How to walk with God

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 24 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Walk With God: Part 1 (With Greg Laurie)
Video: How To Walk With God: Part 1 (With Greg Laurie)


Walking with God means going through your life in unity and faith with Him. For the most part, His focus and leadership will keep you on track.


Method 1 of 3: Understanding the Concept

  1. 1 Think about walking with someone physically. To understand what it means to walk with God on a spiritual level, imagine that it literally means walking with a friend or relative. What do you expect from this person, how do you speak and behave?
    • When you are walking with someone, they are walking in the same direction. You move at one pace and no one is left behind the other. You talk to each other and your attention is focused on each other. In short, there is a shared sense of harmony, unity and trust between you.
  2. 2 Look at famous people who walked with God. Scripture contains several different examples of men and women who followed Him, but to understand what it means to walk with God, look for specific examples using this phrase "walking with God."
    • Enoch is the first person in the Bible to use the phrase walk with God, and he is perhaps the most common example to illustrate the concept. According to the Scriptures, "And Enoch walked before God for three hundred years and bore sons and daughters. All the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, because God took him" (Genesis 5: 22- 24).
    • The essence of this passage is that Enoch was in close communion with God throughout all the years of his life, so much so that God took him to heaven. Although this text does not imply that anyone who walks with God will be accepted into heaven without seeing death, it does suggest that walking with God can open the path of truth.

Method 2 of 3: Focus on God

  1. 1 Do not be distructed. Before focusing on God, you need to let go of all worldly things that distract you from your relationship with God. These may not be "sins" per se, but they include whatever you deliberately or subconsciously place above God.
    • Think again that he wants to go with a friend. If your friend spends all the time on his mobile, and not talking to you, the walk will not be very pleasant, and you will not actually walk "together" on a meaningful level. Likewise, what distracts you instead of focusing on God can prevent you from truly walking with God.
    • Sins being committed are significant distractions, but even they are not the only ones that affect our oneness with God. And useful things can become harmful and distracting if you're not careful. For example, working hard and making money to support a family is good. If you have become obsessed with work and money, neglecting family and your relationship with God, you have allowed yourself to be relegated to second place.
  2. 2 Read Scripture. Christianity considers the Bible to be the word of God. It will not give you specific instructions regarding the direction of life, but it will give you a good picture of what God wants for and from humanity.
    • Since God will never allow anyone to do anything that is contrary to Scripture, having a complete understanding of what the Bible says, we can avoid harmful oversights.
  3. 3 Pray. Prayer allows believers to remain in close, personal connection with God. Thanksgiving prayers, praises and supplications should take their rightful place. What matters is not how you pray, but what is in your heart.
    • Think again about how you behave when walking with a friend. You can sometimes walk in silence, but more often, you talk, laugh, and cry together. Prayer is what allows the believer to speak, laugh and cry with God.
  4. 4 Meditate. Meditation is a complex concept, but in essence it allows you to spend time in God's presence and ponder God's affairs.
    • Modern meditation usually includes deep breathing exercises, mantras, and exercises to clear the mind. While these methods on their own do not quite reflect the same meaning as spiritual meditation, many believers still believe that it is a good way to clear the mind of distraction in order to devote oneself completely to God.
    • If standard meditation practices don't affect you, just do your best to get away from worldly distractions and spend time thinking about God.Listen to music, take a walk in the nearby park, and so on.
  5. 5 Pay attention to providence. While God may seem, at times, distant or silent, there are also times when He can interrupt the normal flow of things and change the way of a person in a significant way. These signs of providence can be subtle at times, so you need to keep your eyes and heart open to discern them.
    • Consider the story of Isaac and Rebekah. The servant of Abraham went to look for a bride among his relatives in his homeland. God led the slave Abraham to the well, and while the slave is praying for the choice of the right girl, Rebekah comes and offers him and his camels a drink - a sign is chosen. The meeting was too important to be just a coincidence. Instead, providence brought Rebekah to the well at the right time and only helped her to do the right things. (Genesis 24: 15-20)

Method 3 of 3: Follow God's Guidance

  1. 1 Analyze your actions. See how you've lived your life. Ask yourself what moments in your life did you follow God and when did you go astray.
    • Take time to sit down and think about the walk that has been taken so far. Think of times in your life when you felt "in harmony" with God. In these you probably walked with God. Now think about a time when you felt lost, pointless, or far from God. Ask yourself what you did that alienated God, even if those things were as simple as deviating from prayer, church, or meditation. These may have been days when you stopped or turned the wrong way while walking.
    • Seek to model the behavior of a time when you walked with God in the past, and actively try to avoid behavior that previously misled you.
  2. 2 Obey God's laws. To walk with God, you need to keep pace with Him. To keep up with Him, you need to model your actions and follow the laws of God.
    • Part of this process means obeying God's commandments regarding moral conduct. While they are considered limiting by some, they are ultimately intended to keep humanity safe and spiritually connected to God.
    • Another important aspect is the following God's commandments - to love, love God, love your neighbors, and even love yourself. God has shown and continues to show to this day a model of a life filled with love.
  3. 3 Seek help from the Holy Spirit. While some of the steps may be Scripture and church tradition, others that relate to walking with God are more personal. To take these steps, you need to pray to God and ask for an understanding of what they are.
    • Children are not afraid of dangerous and winding paths because they rely on guardians. They think they know the answers to all the questions, but inevitably comes the understanding that they should have listened to the instructions of their parents, grandparents, etc., instead of constantly getting into trouble and danger.
    • Likewise, believers rely on the Holy Spirit to guide them on the right path.
  4. 4 Be patient. An answer to a prayer or a solution to a difficult circumstance cannot come as quickly as you want. In order to walk with God, it is sometimes necessary to slow down your own pace.
    • Ultimately, God will help you find the place you are supposed to come to. You could walk in a hurry, but if you want to walk with God, you need to believe that God's chosen time of arrival is better.
  5. 5 Walk with others along the same path. You can, of course, have loved ones outside of faith, but it is important to communicate with those who share your devotion to God. These people can be your support here on Earth, and you can support them in return.
    • Other believers will also help you keep your commitment to God.
    • Remember that God often uses other people to guide your actions.
  6. 6 Keep walking. No matter how many times you stumble, you need to dust off and keep walking. God will not back down. Even if you temporarily lost sight of the road, you need to keep going.