How to start a conversation with new friends

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 22 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 INSTANT Ways To Start A Conversation With Anyone
Video: 3 INSTANT Ways To Start A Conversation With Anyone


Suppose that while walking, you meet a person you recently met, or an interesting stranger. If you have already had the pleasure to meet earlier or just noticed a person with whom you would like to make friends, then you should talk to him and find out how interesting you are to each other. The ability to start and maintain a sincere and engaging conversation with a new friend will help you get along well.


Method 1 of 3: How to start a conversation

  1. 1 Say hello! Start your conversation with a simple greeting. Then state your name and ask the name of the person.At first, you might feel embarrassed about starting a conversation for no obvious reason, but people value friendliness.
    • If you are in a company and want to talk to a specific person, there is no need to rush. Sit, listen and enjoy the company of the people present to get used to each other.
    • Wait for the right moment to unobtrusively introduce yourself. Remember that silence is also a form of communication. Even in a social environment, comfortable silence will be a clear sign of confidence and satisfaction, to which people will respond positively.
    • In the company, find out the names of all people with whom you have not yet met. This is a sign of friendly disposition, which will show those present that you are open to communication.
  2. 2 Inquire about the person you are interested in. All people enjoy talking about their interests, so asking relevant questions is a great way to start a conversation. Ask about what interests you too (for example, hobbies and hobbies) so that the conversation does not proceed in a one-way mode. There are many options.
    • Ask the person how they like to have fun. This will not only help start a conversation, but also show your interest in the hobbies and leisure of the interlocutor.
    • Ask what the other person does for a living, but don't go into details. For example, ask: "What are you doing?" This will allow the person to respond as they see fit.
    • If you want to ask about something unusual, take an interest in a quote that changed a person's views on the world around them.
  3. 3 Take your time to discuss sensitive topics. No need to share radical political and religious views right after you meet. Also, avoid deeply personal topics and questions of a private nature.
    • Even if you think that a person can share your views, you do not need to immediately initiate him into these issues.
    • Don't discuss your worldview and beliefs, even if you have a lot in common. Leave these topics for deeper and more thoughtful conversations.
  4. 4 Speak with respect. Choose your words correctly and be extremely courteous until you learn the peculiarities of a person's sense of humor and sensitive topics for him. There are manners to remember.
    • Never interrupt the person speaking. Don't think about your next line and focus on what the other person is saying. Try to be imbued with the present moment. For example, you can practice mindfulness. How do you feel in your feet when you stand on the floor?
    • Don't raise your voice. Even if your excitement is caused by joyful excitement, the interlocutors may be embarrassed or consider you an overly zealous person.
    • Try to speak clearly. If a person clearly and clearly expresses his thoughts, then it is pleasant to listen to him, and the interlocutor will not take the words he heard wrong.
    • Try to remember that you are not competing with the interlocutor for territory in a conversation, but are sharing a common space!

Method 2 of 3: Keeping an interesting conversation

  1. 1 Answer the questions thoughtfully. Give a detailed answer if a new friend asked you a question. Not sure how best to answer? Ask the other person to clarify what he meant. The most important thing is to give sincere answers to show how valuable this conversation and the person's attention are to you.
    • Give detailed answers. When asked which part of the film you liked the most, you do not need to answer: "The ending!" Tell me why you liked it and what do you think of the film.
    • Say what you think, not what you think the person wants to hear. Never make guesses about what the person likes or expects.
  2. 2 Learn to listen actively. If you want to be a good conversationalist and a good friend, then strive to listen to others. In simple terms, actively listening means following the words of the interlocutor, but you should also give the person the opportunity to openly express their thoughts, strive to get to know the person better and take into account everything said in the conversation.
    • Maintain eye contact during the conversation, but try not to back away from the person.
    • It should be understood that many people are just waiting for their turn to speak out and do not delve into the words of the interlocutor.
    • Don't think about anything else when the person is talking. Focus on his words and wait a couple of seconds after the other person has finished speaking. This will ensure that the person has completed their thought and will give you time to formulate your answer.
  3. 3 Try not to use parasitic words. These include words like "hmm", "what," "so" and others. It's okay if they happen to be in your speech, but if you say them too often, it may seem like you are distracted or not interested in getting your point across clearly.
  4. 4 Remember that people have different views. Even if you think you will easily get along with the person because you like them, your points of view can vary greatly. In fact, difference enriches friendships and promotes personal development.
    • If you disagree with the person's point of view and want to communicate it, then give reasons and speak politely.
    • If you disagree on trifles, then remember the simple truth: you can live with it.
  5. 5 End the conversation correctly. A friendly ending on a positive note will leave a pleasant feeling after meeting and hope for a new meeting. A great way to end a conversation is to mention again the topic of the conversation that piqued the interest of both interlocutors. Among all the possible options, it is important to choose a positive ending.
    • Make a deep or witty remark that has long ripened in your head, but you missed it during the conversation.
    • Check out your friend's plans for the rest of the day and wish them luck. For example, say: “Now you can work. What are you planning to do? ”.
    • Use humor. Tease yourself that you don't want to end the conversation, but emphasize that you would like to meet again. Say, “I was very happy to talk to you. It seems we could talk all day, but I have to go. "
    • Use a friendly goodbye phrase as an opportunity to suggest a new meeting: “When do you think we can meet again?”.

Method 3 of 3: How to Chat with New Friends

  1. 1 Make an appointment again. If you are interested in meeting again, nothing prevents you from making your wish come true! As a rule, such a desire is obvious, but if something happens, do not be afraid to offer to meet.
    • One of the easiest and most reliable ways is to invite a new friend to join your company next week.
    • If you are going to come to a meeting that will happen at a specific time and place, and the other participants do not mind, then bring a new friend with you.
  2. 2 Prepare interesting topics for conversation. If you recently met a person, it was interesting to you together, and you agreed on a new meeting, then come up with topics for discussion. There are always several reliable options:
    • Choose topics that relate to your joint plans. For example, if you are going to attend a sports match, check out the latest news on the teams that will be playing.
    • Discuss the latest local or global events. Different views on the same situation often allow you to hear an unusual interpretation of events.
    • Consider the time of year and holidays. If Halloween is coming up, what kind of costume will your new friend have? What image does he like the most?
    • Use the proven method: “What event are you looking forward to the most?”. Also ask clarifying questions like: "What will you do there?"
    • Take an interest in the affairs of your mutual acquaintances and the relatives of a new friend.
  3. 3 Appreciate individuality. If you admire a person, there are probably reasons for this. They make you rejoice in the presence of such a person in your life.Whatever they were, the person probably turned out to be not what you thought after the first conversation with him. That is why it is so interesting to get to know people better.
    • Each new acquaintance will form your general idea of ​​people. We are all very different, and that's great!
    • No need to compare new friends with people from the past. Focus on the qualities that make a person unique. Appreciate his personality, which will also complement your understanding of the world.
  4. 4 Memorize and refer to previous conversations. It is very nice if we can remember our previous conversations and continue exactly from the moment we left off last time, both literally and figuratively. It strengthens friendships and makes your relationship more meaningful.
    • If you know that you are going to meet and talk again, then pay attention to the topics that you are discussing. Be prepared to return to them in the future.
    • Explore one of the aspects that the other person mentioned (for example, a music group) to agree with certain statements or to complement a friend's observations. Mention him the next time you meet. This will show your genuine interest and build trust in you.
    • Think back to a positive point from a previous conversation to show how excited you are to meet again.