How to start a conversation with a woman

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 18 January 2021
Update Date: 3 July 2024
How To Start A Conversation With A Girl You’re Into
Video: How To Start A Conversation With A Girl You’re Into


Are you one of those guys who is afraid to talk to a woman lest you say the wrong thing or make the wrong impression? If you respect women and assess the situation correctly (and this is not difficult at all!), You can easily become one of those guys who can talk to women. Start from the first step.


Part 1 of 2: The Right Approach

  1. 1 Learn to read body language. Accurate reading of body language can be a good clue to you if your attempt to speak will be successful. Most women make it clear enough without words whether they want to be approached: by the way they sit, what they have with them and how they react to you. Not ignore these signs.
    • Usually, if a woman is reading a book, listening to music, or immersed in computer work, she will not be particularly welcoming to your intrusion with conversation. If she is constantly distracted from reading or from work in order to look around, this may be a sign that she is open to conversation.
    • If her arms are folded crosswise, and the position of her body shows you her back more (especially if the woman has taken such a position, having met your gaze), she does not want you to approach her.
    • Remember that women are taught from childhood to be polite with people, responsibly, despite the fact that in words she calmly refers to your invasion of her space, body language can clearly indicate the opposite.
  2. 2 Make eye contact. Eye contact is an amazing and safe way to win someone's interest and openness to dialogue. Try to catch the eye of the woman you want to speak to. As the saying goes, God loves a trinity - after catching her eye for the third time, approach her.
    • You can also arouse interest with a smile. If she smiles back, this is a fairly sure sign that she doesn't mind talking, and especially if she smiles first.
    • It works all over the place. You can make eye contact in a crowd at a disco, in a cafe, at your favorite bookstore, on a bus, on an airplane.
  3. 3 Show confidence. Confidence is one of the most attractive qualities in a person, so showing confidence when meeting you will increase your chances much more than showing uncertainty. Confidence does not mean that you expect a woman to be enthusiastic about yourself, it means that a lack of interest on her part will not jeopardize your self-esteem.
    • You should pay attention to your own body language by not slouching or crossing your arms over your chest (defensive gesture). Use open gestures, do not turn your back to her and do not turn anything in your hands - you will make a nervous impression.
    • Making yourself feel confident is the best way to make yourself really feel confident. So straighten up and purposefully walk towards her.
    • Remember that the worst thing she can do is show disinterest in the conversation, and that, by and large, is not that scary. Her lack of interest has absolutely nothing to do with you personally. Remind yourself of this.
  4. 4 Be yourself. This is closely related to inner confidence. It's important for you to remember that you are a great guy in your own right and people would love to talk to you (as long as you treat them with respect). Don't be afraid of what she might think of you when you approach her.
    • A woman needs to grasp who you are, even if it is a less expressive version of you. For example, if you don't like outdoor activities, don't pretend just to impress her. She will quickly figure out that you are splurging, and will lose interest in you.
    • This also does not mean that you should immediately dazzle her with all your achievements in life: whether it be athletic success or high status at the university. This means you must be confident in yourself and your interests.
    • Remember: she may not share your interests and may not be interested in the conversation. Don't take this lack of interest as an attack on you.
  5. 5 Use a respectful greeting. Starting a conversation with someone, especially a woman you want to get to know better, can be very stressful. Never be afraid! There are a number of techniques you can use to create a casual conversation.
    • Ask her for help. It could be a simple request for advice on a good coffee shop. If you can see that she is in no hurry, invite her to join you for a cup of coffee at her proposed coffee shop.
    • Use the context of the meeting. If you're in a bookstore, ask her if she knows where a particular book might be. If you are both waiting for the bus, you can ask her what time it is and joke that buses are always late, especially in bad weather.
    • If she is very stylishly dressed, ask her a question about this topic. Say something like, "You know, I couldn't help but notice a Seahawks shirt on you. Are you a fan of this company?" or "Have you been to a band gig? I hear they are impressive." This will allow you to establish contact and be able to continue the conversation.

Part 2 of 2: Conversation

  1. 1 Maintain natural dialogue. Once you've gone through the ice-breaking stage, you can continue a completely natural conversation. The topic can be a comment on the welcome phrase.For example, if she says she's a big Seahawks fan, you can talk about their Super Bowl victory and where you both were during the championship.
    • It's a good idea to add a compliment to the conversation to make her feel interested. You don't need anything too pathetic, like "You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen" (this sounds insincere). Better to say something like, "Your suit goes very well with your eyes. Amazing color" or "You have very beautiful earrings. Did you accidentally make them yourself?"
    • In the case of a bookstore, if you ask her about a particular book, ask if she has read it. If she doesn't say it's her favorite book, ask her which book is her favorite (or her favorite genre, since choosing a favorite book can be difficult).
    • If you offer to buy her a drink at the bar, and she agrees, you can remember funny stories with drunk people you witnessed. She will laugh and remember something in return.
  2. 2 Listen to her. The woman will notice if you stare at her breasts throughout the conversation, regardless of what she is saying. Likewise, she will be repelled by the incessant stream of words from your lips. When she speaks, listen to her and ask questions to show your interest in her.
    • Ask her opinion on the topic, even if something simple: does she consider jazz to be deeper music than rock, or how good, in her opinion, is education in Russia.
    • During a call, do not turn anything in your hands or check your phone, and do not wander around the room. She will quickly interpret this as a lack of interest and lose interest in you from her side.
    • If you feel like you’re drifting away in your mind or you’re not interested in what she’s saying, say that you were pleased to meet you and end the conversation.
  3. 3 Enchant her. Your task is to interest her, and not to discuss trivial topics like "what's the weather like there today." You need to show what is special about you and why she might be interested in continuing the conversation.
    • If you are returning from a cool event (for example, you were at a concert), mention it. If you've studied Japanese on your own, incorporate that fact into the dialogue (you can do it with a sense of humor by sharing your learning difficulties and your ridiculous mistakes).
    • Find something in common. The best way to generate interest in a person is to find something in common with them (like the Seahawks). If there is a feeling that something connects or unites you, she will be more inclined to want to meet again and continue the conversation. If you're in a bookstore, find out which books you both like; if you are at a concert, chat about different music. Even laughing at a bus joke can be a starting point for the two of you.
    • Tell her something interesting. Show her that you are the type of person who is interested in the world. If an interesting incident happened in your city recently, discuss it.
  4. 4 Show your sense of humor. Humor, like nothing else, can create a sense of community. Of course, remember that everyone has a different sense of humor. Fortunately, there are a number of jokes that you can tell any woman, almost guaranteed to expect her to laugh.
    • Play a joke on yourself gently. This will be a sign that you are not taking yourself too seriously. However, make sure that this joke does not disparage you in her eyes. Tell a time when you got on the wrong bus and drove across town, or when you threw yourself into a friend's arms and realized at the last moment that this was the wrong person.
    • You can also mention something funny that you saw. Maybe you saw the owner of three dogs, barely keeping up with their pets on a walk, or you happened to meet a whole clown troupe at the bar. Real stories, as a rule, are funnier and more interesting than just anecdotes and help the conversation develop, since she, too, can remember something from her life.
  5. 5 Be careful to know when to back off. Sometimes it doesn't matter how fun, interesting, or adorable you are. Not all women will want to communicate with you. Remember, no one can claim your time and energy, so if the woman seems uninterested, end the conversation politely.
    • If she answers in monosyllables or constantly checks something on her phone and avoids eye contact with you, she may be looking for a way to end the conversation.
    • If there are friends next to her who, listening to what you say, roll their eyes or ignore you, again it is better to end the conversation.
    • Show great tact. Do not exude sarcasm "Well, I see you are not particularly interested in me here," or "Well, I'm sorry to disturb you." Say politely, "Well, it was nice to meet you and chat. See you."


  • Start the conversation with something that she won't take as an insult. Even if you are just joking, she may misinterpret what is being said.


  • If, before you spoke to her, she was already talking to someone, do not start the conversation with the topic that she discussed before you. Eavesdropping will not do you credit.