How to ignore haters

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


We all have moments when we finally lose our temper, there are those people trying to piss us off, turning us off and trying their best to change us. Tired of it? Read on!


  1. 1 Make sure the person (s) really hates you. They just might be worried about themselves.
  2. 2 If you know one of the reasons why they hate you, don't try to become who you are not, it will definitely give the bully more advantage.
  3. 3 Tell someone. Trust the adults, you don't have to rely on friends, but it's better than having to deal with it yourself. Even telling the animals helps!
  4. 4 Ignore them. When they oppress you, go and find something to do with yourself. When they insult you, leave quietly.
  5. 5 Don't show them how they affect you. Haters are bullies, and if you cry, respond in kind, or yell, they'll think they've won. Never let them think that way. Don't let them control you.
  6. 6 While ignoring is usually the best way, sometimes you may have to fend for yourself. Tell them to leave, stop doing everything they do, like insulting you.


  • 95% of the time, a hater hates because he is jealous of you or simply has nothing to do.
  • Just move on and don't worry about their lives.
  • Just think about your future and how it will affect it. Are you really worried about an opinion that won't affect your life anyway? No worries.
  • Rely on your friends. If it is them who hate you, then they will never be your friends. Find people who will stick with you no matter what.
  • Talk to friends who are for you. Make sure they support you even if the hatred gets serious.
  • People who find fault with other people are full of self-loathing.To ignore the haters, take a step back and look at yourself. You can point your finger at someone, but always three fingers are pointing at you.
  • Show the people who are instigating what you are made of. If you show them that they were angry for the wrong reasons, they will leave you alone.


  • Don't spread rumors about haters. It just makes you just like them. Don't stoop to their level.

* Don't worry and move on. People like these are stingy little rascals and have no respect for others and for themselves.

  • Don't get into a fight. You will only create a problem for yourself, unless it is for self-defense, which is the last thing.
  • Telling a teacher can sometimes lead to trouble. Tell the right teacher.