How to flirt with a guy through messages

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to flirt over text with Examples
Video: How to flirt over text with Examples


Text messages are a great way to flirt. You can flirt through messages with a new acquaintance, with a guy with whom you have already met for a while, and even with a regular partner for a little fun. Messages also allow you to keep in touch, find common interests and communicate with a guy before taking the next step.


Method 1 of 3: How to start a conversation and flirt

  1. 1 Start a conversation. If you are trying to flirt with a guy you are not in a relationship with, start a romantic conversation first. So the guy will understand your intentions, and if he shows a reciprocal interest, then continue in the same spirit.
    • For example, the message "I dreamed about you today!" will be a skillful start to flirting. This will show that you had an unusual dream about a guy, and if he keeps up the conversation, then you can move on to more flirty remarks.
    • If he ignores the subtext, then you will understand that the guy is not interested in the relationship.
  2. 2 Send a flirty compliment. Everyone loves being nice to say about themselves, so a compliment is a great way to flirt. When flirting in messages, use flirtatious lines to keep things going.
    • For example, if you are going on a date with a guy from the basketball team, you can write: "Today, after you came in, it got hot in the gym!"
    • Be original and specific. It is not necessary to emphasize the appearance, but it can be said more clearly. For example, instead of "You are cute" write "You have a beautiful smile."
  3. 3 Send messages at night. Naturally, it is better not to text a guy at 2 a.m. if you are not sure that he is awake. Nightly messages are more intimate and encourage flirting.
    • It is easier for a person to relax at night. Wait until dark and then send your message.
    • You can write: "I have already settled comfortably under the covers. And what are you doing?"
  4. 4 Be yourself. In messages, sometimes you want to seem silly, offended, open to talking about sex, even if you are a different person in life. You don't need to do this, especially if you don't know much, as the guy will get the wrong impression.
    • For example, you don't need to use a million exclamation marks to express liveliness if you are reserved enough in life.
  5. 5 Show your fun side. You don't need to portray someone you are not, but you can show that you know how to have fun and enjoy life. Messages boil down to short, funny replies, so keep your guy interested in your good mood.
    • For example, tonight you are at home, lying in your pajamas. Instead, tell your boyfriend how you had fun the night before: "We had a great walk with your friends yesterday. It's a shame you weren't around."
  6. 6 Don't be afraid to tease. It will help you bond if the guy has a sense of humor. So, you can tease a guy for a mistake in one of the messages, which was the result of a very funny automatic correction.
    • For example, if a guy sent the message "You have a very sexy boss", meaning "neck", then tease him with that.Write: "Ha, I have a sexy chef? I will definitely tell her. "
  7. 7 Give him a cute nickname. It may sound strange, but it will tell the guy that you like him. Choose a nickname that is masculine or artsy and harmless. Either way, use it in your messages to hint your boyfriend about your feelings.
    • For example, a manly nickname would be "Strongman" or "Thor".
    • For a cute nickname, you can choose "sweet" or "baby".
  8. 8 Don't let the guy get bored. Sending the same message around the same time every day can get bored. Do not follow a template, send messages at different times, or change the text of the message.
    • For example, the friendly "Good morning sweetheart!" Is a good way to say hello in the morning, but you don't need to send this message every day.
    • Make changes to it like "Wake up, sleepyhead!" or "I'd rather see you in pairs!"
  9. 9 Show the guy that he is on your mind. If something reminds you of a guy, then take a photo of this item. Submit a photo and indicate that you remembered it after seeing this item. The guy will surely smile.
    • Send pictures that will interest him, and also use your common jokes.
    • Do not post pictures on serious topics (such as wedding rings, wedding cake).
  10. 10 Keep the conversation going. When texting with a guy, keep your part of the conversation going. Simple, monosyllabic answers won't get you far. Complement what you write, ask questions, or suggest new topics if the old one has exhausted itself.
    • For example, if a guy asks, "Do you like movies?", Then don't just answer "Yes." The answer should contain clues for further conversation: "I love, especially films with handsome men like you! What session will we go to?"
    • Also ask clarifying questions about the guy: "What is your favorite dish?"
  11. 11 Take your time with sexual overtones. Sometimes you just feel like writing something sexy, but it's better to wait a bit. It is best not to write sexual messages prior to the start of a relationship between you.
    • It's enough to just flirt (for example, notice that you like his eyes).
    • It is better not to write too sexual messages about genitals and trying to start a conversation about sex. Of course, it's always up to you to decide, but such messages can take the guy by surprise.
  12. 12 Do not send photos. It is best not to post sexy photos even if you are in a relationship. By sending such a photo, you cannot undo this action. You can't be sure the guy won't publish them.
    • Use flirty photos like blowing a kiss, but don't send anything that your grandmother would not approve of when she saw it on the Internet (as this is a very possible development of events).

Method 2 of 3: What to Write Before and After Dating

  1. 1 Feel the soil. If you want to ask a guy out on a date, start by probing the ground. Are you embarrassed to invite directly? Use a workaround. For example, talk about your weekend plans and see if he's hooked.
    • Write: "What are your plans for the weekend? I would go to the movies. Would you?"
    • Talking about your plans, you invite him to participate in them.
  2. 2 Invite a guy. If you want a more direct route, just ask your guy out on a date via text message. Write a little lightly to leave a retreat in case he's not in the mood for dating.
    • Write, "It's been a tough week. I would have fun on the weekend. Any suggestions?"
    • You could say even more bluntly: "I would go somewhere. Would you like to go to a cafe on the weekend?"
  3. 3 Start preparing early. Messages can help build anticipation, so write him a day before or on the day of your date. Just tell me how excited you are or how much you look forward to seeing you.
    • For example, write a simple message: "I can't wait for the evening!".
    • Add a little flirtation and use a compliment: "I want to see you as soon as possible, hopefully in those tight jeans that you usually wear."
  4. 4 Write after the date. If the meeting went well, then tell us about it in the message. Of course, the call will mean even more, but if you cannot call the next day, then the message will also cheer up the guy.
    • Suffice it to say: "Yesterday everything went just fine!"
    • You can also add a little specifics: "I'm glad we went to this sushi bar. Everything was very tasty! I felt very good with you."

Method 3 of 3: Do's and Don'ts

  1. 1 Messages should be short and sweet. Today, there are no longer any restrictions on the number of characters in messages, but it is still better not to write too much. Long messages are confusing and the other person will simply not understand the main point of your message.
    • In other words, don't write a whole poem for a guy.
    • If the interlocutor does not mind, then use abbreviations like DR (birthday) or SPS (thanks).
    • At the same time, try not to overload the conversation with abbreviations, especially incomprehensible ones. Some people just don't like this style or emoji.
  2. 2 Watch the tone of your messages. It is difficult to convey sarcasm in a message, especially in a conversation with an unfamiliar person. Flirt without sarcasm, at least until you get to know each other better and learn how to correctly interpret the mood of the text.
  3. 3 Don't wait too long. Sometimes girls want to play games with the guy they like and make him wait for an answer. This is a kind of power struggle. As for the messages, if you do not reply at least the next day, the guy will think that he is not very interesting to you.
    • So, if you like the guy, then answer him quickly enough.
    • In some cases, even an hour can feel like an eternity.
  4. 4 Don't send too many messages. Two dozen messages a day is too many, especially if the guy does not answer every one of them. It is best not to send more than 3-5 messages per day. In between messages, he may even miss you.
    • Also, don't write anything like “Did you get my message?” So the guy doesn't think you're desperate. If a guy doesn't answer, then he might just be busy.
  5. 5 Do not write after drinking alcohol. A drunk person can write something that he later regrets. Flirting can go over the edge, or the guy will be alerted by an inaccurately used word. It's not easy, but try to hold back in situations like this.
  6. 6 Don't look for a secret meaning in everything. If you see the subtext everywhere, then the messages can turn into a nightmare. They contain enough text for analysis, but not enough information for a complete picture. If you tend to read between the lines, then it's best not to read every message. Sometimes a “hello” without an exclamation mark is just a greeting, not an attempt to kick you off.
  7. 7 Reread messages before sending. Sometimes automatic fixes can be a disservice. Reread messages for errors so that you don't get questions like "What, what?" From your guy.
    • The grammar of messages doesn't have to be perfect, but literacy hasn't hurt anyone yet. Some people may be offended by mistakes in the text, while correct spelling and punctuation will not quarrel with anyone.


  • Show respect if the guy isn't showing interest. Don't flirt with people who aren't interested in you.
  • When dating, try to communicate with your boyfriend in much the same way as you did in messages.