How to play Kent stop

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Play Kent
Video: How to Play Kent


Kent Stop (or simply Kent) is a card game that can be played by 4 to 12 players. Learning to play it is not only very easy, but also fun! This game is perfect for both kids and adults! Follow the simple rules written in this article and you will quickly learn how to play Kent.


  1. 1 To win the round, one of the team members must collect 4 cards of the same value and make it clear to the other team member, who, in turn, must shout “Kent!"(Or" Stop! ", Depending on the version of the game).
  2. 2 Before starting the game, agree with your partner about the symbol. You can blink quickly several times, clear your throat, or cross your arms in a special way. While playing, you should sit opposite each other to easily maintain eye contact.
  3. 3 Deal four cards to each player. Place the remaining cards in the deck in the center of the table so that all players have access to them.
  4. 4 The game begins when the first person draws a card from the deck. If it suits him (corresponds to one or more cards that he has in his hands), then he keeps it for himself, in return giving one card from his hand. If it does not fit, then he puts the taken card back.
  5. 5 Play in a circle until someone shouts "Kent". If a team has four cards of the same rank, it wins the round and earns the letter "K".
    • If you think the other team is about to shout "Kent", quickly say "Stop!" or "CounterKent", then the winnings will go to you.
    • If you think that you and your partner are holding four cards of the same rank at the same time, you can say “Double Kent” and earn more letters, for example, get K and E in one round. (Before starting the game, you should agree on the conditional signals that will mean "Kent" and "Double Kent". Do not mix them up in any way!)
  6. 6 The team that is the first to collect the word K-E-N-T becomes the winner. In different versions of this game, the team must add a more difficult word or comply with some additional conditions of the game, in this article the simplest option was described. Good luck!


  • If you want to confuse your opponents, give them false signs that you want to shout "Kent", play it with facial expressions and gestures.
  • Watch your opponents carefully! There is nothing more important in this game than vigilance.
  • This game is similar to another card game called Pig - if you've ever heard of it, you'll have a good idea of ​​how to play Kent.

What do you need

  • Standard 52-card deck
  • 4 to 6 players