Enjoy being alone

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Enjoy Being Alone
Video: How To Enjoy Being Alone


If you are reading this you are probably quite bored and probably sitting at home alone. Should that be the case and do you miss your boyfriend or girlfriend, your family or your friends? Then this guide is ideal for teaching you how to enjoy being alone. Because people may be social creatures, but that doesn't mean that we have to feel bad about hanging out on the couch for an evening.

To step

Method 1 of 6: Learn to enjoy alone time

  1. Learn to embrace being alone. When you are alone, you have plenty of time for self-reflection and to think. In a world that is moving faster and faster, being alone is something to be cherished.
  2. Be happy. Live full of optimism. Happiness comes from within, no matter what situation you are in. Don't use the fact that you are alone as an excuse for not enjoying life; make it something positive!
  3. Do everything you would normally do with your partner or friends. Often it is not your partner or friends that you miss, but rather the hobbies or activities you did together. So go out the door on your own. Go out to dinner, go to the movies! Why would you let yourself be stopped?

Method 2 of 6: Creative activities

  1. Write. Try writing a story. This not only stimulates your imagination, but also makes many people happier. Of course you can also write poems.
  2. Read. An evening alone is ideally suited to grab a good book. That is not only fun, but also educational.
    • If you have no idea which book to read, try out some classics. For example, choose something from Louis Couperus, Gerard Reve or Harry Mulisch.
    • Or try out a genre you haven't read before. For example, go for a popular literary thriller or a fantasy story!
    • Poetry can also be very beautiful, and memorizing a poem is also a great way to impress people. For example, start with Shakespeare's sonnets - number 29 is a must!
    • If you like theater, you can also try reading plays. For example, go for the Tennessee Williams classics or choose Shakespeare again.
  3. Listen to music a lot. Bring out your collection of CDs and put on something fun!
  4. Sing or dance. Exercising releases endorphins and that automatically makes you happier. In your own living room you don't have to be ashamed of anything and you can do whatever you want!

Method 3 of 6: Learn something new

  1. Learn something new. Learning is one of the most important things when you live alone. It keeps you busy and also gives you something to talk about when you are around people again. Moreover, learning often goes much better if you are not disturbed by friends or family members.
    • Nowadays you cannot learn from books alone (although you will of course find a lot of information there). For example, you can also learn things through practice. So sign up for a course; that way you also get to know new people. If you don't like face to face contact, you can also learn new things online! (For example, click around on this site!)
  2. Try things you have never done before. For example, think of:
    • Indoor activities such as learning a foreign language, painting, yoga or a musical instrument.
    • Outdoor activities such as gardening, tennis or golf.
    • Or a combination of inside and outside: photographing or drawing.

Method 4 of 6: Time for self-reflection

  1. Think. Try to think about life and what you really feel and want now.
    • Thinking about who you are and what you want is an important way to get to know yourself better. Think about what makes you unique. What do you believe in? And why? What is going well in your life? What not? What do you find valuable?
  2. Try reading a philosophical work. That is a good way to learn to think and reason better. In addition, philosophical texts often include topics that you may never have considered and the texts may give you a new perspective on certain things.
    • A number of philosophers are: Socrates, Plato, Nietzsche, Descartes, Aristotle, Kant, Rand and Marx.
  3. Be careful not to over-analyze things that have nothing to do with you. It can be tempting to read something from certain events or situations, but sometimes your conclusions are based purely on your own interpretation and not on what is actually going on. Quick conclusions can have a nice impact and make you sad or angry. So keep in mind that you often do not have all the information and your interpretation is not always correct.

Method 5 of 6: Connect with others

  1. Get a pet. People need affection, and if they don't get it, they run the risk of becoming bitter. Pets are a good source of affection and are known to love their owners without limits.
    • Pets are also great for talking to. That's not surprising at all, given that almost everyone talks to pets. It's crazy if you don't! By the way, make sure that your pet does not talk back. If you think you can hear your dog or cat talking, seek professional help.
    • If you don't like to cuddle, try tropical fish, hamsters or birds. If you want to be able to pet an animal now and then, but do not have to take care of it too much, get a cat. If you want to spend a lot of time with your pet and do all kinds of things with the animal, then a dog is for you.
    • Just because you want a pet does not mean that you necessarily have to choose a dog or cat. These animals bring a lot of responsibility with them. If you are not ready for this, it will be very annoying for both you and the animal. Then rather take a smaller pet such as a bird or a rabbit. If you don't know exactly what you want, visit the shelter. Here you will find all kinds of animals looking for a new home!
  2. Join an online community. There is more to the internet than just gaming. So sign up on a forum about one of your interests! Here you can talk about your hobbies and you can also get to know new people.

Method 6 of 6: Stay busy

  1. Sport. Finally invest in getting the body you've always wanted. Don't turn your time alone into a TV marathon, do a few push-ups or sit-ups.
    • Find out how much fun it is to do simple exercises. The more you do it, the more fun it is to cycle around the neighborhood.
    • Hold on. You can only keep up sports with willpower and endurance. So make a sports schedule and stick to it. Start with some simple exercises and gradually increase them. You can of course also register at a gym, where you might also make new friends.
  2. Go outside. The world is big, but you don't see much of it if you stay indoors all the time. Don't care about others, just enjoy what life has to offer. Once you do that, you will naturally make new friends. They will come to you naturally!
  3. Be involved. Volunteer to give you some confidence and to have something to do.


  • Remember that life is made up of seasons. It is constantly changing. You can still long for a relationship, that only happens when the time is right. Be patient and trust that your life will run as it should.
  • Be confident and respect yourself.
  • Take a walk and get some fresh air. The morning sun often gives people an enormous energy boost and evening air provides relaxation.
  • Be positive and patient in life. Trust that everything will work out in the end.
  • Just because you're single and living alone doesn't mean you don't need a routine, you can neglect yourself, or that your house is a mess. Try to stay fit, eat healthy regularly, and keep your home clean and tidy. No doubt that will do you good.
  • Life is beautiful and very short, so enjoy every moment.
  • Make sure you have fun and don't get too distracted by annoying things.
  • Don't let other people influence you and don't let yourself be pressured. Everyone makes their own choices in life and one feels good when he is single, while the other prefers to get married or have a steady boyfriend. Enjoy your freedom!
  • Do not worry. Don't think endlessly about being alone. Just accept it and make the most of it.
  • Make sure you are always working on something. That makes you feel good about yourself and also helps you deal with the fact that you are alone.
  • Spend time with your family and hold on to that sense of belonging.
  • Help people who are worse off than you - elderly people in care homes, the homeless; there are countless possibilities.
  • Do things you couldn't do when you were still in a relationship. Then you missed time for yourself, but now you have all the space! Make use of it!
  • Don't trust just anyone. Be careful about meeting people you have met online. You are never sure if people are who they say they are, so some restraint is normal.
  • If you are going out, make sure you do this in a safe area.


  • Don't fall in love too quickly; the bachelor life can be a lot more fun than having a boyfriend or girlfriend who is not right for you. So watch out who you fall in love with.
  • Online communities and especially games like World of Warcraft can be addictive. So make sure that you do not invest too much time in these hobbies, but that you keep an eye on what is important in life.
  • An overdose of philosophical thinking can lead to depression, but as long as you manage it healthily, it doesn't have to be. Just look at what Aristotle has achieved.
  • Remember that you will not be alone forever, but that you will be constantly getting to know new people.
  • If you're bored, you might be boring. If you never have anything to say at parties or if you feel totally uncomfortable in groups, you may be alone a lot. By making yourself more interesting, you will also find more things that interest you. Make sure that a change in your life suits you. Be honest and stay true to yourself.
  • Don't forget the people in your life - keep in touch with others and keep expanding your social network. For extroverts, being alone may be a bit more difficult.