How to sincerely smile

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 6 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Three Surprising Secrets to a Better Smile
Video: Three Surprising Secrets to a Better Smile


1 Find out what your sincere smile looks like. Scientists have identified over 50 different types of smiles, and research has shown that the most genuine smile is the Duchenne smile. It is a smile that catches your eye. The reason for being sincere comes from the fact that the muscles needed to really smile with your eyes are involuntary, meaning they are only involved when you smile sincerely. Every time you smile because something makes you happy or funny, when your smile expresses your true feelings, your eyes will smile with your lips. This will create wrinkles in the corners of your eyes and you will smile with your whole face.
  • Take a look at the photos you're laughing at, or make yourself laugh and take a selfie. The main thing is that you are really happy taking the picture.
  • Now compare a photo with a real smile and a photo with a fake smile (which is likely to slip through a lot of your school photos). Do you see the difference in the eyes?
  • 2 Feel the difference on your face. Now that you've seen the difference, think about how it feels. A natural smile that involves the eyes and mouth is usually light and natural. Now think about the condition that occurs when someone tells you to say "cheese": after a couple of seconds of expressing emotions, your muscles start to get tired.
    • Once you identify the state of the smile with your eyes, try to remember it. Try to smile with your whole face. The more you practice, the faster the result will come.
    • On the other hand, try to remember the sensation when you are smiling with non-eyes. When these fake emotions of yours show up on your face, you can change your smile by making it more natural.
  • 3 Practice the Duchenne smile. Although somewhat complex, you can mimic this type of smile by squinting a little to create slight wrinkles under the eyes. Look in the mirror and try. If you have crow's feet in the corners of your eyes, you are doing everything right. Once you have mastered the technique of smiling with your eyes, you can use it to brighten up even the most cunning or weak smiles.
    • Every time you smile, for whatever reason, try to squint a little. But do not overdo it, otherwise your face will look distorted; just squinting slightly will add a little sparkle to the eyes.
    • For more influence on the person you are smiling at, try to make eye contact with them by squinting.
  • 4 Try to smile with your eyes only. Feel like you've mastered the Duchenne technique? Try it without using your lips. Someone who has really mastered this technique, smiling with their eyes, can express happiness or fun without using their mouth. This does not mean that your mouth should befrownedbut try not to use it when you smile with your eyes.
    • This type of smile is good to use when you want to convey a playful secret. That is, when you do not want to give too much, spreading into a wide smile; you just want to show that you are satisfied with the situation.
    • You can also smile without using your mouth when you need to maintain a pleasant expression for a long time. Let's say you're in a long meeting and need to look casual. Smiling with your eyes will make you look simpler and more positive.
  • Method 2 of 3: Getting the Right Mind

    1. 1 Think positively! A natural smile comes from natural happiness. Studies have shown that it is not material things and high achievements that make people happy, but rather the way they view life. In other words, learn to be optimistic, and then a natural smile on your face will accompany you all day.
      • Think who has the most natural smile ... Children! Since life is not yet particularly difficult for them, they have little cause for concern. So follow their example and be more fun.
      • You don't need to force yourself to smile if you are not feeling joyful at that moment. Stop pleasing others. If you smile all the time to be polite and pleasant, you are stressed and just don't give a chance for a Duchenne smile to appear on your face. A real smile comes from your inner joy, not someone else's.
    2. 2 Find a place where you feel good. When you find yourself in a situation in which you do not feel happy, but you need to hide it, transfer yourself mentally to your favorite place. Think about what makes you jump for joy and makes you smile.
      • The following exercise will help you understand what really makes you happy. Look in the mirror, covering everything below eye level with some kind of blanket.Then start thinking or talking out loud about your happiest memories. Smile. You will notice that at some points your eyes light up and small wrinkles appear in the corners of your eyes. This is Duchenne's smile! The shortest path to a Duchenne smile is to transfer into your happiest memories, your face will do the rest.
    3. 3 Be confident in your smile. If you are concerned about the color, the unevenness of your teeth, the protrusion of your gums, the smell of your breath, and so on, you may subconsciously smother your smile because you feel uncomfortable. Taking care of issues that might prevent you from smiling fully can help you have a brighter, more genuine smile.
      • Whiten your teeth, get rid of bad breath to feel more confident.
      • If you really want to master the Duchenne technique, you need to learn to “play with your eyes”. Keep an eye on your eyebrows and use a little eye makeup to make your eyes stand out.
    4. 4 Don't be too shy. When speaking, do not dwell on yourself. Look the other person in the eye and try see him or her. If you are genuinely happy to see this person and he / she says something that makes you happy, you will smile naturally. If you are worried about how you look in the eyes of the other person, then this will certainly be reflected in your smile. Instead of worrying about the impression you make, allow yourself to be more free to feel.
      • Pay attention to the smile of your interlocutor. Is he smiling sincerely? If you see Duchenne's smile, then you can be sure that it is sincere and you can be more relaxed in the conversation.
      • On the other hand, if the smile is fake, it will be very difficult to match a natural smile. If you want to look natural, you should think about the pleasant or, as a last resort, narrow your eyes a little.

    Method 3 of 3: Try Other Techniques

    1. 1 Squinching. Like “smiling with your eyes,” “squinching” consists of squinting lightly and squinting. At the same time, you need to smile a little. It is more subtle than an open smile with your eyes, and it gives the impression that you are friendly and interested. Some say it helps make a person more photogenic, as "squirting" reflects confidence and sex appeal.
    2. 2 Tigging. This technique has more to do with the mouth than the eyes, but both of these tools come into play. This technique involves a slightly open mouth. At the same time, you must smile with your eyes. Done right, this smile will make you playful and sweet. If you want to capture this pose in a selfie, then you must take the sideways shot, not straight ahead.
    3. 3 Be free and laugh out loud. Laughing at something funny is a great way to make yourself smile. Try to capture your real smile in the picture. You will look happy, cheerful and attractive, and most importantly, it will come naturally.


    • Smile sincerely. Don't let anyone tell you how to smile. Do it your own way and you will get a beautiful smile.
    • Duchenne's smile and crow's feet go hand in hand. And, which makes sense, genuinely happy people are too positive to let a few wrinkles upset them!
    • In case you are actually finding it difficult to smile because you are not feeling well, you can do a relaxation exercise.


    • You can look very strange if you do it wrong!