealistic their claims are. How can you easily identify such a charlatan? It is easier to do this if you keep the following questions in mind:

    • Are there any unrealistic claims on his website? It is a little difficult if you are not a certified hypnotherapist yourself, you will not be able to understand which of the statements may be unrealistic. Browse research studies, social reviews, and personal testimonials.
    • Are the problems that he undertakes to solve outside the norms of legal use of hypnosis, which are published by the American Society for Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH), the American Council of Hypnotists (ACHE) or other world associations? If this specialist claims that he can enlarge your penis, make you lucky, give you physical strength, or instantly relieve you of addictions, he is cheating on you. While there is ongoing research into the individual uses of hypnosis and hypnotherapy, whoever makes excessive claims must also provide excessive evidence.
    • Does the hypnotist pretend to be an expert in solving any problem? Find out why. They can simply use the same process to treat different problems. Grab some books on hypnosis and read. Some keep books with notes on every topic they read to you during hypnosis. It is always more important to find a qualified clinical hypnotherapist who can help you find the root of your problem and then solve it with regressive therapy.
    • Nobody can be an expert in absolutely everything. While your GP may simply determine that you have a problem and refer you to a specialist for treatment, many mental health professionals specialize in providing optimal care for their patients. There are tons of websites that promise you to lose weight, end your procrastination, quit smoking, heal your body, help you conceive, get lucky, develop your intuition, cure disease, and become financially independent. Although hypnotherapy can be very effective if it is performed by a specially trained person, it is impossible for one specialist to be a professional in all of the above areas. Arrange a telephone interview and find out HOW the hypnotherapist plans to use hypnosis to help you reduce your time and money. A good hypnotherapist who can help you change your value system or solve a problem is worth its weight in gold.However, use common sense in your search and take special care to study whoever claims to be a generalist.