How to get rid of a ghost in the house

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 15 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to get rid of Ghosts, Spirits in your home in one hour~Powerful info that works 100 percent
Video: How to get rid of Ghosts, Spirits in your home in one hour~Powerful info that works 100 percent


Not everyone believes in ghosts, but those who do not deny their existence experience real horror if they find out that a ghost has settled in their home. This article will tell you how to determine if a ghost has really started up in the house, how to identify the reasons for its appearance (and not only paranormal ones) and how to get rid of it.


Part 1 of 3: Eliminate other causes

  1. 1 Make sure the signs of the ghost are not related to infrasound. Low frequencies can cause nausea, a sense of dread, and even the illusion of moving shadows. All this is a consequence of vibrations, and the degree of manifestation of these signs depends on the intensity of the sound wave. French physicist Vladimir Gavreau is rumored to have artificially reproduced all the symptoms in himself and his colleagues using infrasound.
    • Animals are more susceptible to infrasound than humans. Scientists attribute this to the ability of animals to anticipate natural disasters.
    • Assemble the infrasound microphone and try to measure the vibration. Instructions for assembling and using the microphone can be found on the Internet, but be prepared for the fact that all your knowledge of physics will be useful to you.
    • You can ask the physics department of any technical university for help - perhaps the department staff will be able to suggest how else you can make such a microphone.
  2. 2 Eliminate other household factors. Explore the area around the house. Is there a major landfill nearby? Occasionally, methane seeps through the ground, which can cause sulfur odors and spontaneous combustion.
    • Often times, figures that people mistake for ghosts turn out to be unusual reflections of light from a surface. Human vision is very easy to deceive, so you should not believe your eyes without a detailed study of the reasons for what is happening.
  3. 3 Get examined by a psychiatrist. Very often, mental health problems are the cause of ghost complaints. Before you start chasing a ghost out of your home, see your doctor. This does not mean that you cannot have ghosts in the house - this is just a way to rule out all other causes of the paranormal.
    • Find another witness to unusual phenomena in your home. If only you see or hear anything strange, see your doctor. If other people see or hear the same thing as you, first look for other natural explanations for what is happening.

Part 2 of 3: Capturing the paranormal

  1. 1 Prepare evidence of paranormal activity. If you manage to exclude all possible causes of a natural nature, you will need to very accurately record everything that you saw or heard in order to understand how to deal with it.
    • Try to make contact with the ghost and record what is happening on the recorder. Ask a question and see if the ghost answers. Ghosts don't always answer, but this method can help you determine which direction to go next. Ask simple questions that can be answered yes or no. Ask the ghost to answer you with a knock: once - if "yes", twice - if "no."
    • Try to capture what you see with your camera. In a dark room, use a flash, otherwise the photo will not work at all. In other cases, it is worth photographing in natural light to get rid of glare in the picture. Remember that very often what looks like a ghost in your photo is actually dust on the lens or light reflecting off small particles in the air.
  2. 2 Ask someone to confirm your feelings. Ask if your family members or roommates see or hear the same things as you do. Did they hear footsteps on the stairs, knocking on the door? Do not share your guesses with them in advance, as this may affect their objectivity.
    • If you have the opportunity to chat with a trusted ghost hunter or medium, invite them over and ask them to survey your home. Perhaps the specialist will be able to find something else that you did not notice.
  3. 3 Don't be discouraged if there are no ghosts in your house. Any experienced medium will confirm that most often the causes of unusual phenomena have a simple scientific explanation. But that doesn't mean ghosts don't exist!

Part 3 of 3: Politely ask the ghost to leave

  1. 1 Communicate confidently with the ghost. Like animals, ghosts react to fear and often feed on it. Only a few cases of a ghost attacking a person have been recorded, so most likely you will only encounter some kind of annoying or frightening actions from the side of the ghost.
    • Talk to ghosts in a stern voice, as if you were talking to a misbehaving pet. Be strict, but do not allow anger in your voice: ghosts can turn out to be the souls of dead people, so the mere fact that they are dead upsets them greatly.
  2. 2 Perform an exorcism ritual. Such a ritual of exorcism is suitable only for Christians, since exorcism is the exorcism of Satan and his assistants. If you are of a different religion, find out what are the ways to deal with unwanted spirits in your religion, as any religion provides for this possibility. If you are a Christian or Christian, do not perform the ritual yourself, but go to the church and ask for help.
    • In Hinduism, reading chapters 3, 7 and 9 of the Bhagavad-gita will free the spirit from the need to be present on earth. Reciting mantras, placing images of deities in the house, and using incense during Puja will also help release the spirit.
    • The Jewish ritual will help both the one to whom the spirit came and the spirit itself. The ceremony should be performed only by an experienced rabbi with knowledge of Kabbalah.
    • There are many banishing rituals in every culture, so you will need to choose the ritual that best suits your situation.All such rituals take into account the individual attitude of a particular religion to the afterlife and ghosts, since there is no single universal approach to this issue.
  3. 3 Clean up the house. After you have managed to drive out the ghost, you need to make the house completely clean so that the spirit does not return and so that your home is not attractive to other ghosts. There are many ways to clear space, and each religion has its own way of doing it. The most commonly used methods are:
    • Burn sage or juniper leaves. This will rid the house of negative energy. The use of incense and incense in many religions is associated with cleansing.
    • Ring the bell in every corner of the house. This will destroy negative energy and attract positive energy. It is important to do this several times as negative energy can be attracted from different places.
    • Do the cleaning. This will create an atmosphere of cleanliness and comfort and will not let the "bad" energy return.


  • Ghosts can be dangerous on very rare occasions. More often than not, you should just leave them alone. Think of them as unusual, albeit sometimes annoying, guests.


  • Refer only to trusted, experienced experts. There are a lot of charlatans in this area.