How to start communicating with your guardian angel

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Ways To TALK To Your Guardian Angels ... It Really Works!
Video: 5 Ways To TALK To Your Guardian Angels ... It Really Works!


Many people believe in guardian angels. Some believe that a guardian angel is assigned to each person to protect him. Others believe that everyone has two guardian angels - one guarding during the day and the other at night. Despite the fact that the idea of ​​the possibility of contact with guardian angels is rather controversial, some believe that it is still possible to interact with them directly through prayer and meditation.


Method 1 of 4: Prepare for Contact with Your Guardian Angel

  1. 1 Identify your Guardian Angel. Before attempting to make contact with a guardian angel, make sure you know who he is and what special power he has. If you are trying to make contact with a particular guardian angel, take the time to learn a little more about him.
    • In order to identify your guardian angel, look for special signs. Pay attention to frequently appearing names and symbols. For example, you may notice that you often come across the name Michael - your guardian angel may be called Michael.
    • You may want to refer to a guardian angel, depending on what you associate with it. For example, Raphael is associated with the healing and protection of travelers, so you may want to turn to him if you are struggling with illness or planning a trip.
    • Some believe that loved ones who have already passed into eternity become their guardian angels. For example, you might discover that your guardian angel is a grandfather or grandmother with whom you were once very close.
  2. 2 Create an altar. The altar can help you communicate with your guardian angel as a specially designated place for the manifestation of spiritual energy. To create an altar, set aside some space, such as a corner on a bookshelf or an upper shelf in a wardrobe. Cover this place with a cloth or tablecloth, put up a candle and some object that you associate with a guardian angel. Some may want to put photographs there, some food, herbs, stones, incense and water - all of which may be part of your altar.
    • Think of any things, flowers, or other objects that you might associate with a guardian angel, and include them in your altar design.
    • Purchase special candles for the altar. Light these candles only when you want to enter into communion with your guardian angel.
    • Place on the altar photographs of your departed loved ones whom you consider to be your guardian angels.
  3. 3 Learn a special prayer. Many people begin to pray in a special way if they want to turn to their guardian angel. There are certain prayers for some angels - they can be memorized and used at the moment of communication with your guardian angel. If your guardian angel is little known, compose your own prayer addressed to him. For such a prayer, you can use the standard structure of other prayers addressed to the guardian angels:
    • refer to the guardian angel by name
    • acknowledge your angel's special power
    • state your needs and requirements
    • complete the prayer
  4. 4 Set aside a separate time to speak to your guardian angel. In order to increase the chances of communicating with your guardian angel, you should set aside a separate time each day for prayer and reflection. Daily practice will provide your angel with more opportunities to communicate with you.
    • For example, you might start or end each day with five minutes of prayer and meditation at the altar.
    • You can also turn to the guardian angel in moments of special need, but, in any case, you should regularly take time to communicate with him.

Method 2 of 4: Meditating on the Guardian Angel

  1. 1 Prepare the space. Find a quiet and peaceful place where no one will disturb you, such as a bedroom. Turn off all electronic devices that could potentially distract you: TV, phone, or computer. Turn off the lights and close the curtains.
  2. 2 Light a candle. Candles are a wonderful way to focus your attention on meditation, or reflection. If you have created an altar for your Guardian Angel, you can light a candle on the altar. If you don't have a separate altar, you can simply light a candle and place it on the table in front of you.
    • If you do not want to light a candle, you can use a rosary or listen to repetitive sounds of nature, such as the sound of the surf or rain. It also helps to concentrate.
  3. 3 Get into a comfortable body position. Reflection requires a calm posture for a long time, so make sure you are comfortable beforehand. For example, you can sit in a chair. You can even lie down, the main thing is not to fall asleep.
  4. 4 Breathe deeply and try to clear your mind. Close your eyes or focus your gaze on the candle. Try not to think about anything for the first few minutes, even about your guardian angel. Focus your attention on your breathing, try to breathe slowly and evenly.
    • If you notice that thoughts have gone somewhere to the side, catch yourself on them and again turn your attention to breathing.
  5. 5 Greet your angel. Just mentally say hello to him. Then tell him what worries or worries you and ask him for protection and guidance.
    • If you have learned or prepared a prayer, take some time to read this prayer. You can do this both mentally and out loud.
  6. 6 Listen to the answer of your guardian angel. Any sign that an angel is present and listening to you will be subtle. For example, you can hear a quiet rustle, out of the corner of your eye to notice the movement of a shadow, feel someone's warmth, or just catch someone's presence in this place next to you.
    • Some people believe that angels cannot invade our lives if they are not asked to do so directly. If you are not sure if your angel is with you, keep asking him to show himself in some way.
  7. 7 Slowly come out of the state of meditation. After finishing your conversation with the angel, say goodbye to him. You can end your meditation with a prayer.If you have closed eyes, open them. Then continue to sit still for a minute or two, give your consciousness time to return to normal.
  8. 8 Practice this kind of thinking constantly. Remember that this is not an easy technique and requires a lot of practice and improvement. It is likely that the first time you will not succeed in all this, and this is completely natural. Just keep practicing, and over time, it will become much easier for you.
    • Keep in mind that a few minutes a day is enough at first, and over time you can lengthen your thinking time as it becomes more familiar and comfortable for you.

Method 3 of 4: Communicate with your Guardian Angel in your daily life

  1. 1 Pay attention to what is called intuition or gut feeling. Some are convinced that this is the main way angels communicate with us. If you need to make a difficult decision, and there is no time for prayer and reflection, internally ask your angel a question. If you immediately have an answer in your head, perhaps it is the angel who guides you to the right solution.
  2. 2 Take notes. Write down everything that you think your guardian angel is telling you. Write down all the signs that you receive in moments of meditation and prayer. Memory fails easily, and important thoughts are forgotten. A good reminder will help you organize your thoughts.
  3. 3 Do not forget that your guardian angel is always there. The greatest gift that a guardian angel can give us is the feeling that you are not alone, and someone is always ready to stand up for you. This knowledge can give you confidence in difficult times.
    • Whenever you have to overcome any difficulty, try to imagine that your guardian angel is right behind you. This will help you gather strength and act with the idea that your guardian angel is protecting you.

Method 4 of 4: Study Guardian Angel Information

  1. 1 To strengthen your bond with your guardian angel, read more on this topic. On the web, as well as in bookstores and libraries, there is a huge amount of information on this topic. Despite the fact that many religions believe in the existence of guardian angels, opinions about their nature can be very different.
    • While most beliefs hold that the nature of angels is different from human nature, some believe that humans can become angels after death.
    • Catholics believe that every person has a guardian angel.
    • Muslims believe that every believer has two guardian angels: one goes in front of the person, and the second behind.
    • In Judaism, there are many conflicting opinions about guardian angels. Some theologians believe that a person does not have a personal guardian angel, but God can send one to a person at those moments when a person needs him. Others believe that during each mitzvah, a person creates an angelic companion for himself. There are also those who believe that from the moment of conception until death, an angel named Laila looks after a person.
  2. 2 Talk to your parents. If you are very young and not sure what religion your family belongs to, talk to your parents about it. Ask them what they believe. Tell them about your attempts to communicate with your Guardian Angel and make sure they feel positive about it.
  3. 3 Check with a religious leader. Ask your parents if they can help you arrange a meeting with a local religious leader to talk with him and ask your questions about the Guardian Angels. If you are old enough, you can do it yourself. If you don't regularly go to your place of worship, ask what religious centers you have nearby. Most faith-based organizations are happy to teach people the basics of their faith, even if you don't believe as much as they do.


  • Be extremely careful when referring to spiritual beings like angels. Some believe that under the guise of a guardian angel, evil spirits can come into contact with you.
  • While some people advise giving their guardian angels names, others, on the contrary, do not recommend it. A specific name may be convenient for you, but giving a name means exercising power. And although the angel is always there to protect you, you have no power over him.
  • Don't be discouraged if you can't get in touch with your guardian angel. Most people cannot communicate with their guardian angels directly.

Sources and resources

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