How to use a voodoo doll

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 22 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to use Voodoo Dolls (Poppets)
Video: How to use Voodoo Dolls (Poppets)


Voodoo dolls have appeared in African peoples as a spiritual tradition. Today, the Voodoo of New Orleans, as well as the Haitian Voodoo, are known .. Although it is believed that Voodoo dolls are used to negatively affect a person, a Voodoo doll can also be used for good purposes: it can be used to influence your life or life other people. It can attract love, health, protection, success, and many other things. The doll identifies a person who wants to turn to the voodoo spirits, and some dolls are used exclusively to bring positive changes into their lives.


Method 1 of 3: How to Make a Voodoo Doll for Another Person

  1. 1 Imagine the person you are making a doll for. When you make a Voodoo doll, you need to depict the person you are directing the Voodoo magic to, as well as the impact on that person's life. Due to the fact that voodoo magic is highly dependent on your connection with the spirit world, it is important that the doll you make symbolizes the person whose life you want to change.
  2. 2 Make a voodoo doll with the image of a man. One way to identify a doll with a person is to print a full photo of that person and sew it onto the fabric. When you find the image and print it, crop the image to fit the silhouette of the person in the photo, then sew it back to the doll. As you start sewing the photo onto the doll, you need to fill the doll with content.
  3. 3 Make a Voodoo doll with the person's personal belongings. Perhaps you do not have a photograph of the person with whom you want to identify the doll. Then you can make a doll with some thing that belongs to him. For example, you can use a piece of clothing or a lock of hair. Find yarn, thread or fabric and sew the doll. After the doll is ready, sew this personal item into the doll.
  4. 4 "Clean" the voodoo doll. Before you can magically use a Voodoo doll, you need to "cleanse" it of the previous energy, so that you get a kind of "blank canvas" for creation.To do this, you need to put your hand on the doll and direct your energy as if "through", focus on how to "cleanse" the doll of extraneous energy. You can wash the doll in salt water and fumigate with incense (such as sage or sandalwood extract), then leave it in natural light (sunlight or moonlight) so that the Universe and Mother Nature will take care of the doll and convert the raw energy.
    • Most likely, some kind of extraneous energy will already be attached to the objects from which you make the Voodoo doll. Therefore, do not forget to "cleanse" the doll, so that extraneous energy does not interfere with you.
    • To simplify this process, you can use materials or objects that have come into contact with other people. Unless you intend to specifically use this item to identify the doll with this person.

Method 2 of 3: How to Use a Voodoo Doll for Good Purposes

  1. 1 Focus on your desires. One of the goals of a voodoo doll is meditation and concentration. Hold your Voodoo doll and focus on the desired changes you want to make in your life. You can buy a Voodoo doll on the Internet, there are special dolls that symbolize fertility, marriage, luck, prosperity, and so on. There are those that represent spiritual strength.
    • This process requires patience and concentration, you need to clear your mind of distracting thoughts. That is why this process is called meditation, because it calms the mind and soul in order to find harmony with yourself and your desires.
    • You can change for the better not only your life, but also the lives of others. If you want to attract good luck to someone's life, you will need the same, but the doll must identify that person. Concentrate on what you want this person.
  2. 2 You need colored pins. Traditionally, this rite uses seven colored pins, each of which is responsible for a specific area of ​​life that you want to influence. This technique goes hand in hand with the meditation method. But first you need to meditate and focus, and then use pins. After you decide what aspect of life you want to influence, stick a pin of the appropriate color into your Voodoo doll. The head is associated with knowledge and wisdom, the heart is associated with emotions, and the stomach is associated with feelings and intuition. So, if you want to gain power (or for someone else to gain it), stick a red pin in the head of the Voodoo doll. If you want to attract love, stick a blue pin into the doll's heart. Listed below are the colors and what they represent:
    • yellow: success;
    • green: money;
    • white: health;
    • red: power;
    • purple: spirituality
    • blue: love;
    • black: getting rid of negative energy.
  3. 3 Refer to the voodoo spirits. Loa, twins and the spirits of the dead are the spiritual principles of Voodoo, with the help of which you can bring various changes into your life. To summon spirits, you need to make or buy a Voodoo doll. You need to focus on your desires, which you want to fulfill with the help of perfume, then you need to light a candle of the desired color, after that you need to offer a sacrifice to the spirit. Perhaps it is better to make a second Voodoo doll of the same kind in order to light a candle on it and bring a sacrifice to the spirits.
    • Loa communicates with people and represents a spirit that personifies the main forces of the Universe: good, evil, reproduction, health and other aspects of our life. There are many different Loa spirits and it is difficult to list them, but if you think about it, you can choose the Loa that you want to turn to for help.
    • Gemini is a mysterious set of conflicting forces: happiness and sadness, good and evil, and so on. If you give them their due, they will help improve some aspect of your life.
    • The spirits of the dead are the spirits of someone's family members, that is, the souls of the dead, whose loved ones have not yet “let go” of them.If the dead are ignored, they can be dangerous, but if they are cared for and respected, they can help.

Method 3 of 3: How to Use a Voodoo Doll for Evil Purposes

  1. 1 Colored pins are also needed for this purpose. Colored pins can be used to both positively and negatively affect a person's life. For example, if you want to subdue a person, stick a red needle into the doll's head and focus on power and strength.
  2. 2 Reach out to the spirit you want to invoke. You need a voodoo doll that identifies the spirit you want to invoke. Make another doll of the same kind and focus on the person you want to harm, ask the spirit to act on your behalf. In the same way as described above, light a candle that matches this spirit and it may be worth offering a sacrifice to it.
  3. 3 Focus on classic methods of punishment. If you want to harm someone with the help of a voodoo doll that identifies this person, you can use ordinary pins or needles, rope, wire, water, or another method of punishment and torture. Then focus on that person and the actions you are taking.
    • Make sure to clear the foreign energy from the doll. If the doll is somehow connected to someone else, Voodoo magic can harm him, and you do not want an innocent person to suffer!
    • Many experts who practice Voodoo magic advise using a Voodoo doll only to attract positive changes, because, as they say, “it will come around as it will respond”.


  • A voodoo doll is used to influence a specific person. You can refer to the Voodoo doll as if you were talking to that person. You can ask to change the attitude or influence the behavior of a person according to your wishes.
  • Much of Voodoo magic is about reuniting with the universe and spirits. If you are in doubt about your strength or cannot concentrate on reuniting, chances are the magic of the voodoo doll will not work.
  • According to New Orleans Voodoo, many dolls are blessed with experienced practitioners to better reconnect with the spirits.


  • Since a voodoo doll is capable of absorbing the energy of the person who uses it, it is best to never use someone else's voodoo doll.
  • If you use a Voodoo doll incorrectly, you may be overtaken by karmic backlash, that is, things like conflict, accidents, depression, bad luck, death.
  • The power of voodoo magic has not been scientifically proven.
  • Remember, if you plan to use a Voodoo doll to negatively influence a person, you may be overtaken by karmic backlash. So be careful.

What do you need

  • Voodoo Doll
  • Colored pins
  • A voodoo doll specially for a spirit if you want to connect with that spirit
  • Photo of a person with whom the Voodoo doll will be identified. A lock of his hair or some personal item
  • Colored candles for different perfumes
  • Wooden board or other plane to create the altar