How to play bowling

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 25 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Hook A Bowling Ball
Video: How To Hook A Bowling Ball


Bowling is both a great way to have fun with friends and a serious game sport. If you want to learn how to become an amateur bowler or how to improve your bowling skills, read this article.


Part 1 of 5: Bowling Basics

  1. 1 Bowling lane. Before you start playing bowling, understand the purpose of the bowling lane. The bowling lane is 60 feet (18.29 m) long from the foul line (spade) to the head pin closest to the player. There are gutters on either side of the walkway. If the ball deflects strongly and leaves the track, then it will fall into the chute and out of the game.
    • The takeoff run is 15 feet (4.57 m) and ends with a foul line. During the take-off run, the bowling player is not allowed to step over the foul line, otherwise his throw will not be counted.
    • If the ball falls into one of the chutes, and then bounces and knocks down one of the pins, it will not count.
  2. 2 Bowling pins. Pins are placed at the end of the bowling alley before each frame. They are arranged in the shape of a triangle so that the corner of the triangle is directed towards the player. In the first row there is one pin, which is called the head, in the second - two pins, in the third - three pins, in the fourth - four pins.
    • The position of the pins corresponds to numbers from 1 to 10. The pins in the fourth (back) row are numbered 7-10, in the third - 4-6, the pins in the second row are numbered 2–3, and the head pin is pin number 1.
    • Any pin knocked down will earn the player one point. The pin numbers indicate their position, not the points awarded.
  3. 3 Terminology. Before you can call yourself a real bowler, you must learn a few specific terms. Knowing these terms will make it easier to understand the rules. Here they are:
    • A strike is a throw in which all pins are knocked off.
    • Spare is counted when all pins are knocked off the second throw.
    • Split (split) - a situation when the first ball of the frame knocks down the head pin (closest to you), but this leaves two non-adjacent pins. Splitting is difficult in this situation, especially if you have the most difficult split left - the 7 and 10 corner pins.
    • Graters (turkey) - three strikes in a row.
    • If after the throw there are unbroken pins, then this situation is called an "open frame".
  4. 4 The principles of bowling. One batch consists of 10 frames. Each frame consists of two player throws. The player's goal is to knock down as many pins per frame (ideally all pins).
    • The bowler can throw the ball twice per frame, unless he gets a strike.
  5. 5 Scoring principles. If the frame remains open, then the sum of points will be equal to the number of pins knocked down in this frame. For example, if after two throws 6 pins are knocked down, the player will receive 6 points. However, if the bowler hits a spar or strike, the rules become a little more complicated.
    • If the bowler has spared, he must draw a “/” on the score sheet. On the next throw, he will receive 10 points plus the points for the pins he knocked down on that throw. That is, if after the first throw 3 pins are knocked down, then before the next throw the player will receive 13 points. If after that he knocks down 2 pins, then in total the player will receive 15 points.
    • If the bowler has struck, he must draw an “X” on his piece of paper. The striker scores 10 points plus points for the bowling pins on the next two throws.
    • The maximum number of points that a bowler can score is 300. These are points awarded for 12 strikes in a row, or 120 pins that were knocked down in 12 frames. The ideal game has 12 strikes, not 10, since the bowler who struck in the last frame could make two more throws. If with these two throws the player knocks out strikes, then he will receive 300 points.
      • If in the last frame the player knocks out a spare, then he can make another throw.

Part 2 of 5: Preparing for Bowling

  1. 1 Find a bowling alley. Search the internet for your local bowling alley. Or try to find a place that offers bowling lessons or has a bowling league for beginners.
    • If you want to go bowling with friends, find a place with a fun environment and the opportunity to buy food or snacks.
  2. 2 Visit the bowling club of your choice. Talk to players and staff and see if you can join the game. Or go bowling with friends. If you are going to join a game, make sure it is not too aggressive. Perhaps you will make new friends at the bowling alley.
  3. 3 Get some bowling shoes. If you are a beginner, you can rent shoes directly from the bowling alley. If you want to improve your game, get your own bowling shoes. Ordinary shoes are not suitable for bowling because you will not be able to slide on the floor or will slip too much, which can lead to injury.
    • If you do not wear bowling shoes, you can damage the track, such as scratching it. Rent your shoes if you don't want to run into problems even before the start of the game.
    • Don't forget to wear socks or bring them with you to the bowling alley. Some bowling alleys sell socks, but they are very expensive there.
  4. 4 Choose a suitable ball. Before starting the game, find a ball that is suitable for you in weight and size (for your fingers). The weight of the ball is indicated on the surface of the ball, for example, a ball with the number “8” weighs 8 lbs (3.63 kg). Here's how to find the right ball for your weight and size:
    • Weight. A 14-16 lb (6.35 - 7.23 kg) ball will fit most men, while a 10-14 lb (4.54 - 6.35 kg) ball will fit most women. It is recommended to use a heavier ball to help you throw correctly. As a general rule, the ball should weigh 10% of your body weight, so if you weigh 70 kg, you should play with a 7 kg ball.
    • The size of the thumb hole. Your thumb should be snug in the corresponding hole. You should be able to pull it out of the hole with ease, but the hole should not be so large that you have to squeeze your finger to hold the ball.
    • The size of the holes for the index and middle fingers. With your thumb in the corresponding hole, insert your middle and index fingers into the other two holes. If the distance between the holes is selected correctly, both fingers should easily and comfortably enter them so that the second phalanx is in line with the edge of the hole closest to the thumb. Bend your fingers in the holes so that they fit snugly in them (similar to your thumb).
  5. 5 Find a bowling alley. By registering at the bowling club and wearing special shoes, you will be shown your lane. If you are allowed to choose a track, choose one that is located away from loud or noisy companies. But that is up to you - you may be better at playing around other bowlers.

Part 3 of 5: Getting Started

  1. 1 Grab the ball correctly and head to a position in front of the bowling lane. Insert your middle and index fingers into the top two holes and your thumb into the bottom.
    • Hold the ball slightly to the side, with the hand holding the ball underneath and the other hand supporting the ball from below.
    • If you are right-handed, keep your thumb in the hole 30 ° to the left, if you are right-handed, 30 ° to the right.
  2. 2 Approach the foul line. It is recommended to approach as follows: tilt your back slightly forward, direct your shoulders to the target, bend your knees slightly. Straighten your arm with the ball and lower it down (to the side of your body).
    • Spread your legs slightly. Extend your glide foot forward. The sliding foot is on the other side of the torso from the throwing arm (i.e. a right-handed bowler will slide with his left foot).
  3. 3 Take aim. The bowling lane has a chain of dots (at a distance of 2.13 m) and black arrows (at a distance of 4.27 m). If you are new to bowling, aim to roll the ball into the center of these marks. With more experience, you will be able to aim at the side marks and throw swirling balls.
    • Even if you aim for the center of the marks, you can miss and not hit the pins as the ball can slow down or slide into the chute. So remember where the ball is rolling and change your aiming style accordingly.
    • Aim for the marks, not the pins.
  4. 4 Take a throw. Run in a straight line so that the position of the ball and hand remains approximately the same - under the ball and behind it during the swing. Smoothly move your hand with the ball back and then forward to release the ball. Release the ball when the hand reaches the maximum possible height.
    • When thrown correctly, the thumb comes out of the ball first. This is the only way to give the ball the required speed.
    • When releasing the ball, look at the target.If you look at your feet or at the ball, you will lose your balance and will not be able to throw correctly.
  5. 5 After throwing, dry your hands. Make sure your hands are completely dry before grabbing the ball for the next throw. Use a towel to dry your hands, or if you don't have one, dry your hands on your clothing. The ball can slip out of your hands if they are sweaty.
    • You can also use rosin, which can be purchased from most professional bowling shops. It will make your fingers a little more sticky and less slippery.
  6. 6 Count the points throughout the game. Most bowling alleys have computers near the lounges that will allow you to keep track of your goggles. If the bowling club does not have computers, you will be given a score sheet. Points should be written like this:
    • The box in the upper left of each frame is for recording the first ball shot, and the box on the right is for recording the second ball throw or strike mark. A strike is marked with an "X" and a spar with a "/".
  7. 7 Shoot when the distance between you and the foul line is about 15 cm. This means that the ball will travel some distance over the foul line before it comes into contact with the floor. This way, the ball will retain enough energy to hit the pins. If you shoot too far from the foul line, just move closer to it the next time you shoot.
    • Remember that a strike is 10 points plus two throws, and a spar is 10 points plus one throw. If you hit with the first ball of frame 10, you can throw two more balls to determine the final score. 300 points is the maximum number that can be earned.

Part 4 of 5: Improving Your Game Skills

  1. 1 Watch bowling on TV. Observe carefully how the pros play and what tricks they use. Or watch videos of the game of professional bowlers on the Internet.
    • At home, try repeating the poses of professional bowlers. Just remember that they are professionals and that your bowling technique will be much easier.
  2. 2 Ask for advice. If you would like to develop your bowling skills, ask more experienced bowlers or coaches for help. It is helpful to have an outside observer to watch your play and make critical comments.
  3. 3 Join a bowling league. This is a great way to exercise regularly and make new friends.

Part 5 of 5: Bowling Etiquette

Like any other game, bowling is designed to please people. As you read the etiquette rules outlined here, remember that they were designed to play smoothly and without hassle.

  1. 1 A bowling alley may have its own rules - read them carefully and follow them.
  2. 2 Go out on the track only in special shoes.
  3. 3 Do not throw until the pin setter is finished.
  4. 4 Allow the player on the adjacent lane to throw first if you come to the lanes at the same time. Remember that the player who goes first to the lane is the first to throw.
  5. 5 Do not step on or overstep the foul line, even in a frivolous (comic) game. Bowling is a sport, so play fair.
  6. 6 Do not toss the ball up or throw it over the track with excessive force to avoid damaging the parquet floor.
  7. 7 Do not go to the adjacent track - play on your track.
  8. 8 Always ask permission to use someone else's ball.
  9. 9 Do not distract other players when they are shooting. Don't use swear words.
  10. 10 Be ready when it's your turn to shoot.
  11. 11 Keep score accurately. Most bowling alleys now have automated scoring systems.


  • Look at the target as you prepare to shoot.
  • If you finish the swing so that the arm is turned as if for a handshake, this will spin the ball.
  • Bend your knees slightly as you take a run. This will help you spin the ball and send it in a straight line.
  • To make a strike, the ball must go into the “pocket” (the space between balls 1 and 3); to knock down individual pins, throw the ball in a straight line (no twisting).
  • The ball, drilled by a specialist, will allow you to avoid sprains and make correct throws.
  • The correct approach to the foul line is extremely important. Beginning the approach, hold the ball with both hands at waist level, and place your left foot on the mark. If you are right-handed, step with your right foot and lower the ball at the same time. Take the next step and start moving your hand with the ball back. In the third step, the ball should be laid back as much as possible. In the final fourth step, the left foot should be located at a distance of 8-25 cm from the foul line - at this moment, throw your hand forward and release the ball, looking at the target (marks on the track).
  • To spin the ball to the left, swing your arm slightly to the left when throwing.


  • To avoid injury, continue swinging after releasing the ball.
  • Do not loosen your grip on the ball; otherwise, you can release it.
  • Do not pull your shoulder back too much so as not to injure it.

What do you need

  • Bowling ball
  • Bowling shoes
  • Towel
  • Baby powder (anti-slip)
  • Rosin (for sliding)
  • Alcohol (to rinse the oil off the ball)

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