How to effectively boost your teen's self-esteem

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix | Tasha Eurich | TEDxMileHigh
Video: Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix | Tasha Eurich | TEDxMileHigh


Being a teenager is not easy. Sometimes it seems that the whole world is against you, and all the people around you are better than you can ever become. But with a little effort, you can increase your self-esteem, which will enable you to succeed in the future.


Method 1 of 3: Create a Pride

  1. 1 Focus on experience, not appearance. Self-esteem should not be based on appearance alone. Our external data change quickly and many things can negatively affect them, and the canons of beauty are too changeable. Find a more stable reason for pride: your experience and achievements that cannot be taken away from you.
  2. 2 Provide opportunities for your accomplishments. Do things that you will be proud of. This rule is objective for any age. If you see someone who you think is doing things that you want to repeat, do so. There are many things to do in the world, so choose what you think is worthwhile and important. This will best boost your self-esteem.
    • Learn to play a musical instrument. Pick an instrument you've always wanted to learn to play. This will give you the confidence that you have been able to achieve something, as well as a sense of happiness. Yes, it takes time and effort, but music lessons are easy to find at development centers, schools or private tutors.
    • Travel. Travel and see what is interesting to you. Travel doesn't have to be expensive. You can save money by staying in hostels, traveling on trains, or tracking discounts on plane flights. Beautiful places are nearby and can be explored for free. Traveling will give you confidence, as well as many wonderful experiences to share with your friends.
    • Study art or exercise. Which of these you do will mainly depend on whether you are interested in physical or mental development. Both, however, will take a long time. You can take lessons, but you will learn best if you either practice on your own or if you practice with other people. Taking an art or sports activity can help you learn to communicate freely and meet new people. Since, it is much more interesting to engage in such activities with others than yourself.
    • Whenever possible, try to be successful in your studies. Get top grades, take college courses, and do your best in extracurricular activities. This will not only make you feel more confident, but it will also help you later in life.You will have more opportunities to make money in life and you will have the opportunity to get a job that will satisfy you, if you try hard and go on to study after school.
  3. 3 Take responsibility. Taking responsibility is a great way to boost your self-esteem and self-confidence. By doing the important things, you will not only convince yourself that you can handle a lot, but you will also receive proof that you can positively influence the world.
    • Find a job. This will not only give you money to pay for your studies and spend on whatever you want. But it will also give you something to be proud of. Try to find a job where you can help others. For example, a caretaker at a nursing home or packing gifts. It will be pleasant for you to think about what you are doing.
    • Volunteer. Volunteering is a great opportunity to build self-esteem. You will be doing meaningful things for others, and while volunteering, you can improve your personal skills. You can work at a local charity canteen, help stray animals, or start your own volunteer group to work on issues that matter to you.
    • Help or mentor other students. Use your life experiences to help other teens and young students. This will help you build up your self-esteem. You can volunteer at your school or at schools for troubled teens. This will help you help the people who need it the most.

Method 2 of 3: Develop personality

  1. 1 Don't live to please others. Your life is just your life. You should live your life and do the things that make you happy and not anyone else. The expression that you cannot please everyone is absolutely correct. So don't try to please everyone at the same time. The best thing you can do is make yourself happy and try to live the way you see fit.
    • Most importantly, you can develop self-esteem when you stop trying to please “popular” people and start living for yourself. If making yourself happy means being friends with many people for you, then do things that will make people be friends with you. Namely: do good deeds and be a wonderful person. Don't try to make friends by wearing the right clothes or getting into trouble. People who spend time with you just because of this are not really your friends and in the end it will only hurt you in the future.
  2. 2 Develop a sense of style. Be yourself, don't be anyone else. Instead of blindly following fashion and pulling on things from popular manufacturers, develop your own unique style. It will set you apart from the crowd and give you confidence - you will be unique and unrepeatable. Make sure you express yourself through this style.
    • You can draw inspiration from styles such as 1920s-40s fashion, 1980s punk, Japanese street fashion, or early 1990s grunge. Any style or image that tells you "this is great"!
  3. 3 Explore your addictions. Understand who you are and what makes you happy by researching things that are important or interesting to you. Do you think parkour is cool? Do it! Have you always wanted to learn how to dance? Do it! The only one who prevents you from doing what you want is yourself.
    • Many schools have clubs that give you the opportunity to try a new sport, game or art. Often, colleges or higher education institutions have classes where teenagers can participate. Sometimes just like that, sometimes for a symbolic payment.
  4. 4 Find people who understand you. The best way to overcome the hardships of life is with good friends. Good friends will remind you of what a fun and wonderful person you really are. To boost your self-esteem - find friends who understand you and love you for who you are.
    • Good friends should have similar goals in life. This will help you understand each other better, and you will be able to motivate each other for new achievements. It's okay if your friends don't like everything that you love. Being different is right and it will allow you to be open (s) to new opportunities.
    • Don't be friends with people who drag you down. Everyone who makes your life worse is not really your friend. If they make you think bad about yourself, want you to do bad things, then you shouldn't be friends with such people. Friends should show the best in you, not the worst!
  5. 5 Learn to be assertive. Don't let people push you around. Do not give in to the desires of those around you. It is good that you are trying to make people happy, it is good that you are not self-centered, but you need to be able to focus on yourself and be yourself. Being assertive, protecting what is important to you will add confidence and self-esteem to you.
    • If you are talking to friends or classmates, do not be afraid to express your opinion. Ask for the things you need. Say no when necessary. And most importantly, you don't feel guilty when you do these things!
  6. 6 Take care of your personal hygiene. One thing you need to do to build your self-esteem is to practice your personal hygiene. By maintaining personal hygiene, you will learn to take care of yourself. To take care of yourself, you need to maintain good personal hygiene. Wash your hair and skin regularly. Brush your teeth and comb your hair. Use deodorant. Wash your hands. This will allow you to be more confident in your body.
    • If your family is having a difficult time and does not have the money to buy personal care items, there are many other opportunities, for example, to get them from charities. If such organizations do not provide personal hygiene items, then they can tell you where to go.
  7. 7 Wear clean, tidy clothing. Take care of your clothes. Wash it when it's dirty, fold it gently so it doesn't wrinkle. Do not wear torn or perforated clothing. Try to remove stains from clothes, if they cannot be removed - get rid of such clothes. Wear clothes that are the right size for you, not too tight or baggy.
    • If you have trouble getting new clothes, you can get clothes for free at church or various charity centers. Second-hand second-hand shops sell clothes at a price much lower than regular stores. If you are worried that all you can find is old-fashioned clothes, then look for "second hand" in big cities and in nice areas of cities. This will increase your chances of finding clothes that are practically new and definitely good ones to wear for many years.

Get enough sleep. The teenage years are formative years and many teenagers suffer from sleep deficit. You may think it's good to save money on sleep, but this practice actually has a major impact on your health. Scientists have found that poor or insufficient sleep is accompanied by a decrease in optimism and self-esteem. So, if you want to easily increase your self-esteem, try to sleep at least 7 - 8 hours a day.

  1. 1 Go in for sports. Playing sports is the most important part of feeling good about yourself “in your body”. Being overweight or simply being in poor physical shape can make you feel awkward, choking, or just plain unattractive. Sport will help you feel more energized and healthier.
    • Anything that speeds up your heart rate by at least 10 minutes is exercise. Do a run, push-ups, swing your abs, or do squats. Anything that suits you is perfect, just be consistent and don't give up!
  2. 2 Eat healthy foods. Eating a healthy diet, like exercising, will make you feel better.Eating large amounts of unhealthy food can make you feel weak and sick. Eating healthily will give you more energy and you will feel happier. Feeling better will make it easier for you to feel confident.

Method 3 of 3: Remove the negativity

  1. 1 Avoid negative people. Don't spend time with someone who is negative all the time. Because of this, you will think badly about yourself and the world around you. And you don't want that! Instead, spend time with people who understand that sometimes life is difficult or that sometimes people make mistakes, but life is still great, and we should be grateful for what we have, and not reach for standards that cannot be achieved.
    • If you have a close friend or girlfriend who behaves this way, try to help him or her change. If he or she continues to behave this way, try to spend less time with him or her. It is hard to be near a negative person, such people are unhappy and will not help you in a positive attitude towards yourself and in your life.
    • If you understand that you are behaving this way, stop. You don't want to be that kind of person. If there are bad, negative things in your life, change them. Don't complain and concentrate on the bad things ... make the bad things good.
  2. 2 Concentrate on achievements, not failures. Don't spend time regretting what you did wrong or what you have failed in. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Focus on the things you are good at. Remember all the good things you've done. It will help you remember that you are doing the right thing and can achieve a lot if you really try to do it.
    • Make a list of the things you are most proud of. Hang it on your bedroom wall and look at it every day. This will motivate you to do good things and make your list longer and longer. Check if you can make the list floor-length and taller than you!
  3. 3 Forget being perfect. They say, "no one is perfect" and - this is the absolute truth. Nobody is perfect. There is no ideal. This means you need to stop trying to be perfect. Trying to be perfect (oh) you will only disappoint yourself. This is correct if you are trying to achieve more, but you should not achieve it at such a cost. Instead, analyze the situation and try to think about the next step. Try to achieve it. Sometimes you can surprise yourself and do better than you could possibly imagine.
  4. 4 Engage in auto-training. Tell yourself every day that you are a good person. That you have something to offer the world. That you can do what others cannot. That you can handle all life's challenges. That you can be better and happier. You will love those around you and you will love yourself. All of these things are true if you let them be true. You just have to put in the effort. Remind yourself every day that these things are real, and you will feel more confident and trust in your capabilities.
    • Sometimes it may seem to you that these tips are wrong and will definitely not help you. If it seems to you that you have nothing unique that makes you stand out from the environment, it only means that you have not found it yet. If you do not consider yourself a good person, find an opportunity to become one. Sometimes it takes effort to change traits that you don't like, but if you try, you will eventually find that you have become a person who “makes himself happy”.