How to avoid weight gain

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
Video: How to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


Have you ever wondered why you continue to gain weight with age? You know, this can be avoided. Just follow these tips to get the result.


  1. 1 Watch your body. People often gain weight slowly, so that it is difficult to notice until it becomes a big problem. Those who keep their weight under control often immediately notice when they have gained even a couple of kilograms, and can adjust their habits accordingly. This way, you can make small lifestyle changes for small changes in weight, rather than dramatically change your lifestyle to reset a lot of weight loss (which often makes losing weight difficult and daunting).
  2. 2 Divide your daily diet into 5-6 small meals. Eat every 2.5-3 hours while you are awake. You may think that there is too much food, but 5 small meals throughout the day will greatly help you lose weight.
    • Consume protein with every meal. For example, chicken breast, turkey breast or lean meat, fish, egg whites, and the like.
    • Consume carbohydrates. Bread, rice, potatoes, salad, spaghetti / pasta, cereals, chips, corn, peas, boiled carrots. Eat carbohydrates in the form in which you want, but always with protein, and eat only half of what you would normally eat. Yes you can consume useful fats: linseed oil, saffron oil, rapeseed oil and sunflower oil. Fats such as butter, fried foods, mayonnaise, and fatty dairy products should be avoided.
  3. 3 Get exercise. This is the only safe way to increase your base metabolic rate so that you burn more calories every hour of the day and night. You need 20-30 minutes continuous physical activity at least 3 times a week. It is not recommended to exercise for more than 45 minutes, or more than 5 times a week. The exercise should be strong enough to speed up your heart rate.This could be, for example, walking at a brisk pace.
  4. 4 Drink plenty of water. Water helps cleanse your body of toxins and fats. Remember, you should always have a full bottle of plain water with you and drink from it throughout the day. Water will ease hunger and help you avoid overeating when you eat.
  5. 5 Give yourself one day off. You shouldn't completely cut out all sweets and snacks while dieting, as this can be disastrous. Set aside one day a week for yourself to enjoy a bite of your favorite dessert, drink, or other favorite treat. By giving yourself a break of just 1 day a week, you help yourself maintain the right mindset to stay focused and committed to your weight loss efforts.


  • Drink plenty of water, especially before meals. This is not only good for the body, but also reduces hunger. Do not substitute fruit juice for water, it contains too much sugar.
  • Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy. Dinner should be light, and no later than 8 pm. If you do not eat after 8, then by the time you go to bed, the food will already be processed.
  • Spend time with people who maintain a healthy weight. Surely you will adopt some good habits from them and avoid bad ones. Such people are less likely to offer you fast food, but if they do, they will invite you to play football or badminton after that. However, beware of people with surprisingly good metabolism who eat as much as they can and don't exercise. The consequences of such actions will eventually overtake them ... but they will overtake you immediately if you follow their eating and exercise habits.
  • These are the most common reasons why a person on a diet does not lose fat, as opposed to mass. Weight may not change much if you gain muscle mass by reducing your food intake. Increasing muscle mass will help you lose fat. Try to avoid such factors:
    • A menu of foods high in calories such as snacks, pizza, desserts, pasta, bread and dairy products.
    • The level of activity and exercise is too low or does not exist at all.
    • Decreased activity of the thyroid gland. Check her activity by taking her temperature every morning immediately after waking up. If for 7 days in a row your temperature was below 36.6 degrees, report these results to your doctor. He can conduct further inspection. One in two people has a low thyroid level.
    • Eating less than 20 grams of protein in breakfast. Protein regulates insulin levels. When you eat foods high in sugar or carbohydrates for breakfast, your blood insulin levels rise. In the presence of excess insulin, fat in the body is not destroyed, but is stored for energy reserves. As a result, you get hypoglycemia.
    • Consuming too much fat. Butter, salad dressing, fried foods.
    • Consuming too much sugar. Did you know that juice producers are allowed to add sugar to juices and write “unsweetened” on them because most of the sugar is thought to be washed out during processing?
    • The most satisfying meal is consumed at dinner, not breakfast. Too often, people eat too much shortly before going to bed. Or, worse, they snack during the night. If you eat according to the activity level that follows your meal, then you know you shouldn't eat a lot before bed. After all, all you do after that is sleep and store fat (energy).
    • Consuming too much alcohol. Alcohol slows down the metabolism and is processed by the body like sugar.
    • Too few calories or meals are consumed per day.The body goes into fasting mode, in which it uses muscles for energy needs and stores fat. Divide your daily diet into at least three meals. Never miss a meal, except at night.
    • Too many snacks between meals.
  • Avoid snacking during the day. If you really want a snack, use something healthy like apples or grapes.