How to simulate a cell phone ringing

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 17 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
DIY phone line simulator
Video: DIY phone line simulator


If you're trying to get away from that creepy neighbor, or just want to appear more popular, pretending to be interrupted by your cell phone ring can come in handy. To properly simulate a cell phone ringing, follow these steps.


  1. 1 Understand who you are trying to avoid and why. Are they curious? Crazy? Rude? Or just not as impressed with your level of popularity as you would like? Make sure you plan your fake conversation appropriately - especially if there is a chance the person might figure out that you are bluffing.
    • If you're trying to impress someone, you want your conversation to sound very friendly, or perhaps even flirtatious, to emphasize your attractiveness. Do not overdo it!
    • If you want to change the course of events, you need to make the conversation sound serious and seem urgent. Perhaps you need to quit, "Are you okay?" Look at the person you are avoiding with an apologetic look, show that you are leaving, and head to a distant location.
  2. 2 Know your phone. Some phones have side buttons for volume, vibration, etc. Learn these buttons well enough to use them in the dark, or in your pocket when you can't see them. That way, if you find yourself in an unexpected situation, you can always get out with this urgent phone call. Do everything very quickly, otherwise you risk giving yourself away. Some phones have a fake call function, for smartphones you can usually download a fake call app.
  3. 3 Make sure your phone is on mute! This includes all sounds, ringtones, text messages, low battery reminders, voicemail alerts ... whatever. If this phone beeps in the middle of a fake conversation, your next meeting with the person you are trying to dodge will be much worse. Most phones have a "Profile" or quick mute setting that allows you to remotely and quickly turn all sounds on or off.
  4. 4 Pretend to be called. Get your phone out of an abstract place, like a purse or pocket, where it could theoretically vibrate, unnoticed by anyone but you.
  5. 5 Start your fake conversation. Do not start a conversation with "Hello?", As a real cell call will show who is calling. Instead, say hi to the person who allegedly called you and ask how they are doing. Use as much time as you need to think of what to say next, as if you were just a "talkative" friend.
    • In most social situations, general fake laughter or "Really?" Help: This will show that you have a genuine interest in the conversation - and that it would be unacceptable to interrupt the conversation during this time.
  6. 6 Be polite. Greet the person you are talking to with a simple smile and a nod, or even a quiet “Hi,” showing him that you would love to stay and chat, but heck, you're just too busy right now!

Method 1 of 1: Preplanned Method

  1. 1 Go to your home phone and call your cell phone. Have him call, and leave a specific, very detailed message, as if you are talking to a person who is not answering. Good message: "Hey (name) ... I'm good, how are you ... Really? It's cool ... See you later? ... Of course not a problem ... What time? ... Okay, I'll see you!" Remember to use facial expressions while you leave the recording to make it sound realistic.
    • You can also ask a friend to leave this message for you.
  2. 2 Listen to your message several times to come up with appropriate responses. It's especially important to know the time so that you don't look like an idiot.
  3. 3 Make sure your phone is in silent mode. Again, this includes sounds, ringtones, text messages, low battery reminders, voicemail alerts, etc.
  4. 4 Turn the volume down. This mode is different from the phone's silent mode, and is often controlled by buttons on the side of the phone.
  5. 5 Keep your phone in your pocket and gently press the speed dial button for voicemail. Let the automatic introductory message sound quietly in your pocket before bringing your phone to your face. It is useful to know the time of your automatic message in advance.
    • Make sure you don't have any other unheard voicemail messages waiting to be heard before the message you left for yourself.
  6. 6 Pretend you got a call. Pull your phone out of your pocket, turn up the volume, and have a fake conversation with a pre-recorded message.


  • When you pretend to receive a call, you don't really need to simulate the entire conversation. Just hold the phone as if you are listening intently and sometimes say, "Really?" or "Wow" or any short interjections.
  • If you are trying to get positive attention to yourself, start an interesting conversation with the person you are interested in, but make them want more by "disconnecting." It's good for ex-boyfriends / girlfriends, bosses, that girl / boyfriend you don't have the courage to talk to, etc.
  • Don't worry too much about the phone call. Many people keep their phones on vibration, and if the phone is not on a hard surface or in a deaf, silent room, no one will think twice about not hearing any sounds.
  • If you're desperate, plan a phone call. Ask someone to call you at a specific time when you know you will be with that person so you don't have to pretend.
  • If you desperately need to make your phone call to make an effect, skip to your ringtones section. Usually, when you highlight a melody, it will play. Listen to the melody and then return to the home screen. This will interrupt the ringtone and it will look like you are answering a call. Continue the conversation.
  • If you are constantly avoiding someone, start your phone conversation by asking the non-existent person if you can ask for 20 minutes of their time. This should deter even the most persistent people.
  • Make sure to allow time for the non-existent person on the other end of the fake phone call to answer. It will sound unlikely if you are the only person speaking - listening is just as important as with a real phone call.
  • If you want to avoid someone with whom you see constantly (for example, walking home from school with friends) and you have an alarm on your mobile phone, set it up when you need it to sound. You can pretend your cell phone is ringing


  • Don't overdo it, because if things get too complicated, then you are doomed to fail.
  • Even if your phone is in silent mode, it may blink when calls come in. If you have an external shield, move it away from the target.