How to start chatting

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 INSTANT Ways To Start A Conversation With Anyone
Video: 3 INSTANT Ways To Start A Conversation With Anyone


You are in seventh heaven with happiness, because you just got the number of the person you like, but you do not know how to start a correspondence with him. Instead of worrying about it, take the right steps to ensure that the conversation goes well. If you get your first message wisely and use the right techniques to keep the conversation going, you can not only have a great conversation, but you can also start building a relationship with the other person.


Method 1 of 3: Send a good first message

  1. 1 Write about what you did together. If you recently spent time with this person, you can refer to what you were doing in the first message.This allows the other person to express their opinion and becomes a relaxed way to start a conversation.
    • For example, you might say something like, “Wow, I'm so full. This restaurant was very good! "
    • Or: “It's amazing, Antonina Petrovna's lesson was so boring today. I thought I was going to sleep. "
  2. 2 Ask the person a question. If you ask a question in the first message, it will help you throw the rod and the person will either answer or ignore you. If he asks his question, be sure to answer.
    • You can ask something as simple as "What are your plans for the weekend?" - or: “What kind of shoes were you wearing today? I want to find the same pair for myself. "
  3. 3 Write something that grabs attention. Adding humor to your first message is a great way to start a conversation. Avoid formulaic phrases like "Hello" - or "How are you?" If you write something unusual, your chances of getting an answer will increase.
    • For example: “I walked 20 blocks for a sandwich, only to realize that today is Sunday and the store is closed. How is your day? "
  4. 4 Tell who you are if the person doesn't have your number. While the halo of mystery can spark interest, you shouldn't hide your identity for too long, or it can seem creepy. If you have a person's number but they don't have yours, it's always good practice to introduce yourself.
    • Start your post with a question, for example, "Guess who it is?" - and then tell me your name. Or write like this: “Hi, this is Anton. I got your number from Alina. "
  5. 5 Take action. The only way to start a correspondence is to act. If you have a person's contact information but are too nervous or afraid to contact them, you will never be able to communicate. Do not procrastinate and do not think over the possible scenario in your head. The worst thing that can happen is that you don't get a response, and, in fact, this is the same result that you would achieve without sending a message at all.

Method 2 of 3: Send quality messages

  1. 1 Use emoticons more often. Emoticons are useful because the person you are texting cannot see your face or judge your mood. Things like sarcasm can sometimes get lost in correspondence, so emojis can help clarify how you really feel. Do not overdo it and do not replace every word with emoticons - not everyone will like it.
    • You can say something like: "The chemistry lesson was very interesting today :)".
    • Or: "Chemistry is the most interesting subject in the world: |".
  2. 2 Wait between responses. Taking your time while texting may seem counterintuitive, but it can actually help build interest. Too frequent messages can scare a person away. Try to act naturally and write messages when you have time. This approach will also allow the other person to ponder the responses, which can deepen the conversation.
  3. 3 Submit photos of what you are doing. Photos are a great way to give the other person an idea of ​​what you are doing. Don't submit inappropriate images or too many selfies. If you send interesting photos, the other person will want to continue communicating with you.
  4. 4 Have casual conversations. Long conversations on serious topics with a lot of detail can sometimes fade or get lost in correspondence. It's best to save these conversations in case you can talk to the person on the phone or in person.
    • If the person opens up to you, do not be afraid to respond in kind. Try to follow his example.
    • Relaxed topics include telling about your day, discussing a show you both enjoy, or a song you just heard.
  5. 5 Send relevant messages. Try to gauge the person’s comfort level and your relationship with him. If you are exclusively friends, avoid flirty so as not to embarrass the other person.However, if you are in a more playful relationship, feel free to flirt while texting.
    • If the person does not respond to your messages, then he is busy or not interested in talking to you. In any case, you should back down and give him time to respond.
    • If you're just friends, you might say something like, “Hey dude. I'm terribly bored. What are you doing?"
    • If you are in a romantic relationship, you can write something like, “Hello. I'm bored. Will you try to entertain me? ;) "

Method 3 of 3: Maintain the Communication Flow

  1. 1 Ask the person questions about them. If you don't know what to talk about, you can ask him to tell about himself. Read his answers and ask him questions based on them. The more he opens up and writes about life, the more often he will have a desire to correspond with you.
  2. 2 Don't judge. Once you reach a certain level of trust, the person is likely to open up to you and start talking about more serious things. The worst thing to do in this situation is to judge the things he shares with you. Try to understand him, not condemn him.
    • If you condemn him, he will probably be afraid to open up to you in the future and will not want to correspond with you anymore.
  3. 3 Don't be afraid to be yourself. Don't hesitate in every message you want to send. If you find yourself typing long texts and deleting them, stop and try to relax. The more at ease you are, the less pressure you will feel in future conversations. Be yourself, and you don't need to carefully analyze everything you are about to say.
  4. 4 Go with the flow. Correspondence can be fun at times, but there is no right way to steer the conversation in the right direction. Instead of beating topics out of you, just go with the flow and write your messages in a natural manner. Read the answers of the interlocutor carefully and open up if he begins to open up to you. If you want to make an appointment or ask a deeper or more intimate question, wait until the right moment is right.
    • Do not enter personal territory too quickly, as this can alienate the person.
  5. 5 Don't overwhelm the person with messages if they are not responding. By being persistent or by sending too many messages in a row, you can scare him away, and then he will begin to ignore you. Better control yourself and wait calmly. If the person doesn’t respond this very minute, they may be busy.
    • General rule of thumb: after sending two messages, it is better to wait for a response.