How to identify termites

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to identify termites in 10 minutes - The Houston Home Inspector
Video: How to identify termites in 10 minutes - The Houston Home Inspector


Termites can cause significant damage to residential structures and other constructions as well as furniture. People usually only see termites when they have actually entered and resided in the home. However, you can also find them outdoors, around dead tree stumps, rotting boards or pieces of wood. To identify termites, you need to look closely at each individual. Features like wings and antennae can help identify this insect. You should also look for signs of contamination such as mud tunnels and termite droppings. If your house has a termite storm, ask a professional to handle it.


Part 1 of 3: Examination of Body Features

  1. Catch a suspicious insect if possible. Termites look quite similar to ants and must be closely observed to distinguish. If possible, catch a suspect that is termite and look under a magnifying glass or similar device. You can catch a termite by holding it between your thumb and index finger.
    • Place the termite in a container like a glass jar to observe.
    • You can also observe that the termite is dead, but the termite is still alive and easy to identify. You should catch them carefully so that the termite does not die.

  2. Look at the wings and beard. The termite's wings and antennae are distinctly different from that of ants. One way to tell if an insect you have caught as a termite rather than an ant is to look closely at its wings and antennae.
    • Termites have four wings. These four wings are the same size as the body. Ant's wings have different sizes.
    • Termites also have two erect antennae. Ant antennae are often curved.

  3. Count the feet. If you can take a close look to count the number of the insect's feet, that's fine. Termites have six legs. Their legs are short and fat.
  4. Recognize the different types of termites. Termites include three types: termite, worker termite and soldier termite. If you see many dissimilar shaped insects in your home, it is possible that they are different types of termites.
    • The wing termite is dark brown or black. You are more likely to see and observe this type of termite.
    • Worker termites do not have wings but still have six legs and a beard. They are white, sometimes transparent.
    • The termite soldier has no wings and is brownish-brown in color. They have a pair of upperparts, beard and six legs.

  5. Pay attention to the size. You don't have to measure the size of the termite, which is difficult to do. However, try to estimate its relative size. Termites are about 1 cm in size. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Observe for signs of termites

  1. Look for indoor change signs. Termites can damage your home. When you are hit by a termite, you may see signs of damage. Furniture will have a hollow sound inside as you tap. You may also notice that the floors and ceilings are sagging. Flaky wood chips or paint chips may also indicate termite infestation.
  2. Hear the sound of termites. You often hear clues of activity before you see them. Termite soldiers sometimes bang their heads against the wall. If you hear a knock in the house, it could be a sign of a termite.
  3. Pay attention to the termite. Termite stools are another sign that your home has been compromised. Termite droppings look like tiny balls, can appear near walls or where termites often gather. If you see the termite pellets piled up indoors, that is a sign that the termite is present.
  4. Find mud tunnels on the wall. Termites often build pipes made of mud close to the wall. These pipes also help protect termites from predators. Mud pipes that run close to walls indoors and are often seen outside are a sign of termites. They look like clay and are dark brown in color.
    • Termites often build tunnels at night, so you may see them often in the morning.

Part 3 of 3: Dealing with termites

  1. Be careful when choosing an exterminator. Termite infestation can cause severe damage to your home, so it should be treated immediately with a professional service. As soon as you suspect that your home has been stormed, choose a reputable pest control company.
    • You need to make sure that the company you choose is licensed by the Department of Agriculture. If you are a member company of the national pest control association, even better.
    • Contact two or three companies for a comparison. The termite company can be expensive to hire, so look for the most profitable place.
    • Termites can be damaging but also slowly, so you can take the time to choose a quality company. If a company tries to force you to sign a contract right away, it may not be a good company.
  2. Talk to an expert about termite treatment methods. Termite infestation is usually treated with aerosol and insecticide. Insecticides approved by the US Food and Drug Administration are considered safe for human health, but if you are uncomfortable with chemicals, you can try using a spray. Give your opinion and discuss carefully with the company to decide the most appropriate solution.
    • In addition to deciding how to treat termites with baits or sprays, you also need to discuss how much area of ​​the house needs to be treated. Sometimes the termite can be treated on a site by site or perimeter around the house, but there are cases where an entire house needs to be treated.
  3. Follow the instructions during termite handling. When using chemicals, the exterminator will give you specific instructions. You may have to leave home for a while or remove pets. You may need to check with your doctor if you have a chemical exposure that worsens or worsens.
  4. Do not try to handle termites by yourself. The job of dealing with termite infestation is quite complex and requires many specialized skills. You should not try to handle it yourself under any circumstances. Always talk to a professional exterminator for the best option. advertisement


  • Send the insect to the reviewer. You can ask an extermination service to check for termites, or in many places there are government facilities that research insects. You can also contact entomology departments at universities to determine.