How to control excess sweating

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 9 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to stop excessive sweating
Video: How to stop excessive sweating


Although sweating is common, excessive sweating is a disease. The lesions are the palms, soles of the feet, and armpits. This is not the worst disease, however, it causes both physical and psychological discomfort. Fortunately, there are ways to control perspiration, which we will introduce you now.


Method 1 of 3: Easy Ways

  1. 1 Strong antiperspirant. The first step is to try using an effective antiperspirant.There is a large selection of beauty products in stores now, so you will surely find something that you like.
    • There is a big difference between deodorant and antiperspirant. Deodorant only masks the smell, while antiperspirant affects the sweat glands and prevents profuse sweating.
    • The strong formula of the active substance can have a downside - it can irritate sensitive skin.
  2. 2 Use an antiperspirant before bed. Doctors advise to apply the product at night because the substance usually needs 6-8 hours to absorb and close the pores.
    • In addition, at night, the body temperature is lower, and the sweat is released less, which allows him to still work, and not just be washed off.
    • After your morning shower, it is recommended to reapply the antiperspirant for optimal effect.
    • The product can be used on armpits, palms, soles of feet, back - wherever needed.
    • The only thing is to try to avoid the face and groin area.
  3. 3 Choose your clothes wisely. Wear lightweight and breathable clothing to help reduce sweat.
    • Choose a color and texture that will help mask blemishes, if any. In this case, dark tones are good.
    • If your feet are sweating, wear loose and breathable shoes. You can also use sweat-wicking insoles to make your walks more comfortable.
    • Wear T-shirts, T-shirts, shirts - let them take the brunt.
  4. 4 Wash at least once a day. This will help eliminate unpleasant odors and maintain good personal hygiene.
    • Sweat itself is odorless. An unpleasant odor occurs when sweat mixes with bacteria and a substance secreted by the apocrine glands.
  5. 5 Have extra clothing with you. Already purely morally, you will be calmer, knowing about the possibility of changing clothes. This will reduce stress levels and, as a result, sweating.
    • It has been scientifically proven that if a person worries about sweating, he will sweat even more. So having a change of clothes and your peace of mind will have a positive effect.
    • Carry a handkerchief with you. If you need to shake someone's hand, just wipe your palm and you won't make an unpleasant impression.
  6. 6 Avoid spicy foods. Peppers or condiments can increase sweat production.
    • Also, try to be careful with onions and garlic - their strong smell can come out along with sweat, which will enhance your "flavor".
    • Eat more vegetables and fruits - they can improve the smell of sweat.
  7. 7 Coolness at night. If you suffer from night sweats, here are some tips to keep your sleep cool:
    • Use breathable and lightweight bedding. Use cotton underwear, as silk or flannel will make the situation worse.
    • Use a lightweight duvet or quilt.
  8. 8 Reduce your stress levels. Stress, nervousness, and anxiety are the main triggers for starting sweating. Control your condition - control your sweat.
    • Use relaxing techniques - meditation, deep breathing.
    • Exercise, spend time with family and friends to relieve stress.
  9. 9 Dry shampoo. If your scalp is sweating, use a dry shampoo that will absorb moisture. This can come in handy on the road or before an important meeting.
  10. 10 Bad habits. Cravings for alcohol, smoking, or high caffeine intake can also lead to increased sweating.
    • Being overweight is another reason.

Method 2 of 3: Medical Assistance

  1. 1 Consult your doctor. Sometimes illness can cause increased sweating: menopause, heart failure, hyperthyroidism, and certain types of cancer.
    • It is very important to identify the source of the problem as soon as possible in order to quickly and effectively restore health.
    • Some medicines can cause increased sweating as a side effect.
  2. 2 Try laser hair removal. Removing hair from problem areas can significantly reduce both sweating itself and unpleasant odor.
  3. 3 Use prescription medications. Powerful medications can block nerve signals between the brain and the sweat glands. However, such medications often cause side effects, and indeed can be the cause of violations of the very process of sweating, so you should first consult your doctor.
  4. 4 Iontophoresis. A similar therapy is used to temporarily block the sebaceous glands on the palms and feet. Electricity clogs the pores and reduces sweating.
    • A very effective procedure, about 85% of patients are satisfied with the result.
  5. 5 Botox injections. In addition to plastic surgery, such procedures have proven themselves in the fight against hyperhidrosis.
    • The result usually lasts for an average of 4 months, there may be minor side effects.
  6. 6 Surgery. In extreme cases, you can resort to surgery.
    • The first option involves removing the sebaceous glands in the armpits.
    • The second option is to work with nerve connections. This is dangerous and can have serious consequences for the body.

Method 3 of 3: Natural remedies

  1. 1 Drink plenty of water. Sweating occurs in order to cool the body. If you take time for natural thermoregulation and don't overheat during the day, you will sweat less.
    • Drinking a lot of water also helps to accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body in the urine. In this case, less toxins will be released along with sweat, which in turn will make the sweat smell less nasty.
    • 6-8 glasses of water a day is the optimal dose to maintain a stable state of the body.
  2. 2 Scrubs. Try facial scrubs on problem areas. This will unclog pores and remove odor-causing toxins.
  3. 3 Baking soda. Another option is to use baking soda on problem areas of your skin.
    • Soda has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, and it also absorbs excess sweat well.
  4. 4 Turnip juice. Some people claim that turnip juice (forage turnip) is also effective in combating increased sweating (supposedly reduces activity in the sebaceous glands).
  5. 5 Sage. Sage tea is another remedy for reducing sweating.
    • You can buy ready-made sage tea in stores, but you can make a decoction from the leaves yourself at home.
  6. 6 Think what you eat. Consuming foods that are too high in fats, preservatives, sweeteners, and other chemicals are not the best choices for hyperhidrosis.
    • Eliminate fast food from your diet. You already have problems, why add extra fats with toxins?
    • Instead, consume more juicy foods - watermelons, tomatoes, cucumbers, fruits. Grains, lean meats, fish, legumes, eggs will also be useful.
  7. 7 Lemon juice. Thanks to citric acid, lemon juice can neutralize bad odors.
    • Apply the juice to the skin in problem areas. But keep in mind that the juice can irritate sensitive skin.
  8. 8 Take zinc supplements. Zinc also has the ability to eliminate unpleasant odors.
    • Check with your doctor first.
    • Zinc also enters the body with food - oysters, crab meat, beef, grains, beans, almonds.