How to find a rich man

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 23 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
#1 place to meet rich men | How to find and date a rich wealthy man
Video: #1 place to meet rich men | How to find and date a rich wealthy man


Meeting a rich man is the dream of many women, so you need to become special and unique, increasing your chances of success, and for this you need to understand what he is - a wealthy man. Based on this, if necessary, you should be ready to make changes in your lifestyle and appearance in order to position yourself in the best possible way.In this article, we'll take a look at these questions, as well as the best places to find rich men and what you need to learn, so that the moment you actually meet the right person, you'll be ready to impress!


Part 1 of 3: A Rich Man's Life

  1. 1 Have you noticed how many more of them have become? While wealth is a relative concept, many associate it with being a "millionaire." For that matter, the exact number of single male millionaires in the United States and the rest of the world is not easy to determine. However, it is clear that the total number of millionaires is growing. In fact, in the United States, one in 13 families (of any composition) has assets of at least $ 1 million, and one in a hundred has at least $ 25 million. If we talk about Russia, the total number of people with assets worth $ 1 million or more, at the end of 2017, amounted to 189.5 thousand. By the way, in terms of the total number of millionaires, Russia still ranks 15th in the world.
    • How do they make money? Differently. The super rich tend to do business with hedge funds and other financial and investment areas.
    • More and more people are making huge amounts of money doing business in the field of the Internet and high technologies. It also includes real estate, media, sports and entertainment, oil and gas, and other commercial activities that are consistently profitable and attractive for investments.
    • Also, many people make good money in the field of medicine, dentistry, law, mechanical engineering, and, of course, working as CEO.
  2. 2 Take a closer look, who are they? Basically, they work about 60-80 hours a week and they themselves have achieved success in life. They did well in school, weighed all the risks, made long-term plans. Wealthy people are very energetic, forward-looking and extremely confident. Many of them live surprisingly modestly, they are cheerful, do not consider themselves the smartest, at least not on all issues. Therefore, they surround themselves with people who can do what they cannot, thus helping them to fulfill their plans.
    • However, their self-confidence is often expressed in selfish behavior, and often the rich have little sympathy for other people. They often act like everyone owes them.
  3. 3 Find out what kind of women they need. It is clear that people are all different, but there is something in common. They are drawn to fit, attractive, well-dressed women. They need to be near, so to speak, "candy", which is not ashamed to bring out into the light, or a lady who will streamline his life, play the role of mistress of the house, and the like. But at the same time, according to opinion polls, about 90% of successful men or those who consider themselves successful want to see an equally smart and successful companion next to them. It is said that there has now been a significant shift in preference from beauty to mind.
    • Research shows that when a man reaches a high position in society, he is more likely to choose a young and beautiful companion for himself. When they are more or less equal in social status, intelligence, kindness and a good sense of humor help them achieve harmony.
    • In any case, as they say, they can smell a gold digger a mile away; they are not gullible at all. If that were the case, then many rich people would not be who they are.
    • Plus, according to one survey, 75% of wealthy people are more likely to have sex and have more sex partners than those who don't have much money.
  4. 4 Learn how they live. Wealthy people mainly live on the coasts. California, Florida and the Northeast are popular places to live. Rich bachelors, on the other hand, do not flock in one place, and you may be surprised at where you can find them. According to a survey conducted by a market research company, they can be found in the following ten cities: 1) San Francisco and surrounding areas, 2) Anchorage, Alaska, 3) Washington DC / Baltimore, 4) Sheboygan, Wisconsin, 5 ) Naples (Florida), 6) Minneapolis / St. Paul, 7) Rochester (Minnesota), 8) Boston, 9) Fort Walton Beach (Florida) and 10) Dallas.

Part 2 of 3: How to Change Your Life and Meet Him

  1. 1 Move closer to places where you can meet the rich. If you can't afford an ultra-expensive neighborhood or housing, look for something not too far from the big bucks. Get as close to them as possible. Or rent a small apartment in the very center of an elite district. In doing so, you will go about your business, walk your dog, jog, drink coffee, and the like in the immediate vicinity of the object. This will give you the opportunity to integrate into the local culture and meet people.
    • Thus, you will have the opportunity to feel more at ease with wealthy people and attract attention at no (additional) cost.
    • If you can't afford the move, just start shopping at more expensive stores nearby. Drive to a park in an upmarket area for a run, and so on.
  2. 2 You need to look the part. If you want to be rich, you need to look rich. If your image does not fit the role played, it will not work. You should look sexy, but don't cross the line, or it will turn out vulgar. A sexy yet sophisticated look is what you need. It can be crafted with a few classic wardrobe items that can be worn with other items. Check them out at thrift stores and online at sites like eBay. You can also buy one or two designer handbags per ad that match all outfits.
    • Accessories like jewelry are just as important and easier to imitate. Pearls, for example, are classics and don't have to be real, and a pair of geometric zircon ear studs and a matching necklace will never go out of style and are inexpensive.
    • Find out about the dress code at each event you go to and dress appropriately. If you are not quite sure, remember that it is better to be slightly more smart than poorly dressed.
    • Do not overdo it with makeup, do not dye your hair in unnatural colors, as this violates the classic look.
  3. 3 Talk about what they are talking about. Even if you haven't studied finance or political economy, you need to have a good understanding of what rich people are discussing. Since they are often major players in business and politics, brush up on your knowledge in these areas by reading newspapers daily, especially Harvard Business Review, Forbes, RBC business magazine, CNews magazine, and local political and business publications.
    • If you are unfamiliar with terms, concepts, and historical context, take a look on the internet.
    • When a woman is able to maintain an intelligent conversation, it favorably distinguishes her from others, and there are many of these “others”.
    • You should also take time to explore the hobbies of wealthy people, such as horse racing, yachts, art, jewelry, haute cuisine from different countries, luxury cars, and so on.
  4. 4 Act like money doesn't matter to you. The surest way to “get retired” is to start asking a man about the size of his bank account, because this way you will be immediately seen as a money hunter. The second surest way to fail is to ask how much his items cost. The third place belongs to the question of how much is what he gave you. Avoid talking about such topics in society ... anyone else.
    • In addition, be careful and do not ask acquaintances about a man's wealth, as he can quickly find out about your curiosity.

Part 3 of 3: Getting to Know a Man on His Territory

  1. 1 Find a job in the right industry. Given that successful men work 60-80 hours a week, you can get to know them by working with, alongside, or under their guidance. It's even better if you have an MBA degree - it gives you the chance to get a job in industries where successful men work.Alternatively, consider areas of effort where they spend money, such as selling art, antiques, luxury cars, planes, homes, and yachts.
    • Also think about areas such as interior design, personal training, architecture, caring for anything, working for charities and country clubs - in short, it should be something that gives you access to a lot of rich people.
    • However, avoid jobs that require you to wear a uniform, as this can create a psychological barrier between you and the man of your dreams.
  2. 2 Attend charity events. Charity balls, private auctions, golf tournaments, polo matches, and all those that involve cultural or medical institutions are great places to meet wealthy people. Oftentimes, the less talked about an event, the richer the sponsors are, as awful wealthy people often pride themselves on supporting charities that few have heard of. So, because you need to have an invitation or a ticket for a thousand dollars or more to such events, you can get there as a volunteer, in particular, collecting donations.
    • This will give you the opportunity to look at the guest list, receive an invitation, and at the same time the chance to meet the right people.
    • To find out about such events, search the Internet for information about charities in your city or neighborhood.
    • You will learn about the largest sponsors of various events from the Philanthropist magazine.
  3. 3 Attend relevant sporting events. Men love sports. In particular, wealthy men love golf, polo, horse racing, sailing, skiing and tennis. Learn the rules for these sports. Check out the list of top players, most prestigious events, venues and sports news. In addition, sign up for a local tennis club and learn how to play tennis, take golf lessons, rowing and so on, not only to show off in front of rich men, but also to show that you are doing the same as the wealthy people.
  4. 4 Spend time in first-class bars and restaurants. When deciding where to go to dinner with a rich man, pick a spot somewhere in the city center, and since he's used to the very best, just go to the top-notch spots. Where you would like to go. Bars in chic hotels and 4-star steakhouses where you can have a drink before dinner are great places to show off. Look for rich but shy men in luxury bars in the elite neighborhoods.
    • Do not take a noisy company of friends with you and never another man; better go with a couple of friends.
  5. 5 Attend the opening of the galleries. Rich people buy houses and, as a rule, not alone, which in turn requires decorating the walls with paintings. This means that along with attending social events where they are constantly invited, the wealthy go to numerous art exhibitions, grand openings and auctions. Start by attending free events (after reading your art history books) and then upgrade to a Museum Lover membership card (it's inexpensive and you'll get access to a range of events).
  6. 6 Volunteer at a strategically important location. Both charity events and many other places require volunteers: in hospitals, political and public commercial organizations, in museums, and so on, where you will have the opportunity to come into direct contact with wealthy people. For example, do not underestimate the financial situation of therapists working in the United States. And doctors specializing in urology, gastroenterology, invasive cardiology and orthopedic surgery receive an average of about 400-500 thousand dollars a year. Chief doctors earn over a million a year.Unfortunately, Russia cannot boast of such earnings.
  7. 7 Register on a dating site for the rich, connect a similar application or contact a specialist. There are several sites that promise to help rich people find a couple or poor people find a wealthy spouse. The most popular in the US are,, and (although the latter looks a little suspicious, so you need to be careful on it). Pay attention to the site (you can choose Russian at the bottom). There are also many “millionaire marriage brokers,” one of whom you can hire to set you up with a wealthy man.
    • There is no guarantee that a marriage broker will like your candidacy, so work to be eligible and have a chance of success before going down this route.


  • When you meet a potential husband, you should not think that you should immediately engage in sexual relations with him. If he is really interested in continuing the acquaintance, he will not put pressure on you, and he will want to do other things with you. The truth is, a man is more likely to want a sequel if you're not in a rush to have sex.
  • Make friends with women - young and old - from high society, if possible. They can help you meet a rich man, or they can hinder you, so it's best to be friends.
  • Don't pretend to be someone you are not, and don't lie. This is ugly and will still reveal itself in a long-term relationship.
  • Decide on a person with whom you have similar interests. No amount of wealth will ease the boredom in a relationship.