How to tie a scarf beautifully

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Minutes!
Video: 25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Minutes!


1 Regular loop and knot. If your scarf isn't too long or has fringed edges, make a regular knot and you'll look great. Throw the scarf around your neck and pull so that one end is twice as long as the other. Take the long end of the scarf and wrap it around your neck, taking it in front; it should be the same length as the other end. You can leave the ends of the scarf like that or tie them with a regular knot.
  • 2 Traditional buttonhole. This is probably the most common way to tie a scarf. Take your scarf, fold it in half, and thread the ends through the loop. Tweak the loop and ends as you like and that's it!
  • 3 Double knot. If you want to showcase your scarf in a profitable way, this is a great way. Wrap the scarf around your neck with both ends in front. Then tie the scarf into a loose knot near your chest. Tie another knot and loosen it. The ends should hang loosely in front. Ready!
  • 4 Bow scarf. Wrap the scarf around your neck and tie a loose knot. Now tie the big bow as you tie it on your laces. Tweak the bow as you like. It can be left in the center or moved to one side. The bow is ready!
  • 5 Escot scarf. If you have a square silk scarf (vintage), you can tie it in an escot tie style. Fold the scarf in half to make a large rectangle. Throw it around your neck so that two identical ends are in front. Tie them in a double knot right near your neck.
  • 6 Pleated scarf. You can add volume to your scarf by pleating it before putting it on. Lay your scarf out on the table and accordion fold to create many folds. Gently grab the scarf and wrap it around your neck. Tie the scarf in front, let the ends hang loosely. Pleats will add volume to the scarf. Adjust the scarf as you like. Ready!
  • 7 Endless scarf. Spread the scarf on the table, fold in half. Tie the ends together to form a huge loop. Pass this loop over your head so that the ends are at the back, cross and thread the loop again. Lay down the scarf for a more dramatic look.
  • 8 Drop scarf. It is done in the same way as the endless scarf. A large buttonhole is created to show the beauty of the print on the scarf. Spread the scarf out on the table, fold in half, and tie the ends to create a large loop. Place the scarf around your neck with the tied ends at the back. Such a scarf looks great if the bottom of the loop is slipped under a wide belt and worn under a cardigan or jacket.
  • 9 Pigtail scarf. Fold the scarf in half and drape over your shoulders. Thread one (not two) ends through the loop. Turn the loop into a figure eight and thread the other end of the scarf through it. Turn the loop into a figure eight again and repeat the process until you have a pretty pigtail.
  • 10 Bandana scarf. This way of tying a scarf works best for square silk scarves, although you can tie other scarves this way. Lay your scarf on a flat surface, fold it in half to form a triangle. Place the scarf around your neck so that the triangle is in front. Wrap the ends around your neck and tie in front, then tuck the knot under the triangle of the fabric.
  • 11 Stylish knot. This is another great way to tie a long scarf. It is relatively lightweight and very stylish. Slip the scarf over so that both ends are roughly the same. Make a loose knot at one end of the scarf. Thread the other end through this knot. Ready! Stretch the end as much as you need.
  • Method 2 of 2: Other Ways to Tie a Scarf

    1. 1 Cape scarf. If you're cold but don't want to wear a sweater, try wearing a scarf around your shoulders as a cape. If you have a square scarf, fold it diagonally to form a triangle; if the scarf is rectangular, it should not be folded. Place the scarf over your shoulders, with the ends of the scarf in front. Tie them in a small knot in the front and adjust the scarf.
    2. 2 Scarf shawl. If you have a pashmina or a long, wide scarf with a pretty pattern, try wearing it like a shawl. Straighten your scarf fully and place it over your back and arms so you can see the entire pattern. Slip the ends of the scarf loosely over your shoulders. You can leave them in front, but then all the charm of the shawl is lost a little.
    3. 3 Scarf-shawl. Whether you want to protect your hair from the wind or just wear a scarf over your head - you can do this with a cute silk scarf tied loosely around your head. Place your scarf over your head so that the ends are near your shoulders. Tie the ends under the chin, or wrap around your neck and tie at the back.
    4. 4 Headband scarf. If you have a cute square scarf, you can easily turn it into a headband. Spread it out on a table, fold it in half diagonally to form a triangle. Starting at the widest part, roll the fabric into a thin strip (about 3 cm). Wrap this headband around your head. Tie the ends either at the top or at the back, under your hair.
    5. 5 Scarf-belt. If you have a relatively short scarf, it can easily be used as a belt. Fold it as wide as you want and wrap it around your waist. Tie the scarf at the back or side and tuck the edges. The edges can also be left to hang freely.


    • The ability to tie a scarf in one way or another depends on the length and width of the scarf. Try knitting different scarves in different styles and see what works best for you.