How to play as an Engineer in Team Fortress 2

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Play: Team Fortress 2 - Engineer
Video: How to Play: Team Fortress 2 - Engineer


Engineers; mechanics from Team Fortress 2. Overflowing with knowledge and a horse dose of beer, engineers are defensive-class characters who can design, build and repair deadly turrets that fire missiles, useful dispensers that give out ammo, metal, health and send allies to the frontline teleports to maintain the fight, hold the zone or push the opposing team back. Regardless of the situation, the engineer will always be there to deploy reinforcements, capture control points and inspire the team to win the game. If things don't go according to plan, the engineer can get hold of a shotgun, pistol, or trusty wrench.


  1. 1 Grab your tool case. The Engineer carries a six-round medium-range shotgun with a reserve of 32 rounds for it (main weapon), a twelve-round pistol with an additional 200 rounds (secondary) and a wrench for building crazy gizmos (melee weapons). In addition to everything, engineers can construct numerous structures, which require metal (key 4).
  2. 2 Get metal. When they appear in the game, each engineer starts with a maximum of 200 units of metal (bottom right). Collect metal from ammo boxes, weapons from the dead, from a supply cabinet, or from a dispenser. After building something, you will have to upgrade it to achieve full building efficiency. Each building can be upgraded from level 1 (just built) to level 2 (requires 200 metal) and to level 3 (completed). Upgrading the turret to the maximum level (3) makes it super lethal, capable of firing two twin gatlings and a rocket launcher (which can be compared to the simultaneous fire of two machine gunners and a soldier on the same target). Improvements to the dispenser will help the team in the future, giving out more ammunition, metal and, faster regenerating health.
  3. 3 Find out when and how to use your initial weapon. Engineers are given a shotgun, a pistol, a wrench and a device to blow up their own buildings.
    • Use the shotgun for short to medium range attacks. This is your main weapon that you will use in most of the fights.
    • Use the pistol over long distances.While not particularly accurate, the Engineer's pistol is good for taking out a retreating opponent. If in the heat of battle you use up your Shotgun ammo, grab your pistol and fire.
    • Use the key for both building repairs and melee combat. Key kills are fun, but not always practical in open combat. Save it for repairing the turret and other buildings, and for the spy who blows up your buildings. It is faster and much more effective to attack a spy with the same weapon that you use to repair buildings than to switch to another.
  4. 4 Understand how to apply each of your buildings. Engineers are able to build a turret, dispenser, and teleport I / O. Select a drawing and rotate it 90 degrees by right clicking if desired. Place the building on the spot of your choice and watch as it builds itself up automatically. You can also hit it several times with a key to increase the speed of construction. At the same time, keep a close eye on it, otherwise, the enemy can easily destroy it before the end of the construction.
    • Turret (130 metal units). These gun turrets will automatically shoot at the approaching enemy, becoming a key point of base defense. The turret range is limited and indicated by a sphere colored in your team's color.
    • There are three levels of turret firepower (levels 1, 2, and 3), which can be achieved by collecting metal, and then threshing on it with a key. To upgrade to each next level, you will need 200 pieces of metal. At the lowest level, the turret will only be an addition to the attack / defense of the team, at level 2 and above it will be capable of nullifying any enemy force, with the exception of a disguised spy within range.
    • Level 1 turrets are very simple. They shoot and rotate much slower than on subsequent levels, becoming vulnerable to damage from fast players. In terms of firepower, they are comparable to a scout's pistol. Damage from a turret of this level can withstand almost any class.
    • Level 2 turrets have more firepower and can rotate faster than level 1. They are roughly similar in firepower to the six-barreled machine gunner.
    • Tier 3 turrets are the most powerful, able to rotate quickly and quickly fire missiles and additional ammunition. They are equivalent to a machine gunner's six-barreled gun and a soldier's rocket launcher.
    • Dispenser (requires 100 metal). The dispenser slowly generates metal and ammo for teammates. He also restores health to allies, albeit at a slower rate than the Medic.

    • Combined with a nearby turret, the Dispenser can provide the Engineer and other players with virtually unlimited metal, ammo and health. Keep in mind the fact that the dispenser is producing metal rather slowly, so don't wait for a pile of metal right after the end of the construction.
    • Place the Dispenser in a strategic position on the front lines to provide allies with a constant source of health. There will be no cost to this in the "instant death" mode.
    • Unlike Team Fortress and Team Fortress Classic, you cannot kill enemies by detonating your dispenser. You can, however, place it in a narrow corridor to create an impromptu barrier. This is useful for slowing down a retreating enemy and alerting the engineer of an impending attack.
    • Dispensers have 3 upgrade levels. The higher the level he is, the faster he heals players. On the first level, his healing rate is 10 HP per second, on the second - 15 HP per second. At the third level, he recovers 20 HP per second, almost equal to a medic, recovering 27 HP per second.
    • The dispenser automatically heals the team members who are near it, two or more form a quick healing point for your team, but this requires the help of a second engineer.
    • The Heavy or Pyro standing next to the Dispenser will not run out of ammo, even with constant fire, so when positioned correctly, your Heavy can act as a turret and your Pyro as a Spy Detector.
    • Teleport (125 metal units). The teleport is especially useful for quickly transporting newly respawned players to the front lines. Remember that you will need to place the "entrance" and "exit" of the teleporter.
    • Think strategically when choosing where to "enter" the teleporter. It needs to be positioned so that allies can easily find it, but not so obvious that it is open to enemy fire.
    • Also, avoid placing the "exit" in an open area, not only to preserve the health of the "exit", but also to save the lives of newly teleported allies.
    • Remember, players passing through the teleporter will be temporarily surrounded by a radiance of your team's color. Experienced opponents will notice this and will attempt to find the "exit" of your teleporter.
    • Your teleporter can carry one player every 10 seconds until it is upgraded, which will reduce the time to 5 seconds for level 2 and 3 seconds for level 3.
    • Before building the "exit", use the right-click to rotate buildings. This will help the advancing allies to have a clear view of the battlefield, which is better than going into a corner with the nose.
  5. 5 “Develop a strategy.“Although the Engineers are classified as a defensive class, they also have many opportunities to play offensively. Feel free to experiment with different techniques and plans that offer more benefits for you and your team.
    • Consider your defensive role. Most Engineers will spend the entire match within the base, placing turrets in positions that make them less vulnerable to the enemy. If you are very close to the respawn point, you may want to consider building a dispenser in the distance, closer to the front line to heal allies, as you will have easy access to the replenishment locker. Don't forget to build an "exit" to facilitate the movement of your allies. For the defending engineer, the turret should be located in the most advantageous position for the defense of the target.
    • Consider the offensive role as well. Engineers can be used to create "mini bases" that will provide a place for comrades to retreat to replenish health and ammunition, as well as to move allies using the teleporter. When playing an offensive role, the turret should serve to defend the exit and dispenser.
  6. 6 Beware of spies and their bugs. Spies are equipped with bugs that spoil your buildings and render them unusable. The bugs will also consume the power of your buildings and destroy them if they go unnoticed for too long. If a spy has placed a bug on your building, quickly hit it with the key several times to destroy it and repair the building. It is a wise decision to kill the spy first and then repair and / or rebuild your buildings. Otherwise, the spy will spy over and over again or stab you in the back.
    • It is important to remember that bugs deactivate your buildings. Therefore, if a spy has installed a bug on your turret, then it will not be operational until the bug is removed. This will make you vulnerable not only to spy attacks, but also to other advancing enemies.
    • In general, do not forget that your turret will not shoot at the spy while he is invisible and / or disguised as one of your allies.
    • Usually, your turrets, dispensers and teleporters will be the primary target for destruction by the opposing team, both during the attack and especially during the defense. Consequently, in many cases, building turrets and teleports in hidden or unexpected and hard-to-reach places may be a better solution than building them on traditional defense points that are the first to be hit.Use the dispenser and squat jump to reach the roof at point C on the Gravelpit or the corner ledge on stage 1, point 2 on the Goldrush. A team that encounters a turret in an unconventional position will sometimes be too dumbfounded to make a strategically correct decision and will fall under fire!
    • Keep an eye out for Demoman, whose Velcro can knock out a whole set of your buildings if they are close to each other. Keep at gunpoint all corners and blind spots where the Demoman can launch his stickies.
  7. 7 Use weapons more. Completing achievements or finding weapons will give you a gunsmith, lynching, and guide. You can also get weapons by forging.


  • When working with other engineers, place the teleporter leading to your base. This is useful for gaining unlimited metal storage and guiding your teammates back to the respawn point. Remember, this can be confusing for most players, so communicate your strategy to the team.
  • If you change the class, then your buildings will disappear immediately after respawning.
  • With the July 2010 Upgrade Patch, there are several new weapons and Engineer changes in TF2. These are 4 new unlocked weapons and tools, their advantages and disadvantages:
    • Lynching: Lynching can replace the shotgun in the engineer's inventory. When a turret is destroyed, the lynch court gains a bonus critical hit. He will also receive two bonus crits for each kill produced by the turret, and one for each assist. The disadvantage of lynching is that its magazine capacity is half the size of a standard shotgun magazine and there are no random crits.
    • "Guide": The Engineer will replace the reliable pistol with a guide, and he will transfer the automatic aiming of the turret to the player's hands. When using the guide, your turret will receive a protective field that absorbs damage, more powerful ranged weapons and a rocket launcher with a faster rate of fire.
    • Gunsmith: This is a mechanical arm that replaces the key and adds 25 HP to the Engineer's maximum health. Replaces a turret with a mini-turret (with less power than a turret, not modifiable, but building very quickly and giving the player control with the help of a guide), and every third hit in a combination becomes a crit, without random ones.
    • Southern Hospitality: An innovative key that looks more like a cleaver with spikes! On impact, the target suffers 5 seconds of bleeding. Has no random crits and adds 20% vulnerability to fire of the owner.
  • When upgrading buildings, try to constantly look around in order to make sure there are no spies and other players sneaking behind your back with bloodthirsty intentions.
  • Communication is a core part of TF2. If you are defending your intelligence in ctf_2fort, listen to your allies (no matter chat or voice conversations) for information about the movement of the enemy.
  • Pay attention to the voice of the engineer. You will hear different shouts depending on the development of events. For example, "Turret destroyed!" when destroying a turret or "A bug on my turret" if a spy has installed a bug on a turret.
  • Remember that buildings can be rotated before starting to build by right-clicking (default). This will rotate the building drawing 90 degrees. This is very useful for strategic positioning on ledges and similar positions.
    • It is a good idea to rotate the buildings to maximize their efficiency. Rotate the "exit" of the teleport so that it releases the players into the open space so that they do not rush about in confusion. Rotate the turret so that it does not waste time turning, leaving enemies less time to react.
  • Pay attention to the player display in the upper left corner. If one of your buildings gets damaged, you will hear a "beep" and the HUD will highlight the damaged building.
  • Do not stay long in specific locations on the map.A good engineer will demolish and rebuild his buildings at strategic points in order to fulfill the goal and serve the needs of the team. Structures erected in the currently non-playable zones of the map are useless.
  • Don't think that you can only upgrade and repair your own buildings. If you have teamed up with another engineer, and your turret is destroyed, then support your comrade in order to protect his turret from destruction.
    • You can remove bugs from the buildings of an allied engineer if he dies.
  • Try to find the best location for each of your turrets. Indoor areas, areas around corners and behind large boulders are good positions.
    • It is advisable to build turrets in the place where they will be able to shoot players trying to destroy them. Therefore, it is a bad idea to place them in an open area where a sniper or a well-fired series of missiles can shoot them from a distance. Cliffs and corners will not be a good position, since the enemy can easily choose a position from which to destroy the turret without harm to themselves. Also make sure that the area of ​​impact covers all possible attack angles from which players' weapons can hit your turret.
  • Pick up weapons of fallen opponents (and comrades as well) and ammunition boxes. They will be an excellent source of metal for building, repairing and modifying your structures.
    • For each weapon you pick up, you get 100 metal! Just don't run far from the base!
  • You can jump onto your own buildings to build something higher. In order to climb on them, jump and crouch in the air, moving forward. By standing and jumping on your dispenser or turret, you can gain access to higher places where the spy cannot reach! If you can't jump to a high place, then jump and build an "exit" on the hill, which will take you there after the end of the construction. Your team (snipers in particular) will love you for the opportunity to climb higher, beyond the range of Spies and Scouts, so eager to kill them.
  • Establishing a forward base, especially in checkpoint matches, can be invaluable to your team.
  • Try to be close to the front line and far enough away from it to build without being under fire.
  • If you notice a spy persistently placing bugs on your turret, then kill him with the key. It will be easier to destroy the bug and kill the spy with the key than to destroy the bug with the key and reach for the shotgun to kill the spy.
  • You can speed up the construction process of any of your buildings by simply pounding the key on it after placing it. However, this is mostly a bad idea, since after placing a structure, you may have to run around looking for metal, at least if there is no dispenser near you and you are not wasting time on such risky tasks.
  • It is extremely rare to beat a spy to death with a key. Many engineers are in the habit of using only a key all the time. While the monkey wrench has the highest critical hit rate of any melee weapon in the game, the shotgun will almost always beat the wrench in damage. Use the wrench only when the shotgun shot fails to hit the target.